Black Hamburgh grapes on resistant stocks, vineyards at Fairfield
The offices, Narara Viticultural Station
Narara Viticultural Station nursery, looking north
State Vineyard, Narara
Hunter Valley tour
Walter Stimpson's vineyard, Fairfield
Hunter Valley tour
Contrast between dipped or fumigated vines, dipped
L.G. Bull's homestead, vineyards at Fairfield
Main Road 512 from Heathcote
Keller Vineyard, Hunter River District
Vineyard, Castle Hill, 1927 / by Robert Johnson
Scrovich Brother's vineyard, Fairfield
Narara Viticultural Station - spraying bench grafts
Nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Nursery of bench grafts, Narara Viticultural Station
Keller Vineyard, Hunter River District
Hunter Valley tour
H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
Lindemans Sunshine Valley Vineyard, Hunter River
Vineyard from McWilliams Tower
Panorama of H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
Corner of a vineyard showing improved draining etc. Lapstone
Narara Viticultural Station nursery looking south
Inverell Orchard Soldier Settlement - men pruning in vineyard
Clinton Soldier Settlement, Inverell: picking table grapes
Narara Viticultural Station, in the nursery
Bench grafts five months old growing in nursery
A vineyard at Port Macquarie
Campbell's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Proposed mother plantation, Narara Viticultural Station
Planting in the nursery, Howlong Viticultural Station
Lindeman's Benean Vineyard, Hunter River District
H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts growing on flat
Narara Viticultural Blocks: Section of Fruit Branch Nursery
Clearing on the nursery. Narara Viticultural Station
Black muscatel budded on Du-Lot
Nursery & grafting shed, Narara Viticultural Station
A corner of the vineyard: Yanco Experimental Farm
Main Road 512 from Heathcote
Hunter Valley tour
General view of Block 3
Rows of vines showing sandy nature of soil at Foulke's vineyard
Lindeman's Benean Vineyard, Hunter River District
J.G. Bull's vineyard, vineyards at Fairfield
Lindemans Sunshine Valley Vineyard, Hunter River
Irrawang vineyard and pottery, East Australia, [a bill head], 1838 / John Carmichael
Irrigating the vineyard, Yanco Experimental Farm
Lindeman's Benean Vineyard, Hunter River District
State boys disrosting bench grafts in the nursery.
First section vineyard, W. Starr's vineyard
Campbell's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Scoop used at J.G. Bull's vineyard, vineyards at Fairfield
Black muscat grafted on Ripana Gloria
Hunter Valley tour
State Vineyard, Narara
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts, 5 months growth
Narara, bed of ungrafted Phylloxina resistant rootings
O'Shea's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Black muscatel budded on Du-Lot
H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
View of grounds, Gladesville Asylum
Bed of resistant cuttings, Mourvedre x Rupestris 1202
Narara Viticultural Station nursery looking south
Hunter Valley tour
Same variety of cuttings, neither dipped or fumigated
Narara Viticultural Station nursery, looking north
Hunter Valley tour
Hunter Valley tour
Irrigating "Sultana" vines, Yanco Vineyard, Yanco Farm
Narara Viticultural Station; nursery
Campbell's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Second section, W. Starr's vineyard
Narara Viticultural Station: bench grafts, 5 months growth
J.G. Bull's vineyard, vineyards at Fairfield
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts, vigorous growth
O'Shea's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Nursery of young grafts, general view of grafts in nursery
Campbell's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Vineyard of mother stocks
Black muscatel, 3306, grafted 10 years, W. Starr's vineyard
Hunter Valley tour
Vineyard & shed: Marnie's property, Sebastopol Road
Balkam Hills [i.e. Baulkham Hills], Residence of George Suttor. [A view] showing the first Vineyard...
View in orchard-vineyard, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
O'Shea's Vineyard, Hunter River District
Surveyor at work, Narara Viticultural Station
Chasselas-de-Jesus on Rupestris Mission
Panorama of H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
Contrast between fumigated and dipped, vines fumigated
Black muscatel budded on Du-Lot
H. Driess vineyard, Fairfield
Contrast between fumigated and dipped, vines fumigated
Bed of ungrafted Phylloxina resistant rootlings
Grape picking at Port Macquarie
Vineyard, Castle Hill, 1927 / by Robert Johnson
Vineyard, Castle Hill, 1927 / by Robert Johnson