Trial of Counsellor Muir, of Hunter...
Trial of Counsellor Muir, of Huntershill : in the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on Friday,...
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10 results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Showing 1 - 10 out of 10 grouped results
Trial of Counsellor Muir, of Hunter...
Trial of Counsellor Muir, of Huntershill : in the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on Friday,...
The defence of Joseph Gerrald on a...
The defence of Joseph Gerrald on a charge of sedition before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinbur...
The Trial of Thomas Hunter, Peter H...
The Trial of Thomas Hunter, Peter Hacket, Richard M'Neil, James Gibb, and William M'Lean, the Glasgo...
An account of the trial of Thomas M...
An account of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. younger, of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justi...
An account of the trial of Thomas M...
An account of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. younger, of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justi...
Report of the trial of Thomas Hunte...
Report of the trial of Thomas Hunter, Peter Hacket, Richard M'Neil, James Gibb and William M'Lean, o...
The trial of Maurice Margarot : bef...
The trial of Maurice Margarot : before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 13th and 1...
The trial of Joseph Gerrald, delega...
The trial of Joseph Gerrald, delegate from the London Corresponding Society to the British Conventio...
The trial of William Skirving, secr...
The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justici...
The life of Thomas Muir, Esq., advo...
The life of Thomas Muir, Esq., advocate : ... member of the Convention of Delegates for Reform in Sc...