Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Rural Bank Ball, Roundhouse, University of NSW
Rural Bank Ball 1967, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Marketing seminar dinner, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Marketing seminar dinner, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
University of New South Wales re-union buffet party, Roundhouse
Rural Bank Ball, Roundhouse, University of NSW
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Rural Bank Ball 1967, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Sydney development and rebuilding
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Marketing seminar dinner, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Architectural plans, 1958 / Edward Herbert Farmer
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Rural Bank Ball 1967, Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Mr. Bolster, US Consul General, opens a US Information Service handicrafts exhibition, the Roundhous...
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Presentation to Apprentices at the Round House, University of New South Wales
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Chamber of Manufactures Annual Dinner 1977, The Roundhouse, University of New South Wales
Architectural plans, 1958 / Edward Herbert Farmer
Architectural plans, 1958 / Edward Herbert Farmer
Architectural plans, 1958 / Edward Herbert Farmer