Raymond Terrace Pig Depot: sows & young pigs
Pigs: black sow
Pigs. Tan sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Raymond Terrace Pig Depot: groups of sows
Raymond Terrace pig farm: breeding sow and litter
Taree Soldiers Settlement Piggery: sow & young pigs
Pigs. Tan sow
Pigs: black sow
Liverpool State Hospital - a type of breeding sow
White sow, Newington Asylum
Sow with litter, Pitt Town Farm
Taree Soldiers Settlement: Piggery: pen of sows
Sow with litter in lucerne: Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: tan sow
Pigs. Tan sow
Poland China sow, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Pigs: tan sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: tan sow
Sow with litter in lucerne: Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Pigs: tan sow
Pigs: tan sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Pigs: black sow
Tamworth sow, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Pigs: tan sow