Geological sketch map of Moolyella Tinfield, Pilbara G.F.
Geological sketch map of Station Peak (Youlingoorina) West Pilbara G.F.
Geological sketch map of Peak Hill gold field and parts of Ashburton and Gascoyne G.F.s to accompany...
Geological map of Northampton
Geological sketch map of Western Shaw, Pilbara G.F.
Geological sketch map of Mikhaburra (Holdens Find), Peak Hill G.F.
Geological sketch map of part of the Ashburton and Gascoyne goldfields
Map of Western Australia 1913 / Western Australia Dept. of Lands and Surveys ; Harry F. Johnston, Su...
Map of Western Australia 1901
Geological map of Bangemall, Gascoyne G.F.
Map of Western Australia showing the chief localities at which useful minerals occur, the boundaries...
Map of Western Australia showing the principal exploration routes between the years 1836-1903
Fremantle, 1838 [cartographic material] : Perth 1838 / compiled by John Arrowsmith [Album view]
Map of Western Australia 1901
Geological map of Soanesville asbestos deposits, Pilbara G.F.
Map of Western Australia 1908
Plan of lode outcrops at Illgarere copper leases
Geological sketch map of part of the West Pilbara goldfield
Geological sketch map of the Pilbara Goldfield
Geological sketch map of Yandicoogina, Pilbara G.F.
Railway map of Western Australia, 1909
Geological sketch map of the country between Halls Creek and the South Australian Border en route to...
Geological sketch map of Wodgina Tinfield, Pilbara G.F.
Facsimile chart of Swan River from a survey [cartographic material] / by Captn. James Stirling, R.N....
Geological sketch map of Bamboo, Pilbara G.F.
Map of Western Australia 1911