Loading wheat onto 1934 model Ford V8 truck to be carted to the silos in Parkes - "Thurlstone", Cook...
Emptying wheat into bags from the box of a 10' Massey McKay header pulled by a Massey Wallis tractor...
Carting sheaf hay on a 3 horse lorry to be stacked in a shed for cutting into chaff for horses - "Th...
Ploughing in the windmill paddock on "Thurlstone" with Wallis tractor and 10 disc Sundercut. Tractor...
Lifting "Allen", a 4 hp hot spot engine to be used for pumping water, off the horse lorry using wire...
Harvesting wheat with a 10' Massey McKay header and a 10' Sunshine header, both pulled by Massey Wal...