A collection of voyages round the w...
A collection of voyages round the world, performed by royal authority : containing a complete histor...
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13 results
Showing 1 - 13 out of 13 grouped results
Showing 1 - 13 out of 13 grouped results
A collection of voyages round the w...
A collection of voyages round the world, performed by royal authority : containing a complete histor...
Lettera di Andrea Corsali allo Illu...
Lettera di Andrea Corsali allo Illustrissimo Signore Duco Iuliano de Medici Venuta Dellindia del Mes...
A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Captn. James Cook in this and his two preceding v...
Maritime discovery and Christian mi...
Maritime discovery and Christian missions : considered in their mutual relations
Supplement to the World discoveries...
Supplement to the World discoveries map
Abel Jansen Tasman : a note
Abel Jansen Tasman : a note
Choix de voyages dans les quatre pa...
Choix de voyages dans les quatre parties du monde, ou, Précis des voyages les plus intéressans, pa...
Australian geography : for the use...
Australian geography : for the use of schools
Ocean Pacifique, Feuille. 3e. Carte...
Ocean Pacifique, Feuille. 3e. Carte contenant les Routes et les Reconnaissances de corvettes L'Astro...
Terra Australis incognita; or, A ne...
Terra Australis incognita; or, A new southerne discoverie
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : und...
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken by command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the...
The story of geographical discovery...
The story of geographical discovery : how the world became known
Historical account of discoveries a...
Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa : from the earliest ages to the present time...