Tourist map of Tasmania
Walch's plan of the city of Hobart Town and suburbs
Plan of Hobart Town, 1829 / G.W.W. [Album view]
[Proposed extension of the City of Hobart] [cartographic material] / [Tasmania] Survey Department. [...
To the land holders of Van Diemens Land ... [Album view]
City of Hobart
Hobart Town, two allotments, site of the old gaol for sale at the Court of Requests Room, Friday 29t...
Walch's plan of the city of Hobart Town and suburbs
Plan of the city of Hobart-Town [Album view]
[Sheet of seven maps of Australia and its state capital cities] [cartographic material]. [Album view...
This map of Van Diemen's Land, is dedicated to the land holders of the colony
[Hobarton] [cartographic material] / [by J. H. Hughes] [Album view]
Tourist map of Tasmania.
Plan of Hobarton [cartographic material] / [Royal Engineers Corps] [Album view]
A map of the city of Hobart, 1927 depicting its streets, parks & chief buildings, some of its activi...
Sketch of the settlement round Hobart and the Derwent in Van Diemen's Land [cartographic material] [...
Plan of the thirty seven valuable allotments situated at the Battery Point and on the New Wharf, the...
[Map of Hobart]
Military sketch of Hobart Town, V.D. Land [cartographic material] / by Augustus Frederick Smith [Alb...
Plan of the city of Hobart Town [cartographic material] [Album view]
Sketch of the settlement round Hobart and the Derwent in Van Diemen's Land [cartographic material] [...
Plan of the city of Hobart Town compiled partly from Frankland's map, & partly from recent surveys /...
Plan of the water supply of Hobart Town and suburbs [cartographic material] / Alfred Randall. [Album...