Hurley with Cinematograph (Paget plate 1)
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33 results
Showing 1 - 33 out of 33 grouped results
Showing 1 - 33 out of 33 grouped results
Hurley with Cinematograph (Paget plate 1)
Recto (complete folio)
Recto (complete folio)
Hurley photographing under the bows of the "Endurance" (Paget plate 2)
Sir Ernest Shackleton watching a lead forming (Paget plate 3)
Cheetam signalling the Shackleton expedition (Paget plate 4)
The Bosun of the "Endurance" mending a net (Paget plate 5)
Endurance in Antarctica, 1915. Frank Hurley. Paget plate. ON 26/7 ~ The pink glow of the rising sun...
The rigging of the "Endurance" encrusted with RIME crystals (Paget plate 8)
Looking across a "lead" newly formed onto a pressure ridge (Paget plate 9)
A mid-winter glow, Weddell Sea (Paget plate 10)
Noon, mid-winters day, 1915 (Paget plate 11)
The "Endurance" under full sail, held up in the Weddell Sea (Paget plate 12)
Mid-summer 1915 (Paget plate 13)
A mid-summer sunset with the "Endurance" frozen in (Paget plate 14)
The "Endurance" frozen in 76/35 South (Paget plate 15)
The "Endurance" frozen in mid-winter 1915 (Paget plate 16)
The Deck of the "Endurance" (Paget plate 17)
Glimpse of the Ship through Hummocks (Paget plate 18)
A Sub-Antarctic sunrise. South Georgia (Paget plate 19)
Glacier, New Fortuna Bay (Paget plate 20)
New Fortuna Glacier (Paget plate 21)
West Fjord (Paget plate 22)
Face of the Neumeyer Glacier (Paget plate 23)
King Penguin Rockery (Paget plate 24)
Bay of Isles (Paget plate 25)
Headland covered with dying tussock grass (Paget plate 26)
Moraine Fjord (Paget plate 27)
The "Bulldog" Peak (Paget plate 28)
Summer vegetation, Leith Harbour (Paget plate 29)
Glacier face, South Georgia (Paget plate 30)
The impenetrable icefield which prevented us from reaching the land (Paget plate 31)
The chick of the Wanderer Albatross (Paget plate 32)
33. Dog teams scouting a way to the land across the rough sea ice. Shackleton expedition