Chart of the coasts and harbours of Botany-Bay, Port-Jackson and Broken-Bay, as survey'd by Capt.n J...
Chart of Port Jackson New South Wales [cartographic material] : as survey'd by Capt.n Iohn Hunter, s...
Sydney Cove, Port Jackson the position of the encampment & building's are as they stood 1st March 17...
Flats at the head of Port Jackson & channel up to Rose Hill [cartographic material] / Survey'd by Wm...
Harbours in the County of Cumberland New South Wales the harbours survey'd by Capn. Hunter, 1788, 17...
A map of the hitherto explored country contiguos to Port Jackson [cartographic material] : lain down...
Chart of the three harbours Botany-Bay Port Jackson & Broken Bay on the coast of New South Wales as...