Trolly, Draymen and Carters Union of Sydney and Suburbs, 1903 / Hall & Co
Adam's curse and labour-saving inve...
Adam's curse and labour-saving inventions : an enquiry into the labour question of the future
History of the eight hours' movemen...
History of the eight hours' movement : (Under patronage of the pioneers of the Eight Hours' System a...
Watchmen, Caretakers, Cleaners Union of N.S.W. [Eight Hour Day Demonstration, 1915]
Marble and Slate Workers Union of N.S.W., 8 Hour Day, 1905
Trolly, Draymen and Carters Union, 8 Hour Demonstration, October 6th 1902 / Hall & Co
Australian Society of Progressive Carpenters and Joiners, Sydney Branch [Eight Hour Demonstration]
Eight Hour Procession. 4th October, 1909 / With compliments from "The Star".
Fire Brigades Employees' Union of N.S.W. Eight hour demonstration, 1911