Federation and free trade.
Federation and free trade.
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64 results
Showing 1 - 64 out of 64 grouped results
Showing 1 - 64 out of 64 grouped results
Federation and free trade.
Federation and free trade.
Australia : the light of the world
Australia : the light of the world
Souvenir of the great election of '...
Souvenir of the great election of '94, New South Wales
The Federal Bill analyzed : being a...
The Federal Bill analyzed : being an examination of the Federal Bill as amended by the secret confer...
The Federal government of Australas...
The Federal government of Australasia : speeches delivered on various occasions (November, 1889-May,...
Federation, colonial and British :...
Federation, colonial and British : being an exposition of the federal systems of Switzerland, the Un...
Federation : a lecture delivered in...
Federation : a lecture delivered in the Mechanics' Institute, Launceston, on Monday, May 20, 1895
Why federate? : a paper read before...
Why federate? : a paper read before the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
A reply to Mr S.A. Rosa's pamphlet...
A reply to Mr S.A. Rosa's pamphlet entitled "An exposure of the federal conspiracy"
An Australian appeal to the English...
An Australian appeal to the English democracy / by Bernhard Wise.
Rules and proposals of the Australa...
Rules and proposals of the Australasian Federation League, Sydney 1894.
Australian federation : a lecture d...
Australian federation : a lecture delivered by Donald Cormack, at the Town Hall, Rookwood, N.S.W., o...
Federation : imperial or democratic
Federation : imperial or democratic
Proceedings, People's Federal Conve...
Proceedings, People's Federal Convention, Bathurst, November, 1896.
Speech on the policy of the Reid mi...
Speech on the policy of the Reid ministry as opposed to federation, delivered in the Legislative Ass...
One people, one destiny : speech of...
One people, one destiny : speech of the Hon. Sir Henry Parkes, G.C.M.G., to the citizens of Sydney,...
Australian federation : notes of th...
Australian federation : notes of the views, etc., expressed at the National Convention of 1891, and...
Popular government and federation
Popular government and federation
The Reid Ministry
The Reid Ministry
Official programme of ceremonial an...
Official programme of ceremonial and entertainments commemorative of the inauguration of the Austral...
Federation of Australasia : speech...
Federation of Australasia : speech of the Hon. Jas. Service, premier of Victoria, in moving the adop...
Federation Day, 3rd June 3rd : to the working men of Hobart ; If you are in favour of Federation vot...
Australian national federation on d...
Australian national federation on democratic lines : the draft constitution of the Federal Conventio...
Federal Convention, Melbourne (fina...
Federal Convention, Melbourne (final sitting) : speeches made on 17th March, 1898, on Mr. Barton's m...
A problem of federation under the c...
A problem of federation under the crown : the representation of the crown in commonwealth and states
Speech...on introducing the Commonw...
Speech...on introducing the Commonwealth of Australia Bill 1897 for the consideration of the Legisla...
Australia confederated : a lecture...
Australia confederated : a lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Adelaide
Australian nationalism : an earnest...
Australian nationalism : an earnest appeal to the sons of Australia in favour of the federation and...
Notes on Australian federation : it...
Notes on Australian federation : its nature and probable effects : a paper presented to the Governme...
Some conditions of Australian feder...
Some conditions of Australian federation : presidential address (delivered 11th June, 1896)
Comparison of five federal constitu...
Comparison of five federal constitutions ; Powers of the federal parliament
To the electors of Newtown St. Peters : [circular] : Extract from the Newtown Chronicle, July 6th, 1...
Australian federation and the draft...
Australian federation and the draft Commonwealth bill : a paper read before the members of the Queen...
Federation of Australasia.
Federation of Australasia.
Federation of Australasia : speeche...
Federation of Australasia : speeches of the Hon. S.W. Griffith, Q.C., and B.D. Morehead, esquire, M....
Federation as proposed by the Adela...
Federation as proposed by the Adelaide Convention : set forth, discussed and illustrated by diagrams
People's Federal Convention : organ...
People's Federal Convention : organised by Bathurst Federation League, opening session, 16th Novembe...
A People's Federal Convention : to...
A People's Federal Convention : to the federalists of Australasia ...
People's Federal Convention, Bathur...
People's Federal Convention, Bathurst, N.S.W., 16th to 21st November, 1896 : federal finance of six...
A people's federal convention : To...
A people's federal convention : To the federalists of Australia ...
Australasian federation : (confiden...
Australasian federation : (confidential)
The Key of the constitution : fee D...
The Key of the constitution : fee D ration ; the true value of political cries ; the great political...
Federal union : first report of the...
Federal union : first report of the Royal Commission ... to Consider and Report Upon the Necessity o...
The Daily Telegraph.
The Daily Telegraph.
Observations on the federal system...
Observations on the federal system of government
Leading questions of the day
Leading questions of the day
Speeches delivered at a dinner give...
Speeches delivered at a dinner given by The Honourable Edmund Barton, Speaker, in the parliamentary...
Draft Federation Bill : speech by t...
Draft Federation Bill : speech by the Hon. E. Barton, Q.C., M.L.C. delivered in the Legislative Coun...
Australian federation : a review of...
Australian federation : a review of Mr Forster's paper 'Fallacies of federation', read before the Co...
Documents and correspondence connec...
Documents and correspondence connected with the Royal Commission on a Federal Union of the Australia...
The federation movement in Australi...
The federation movement in Australia
An Act to make provision for the ac...
An Act to make provision for the acceptance and enactment of a Federal Constitution for Australia.
Proceedings of the Australasian Fed...
Proceedings of the Australasian Federal Convention : held at Parliament House, Sydney, September 2nd...
An Act to make provision for the ac...
An Act to make provision for the acceptance and enactment of a Federal Constitution for Australia.
Draft Bill to constitute the Common...
Draft Bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia : as finally adopted by the Australasian Fede...
Proceedings of the Australasian Fed...
Proceedings of the Australasian Federal Convention held at Parliament House, Sydney, September 2nd t...
Analysis of the Australian Colonies...
Analysis of the Australian Colonies' Government Bill
Prospects and considerations of a f...
Prospects and considerations of a future for the Australian colonies : a pamphlet
The attitude of the Catholic church...
The attitude of the Catholic church : a special interview with his eminence Cardinal Moran.
[Placard map advocating the union of Map of Western Australia with the other federated states]
Australia showing the six states of the Australian Commonwealth
Australia showing the six states of the Australian Commonwealth
Australia showing the six states of the Australian Commonwealth, A.D. 1901
Australia showing the six states of the Australian Commonwealth, A.D. 1901