Unidentified photograph from an album which bore John Rae's signature, 185-
[View from `Hilton', residence of John Rae, Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst]
Sydney illustrated
Sydney illustrated
John Rae, artist, between 1860-1880 / photographer J. Lyne Brown and unknown
[John Rae : group portrait]
[View from `Hilton', the residence of John Rae, Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst]
[`Hilton', Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, residence of John Rae]
[View from `Hilton', residence of John Rae, Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst]
Unidentified photograph from an album which bore John Rae's signature, 185-
[View from `Hilton', residence of John Rae, Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst]
[`Hilton', Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, residence of John Rae]
[`Hilton', Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst, residence of John Rae]
[View from `Hilton', residence of John Rae, Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst]
Farm Cove, with Buildings in Macquarie Street, 1845 / J. R.