Garden of "Tinapagee" - Wanaaring, NSW
School picnic - Wanaaring, NSW
Garden at "Tinapagee" - Wanaaring, NSW
Bert Gilby's camel team on "Colane" - Wanaaring, NSW
"Collane" wool being loaded on "Reo" truck for Bourke - Wanaaring, NSW
A.L. Bowden's Leyland truck and two wheeled trailer loading wool at "Ulalara" shearing shed - Wanaar...
Fancy dress ball. Photographer James Benson on extreme left is releasing the camera shutter using a...
Drying wool at Wanaaring Wool Scour. The brush fence stopped dust blowing onto the wool - Wanaaring,...
Thatched meat house at "Salisbury Downs" - Wanaaring, NSW
On the Ford truck at "Colane" - Wanaaring, NSW
Sinking artesian bore - Wanaaring, NSW
Mrs Donaghue in the kitchen. She and her husband worked for John Connell, a water boring contractor...
James Benson's water boring plant. Possibly the Osaka artesian bore - Wanaaring, NSW
A.L. Bowden's Leyland truck and two wheeled trailer loaded with "Ulalara" wool - Wanaaring, NSW
Afternoon tea at the Benson residence - Wanaaring, NSW
Tank sinking on "Colane" using camels - Wanaaring, NSW