Scots' College athletics, Rose Bay
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Showing 1 - 28 out of 28 grouped results
Scots' College athletics, Rose Bay
GPS sports?
220 yards hurdles
Geoff McNamara, hurdler, racing at E.S. Marks Field, Moore Park, Sydney
Competitor in the 120 yards hurdles, PSAAA Sports
GPS sports
Geoff McNamara, hurdler, racing at E.S. Marks Field, Moore Park, Sydney
GPS sports?
Empire Games
GPS sports
Six competitors clear the first hurdle in the 120 yards
120 yards hurdles event, Combined High School sports
Christian Brothers High School, Lewisham, sports. 110 yards hurdle
120m hurdles
Women's athletics. Marlene Mathews, Nancy Fogarty, Gwen Wallace, June 1954 / photographs by Ivan
8. Hurdler Kinnar of St. Joseph's
Beryl Henderson all-round athlete, 13 January 1938 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Empire Games [Track and Field includes Sutherland-Canada; Coleman-South Africa;], 5 February 1938
Empire Games [track and field events], 8 February 1938
Athletics at Scarborough Park
J. Landy in Australian Championships, Melbourne, 10 March 1956
Marlene Matthews / photographed by B. Rice
Marlene Matthews / photographed by B. Rice
Alsatian dogs being trained at Burwood, 23 August 1938 / photographed by Ivan Ives
J. Landy in Australian Championships, Melbourne, 10 March 1956
Marlene Matthews / photographed by B. Rice