Sea-water visible in cracks in the broken zone of the lower Denman Glacier
The Bergschrund, Lower Denman Glacier
Amongst the serac ice of the lower Denman Glacier
In serac ice of the lower Denman Glacier
Traversing the serac ice of the lower Denman Glacier
The great Bergschrund, lower Denman Glacier
Serac ice; the lower Denman Glacier
Broken zone of the lower Denman Glacier
Helping sledges along through the broken zone of the lower Denman Glacier
Serac ice of the lower Denman Glacier
In the broken zone of the lower Denman Glacier
Serac ice; the lower Denman Glacier
The end of trail track across the lower Denman Glacier
Broken zone of the lower Denman Glacier
Fractured zone of the lower Denman Glacier
The end of the trail into the broken zone of the Denman Glacier
A difficult prospect on the lower Denman Glacier
Cutting a passage across the Bergschrund zone of the lower Denman Glacier
Making a track through the fractured zone of the lower Denman Glacier
The serac ice of the lower Denman Glacier
Amongst the fractured ice of the lower Denman Glacier
Contemplating a great pressure-ice ridge along the Bergschrund of the Denman Glacier