Rifle and Lewis gun firing from trench positions
Hauling log by bullock team in flooded gum forest - Bonville, NSW
Omark Australia introduces new Spotright rifle scope, Long Bay Rifle Range
King's shoot
[New Guinea, military operations - Gona]
Karumba Country Club, August 1952
Quarry drilling - ON 165/772
In bush at Dutch New Guinea, February 1944
[Military operations, New Britain]
Captain's Flat, 23 July 1942 / photographs by Ray Olson
Army manoeuvres at Singleton, 1 March 1961 / photographs by Lynch
[New Guinea - captured Japanese personnel, equipment and war graves]
Lindie McGregor, 1967
Indonesian armed forces, 1960
Indonesian armed forces, 1960
Police sea and cliff rescues, 16 September 1953