Plough is a five furrow disc model, made by H V McKay and bought in February, 1917 - Ploughing, Rock...
Yoking up horse teams, Dookie Agricultural College - Shepparton area, VIC
Kelly Street - Scone, NSW
"The strike-out" - Parkes district, NSW
Old spring cart used on the farm to go to work in paddocks and three working dogs - "Springfield", Y...
Horsedrawn gig or jinker - Wee Wee Rup, VIC
Corner of Macquarie & Mingewarra Street - Dubbo, NSW
Inside Schiffman's Saddlery - Tenterfield, NSW
On Pine Vale [Pinevale] property, delivering logs to mill in town - Parkes, NSW
Six horse plough, E J Taylor's team - Back Yamma, NSW
Murrumbidgerie near Dubbo, NSW
Women in horsedrawn gig - Wee Wee Rup, VIC
Carting timber from Harvey Park range to Coobang with "Daylight". There were three wagons made in 19...
Yoking up horse teams, machinery shed, Dookie Agricultural College - Shepparton area, VIC
10 horse team sowing wheat on the late W McKay's property, "Glenora", 10 miles west of Albert, NSW....
Carting timber from Harvey Park area to Coobang. Coobang had no timber. "12 trees on 390 acres" - Co...
Horsedrawn farm dray - Wee Wee Rup, VIC
Goat Cart - Barellan, NSW
Yoking up the horse for a trip to Omeo - Ensay, VIC
Horse feed on wagon. "I was sharefarming then on Sunny Ridge Station, Mandurama" - On Lyndhurst Road...
'Brewon' wool wagon on 'Barokaville'. Team owned by Tommy Ryan. Harnesses and water tank can be seen...