The world, including the late discoveries, by Captn. Cook and other circum navigators
Carta esferica del Globo terraqüeo / escrita por Sgo. Droüet; T. Prolo g. [Album view]
A chart of the Southern Hemisphere; shewing the tract of Capt. Cook's last voyage [cartographic mate...
Western hemisphere ; Eastern hemisphere [Album view]
Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cab...
Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet
Cook's second voyage atlas [Album v...
Cook's second voyage atlas [Album view]
An account of the voyages undertake...
An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His present Majesty, for making discoveries in...
A voyage round the world, in the ye...
A voyage round the world, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775
Suedliche Erd-Oberflaeche auf der Aequatorflaeche ... [Album view]
Chart of Cook's Strait in New Zealand / John Ryland, sculp. [Album view]
A map of the southern hemi-sphere shewing the discoveries made in the Southern Ocean up to 1770 [car...
A chart of part of New Zeland of the Island of Tovypoenamm, lying in the South Sea
La Nuova Zelanda delineata sulle osservazione del Capitan Cook [Album view]
Chart of Cooks River in the N.W. part of America [Album view]
A Mercator chart of the world / by Thos. Bowen 1778.
Geography [Album view]
A new map of the world according to the latest discoveries
A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Captain James Cook in this and his two preceeding...
Suedliche Erd-Oberflaeche auf der Aequatorflaeche ... ... entworfen ... von Christlieb Benedict Funk...
Emisfero terrestre meridionale delineato secondo le ultime osservazioni con i viaggi, e nuove scoper...
A new general chart of the world [cartographic material] : exhibiting the whole of the discoveries m...
A chart shewing the tract of Captain Cook's last voyage [cartographic material] / published by J. Lo...
A chart of part of New Zeland of the Island of Aeheinomowe, lying in the South Seas
A chart of part of New Zeland of the Island of Aeheinomowe, lying in the South Seas
Botany Bay in New South Wales [cartographic material] : latitude 34°30' Sth. [Album view]
Mappa mondo o descrizione generale del globo terraqueo : con i viaggi e nuove scoperte del Cap. Cook
A chart of part of New Zeland of the Island of Tovypoenamm, lying in the South Sea
Northern hemisphere ; Southern hemisphere
Asie, et isles qui en dépendent, la N.le Hollande et N.le Zeelande, et isles adjacantes.
Carte de l'hemisphere Austral montrant les routes des navigateurs les plus celebres
World / [John Walker] [Album view]