Snapshot at Aladdin's Cave
An Adelie penguin visits Madigan's party on the floe north of King George Land
In Aladdin's Cave. Bage cooking Hoosh. Hurley in sleeping bag
Pack-ice off King George Land
The 301 mile camp - Webb & Bage in view. Southern Sledge Party
The coastal cliffs near Penguin Point; King George Land
Madigan's party meets a penguin on the floe ice
Madigan's party sledging over floe ice off King George Land
The tent after a blizzard. The Eastern Sledge Journey
At 65 miles, Southern journey. Bage instructing Hunter in the use of the artificial horizon
The broken plateau surface at "The Pimples". Southern Journey
Along the coast of King George Land
Bage & Laseron at the sixty seven and a half mile depot. Southern Journey
Madigan surprises a Weddell seal on the floe ice off King George Land
Madigan examining a crack in the floe ice off King George Land
The sastrugi furrowed plateau. Southern Journey
Madigan's, Stillwell's & Murphy's parties at Aladdin's Cave
Sastrugi of erosion in plateau surface. Southern Journey
The sastrugi furrowed plateau 128 miles from Winter Quarters, on the southern journey
Madigan & Correll in harness sledging over floe ice, King George Land
Madigan takes a sun observation for latitude - Eastern sledge journey
In the foreground is the sastrugi furrowed neve bridge of a crevasse. Southern Journey
At Aladdin's Cave in Spring
McLean on top of berg frozen in the floe off King George Land
Bage in moat under snout of "anvil". Southern Journey
Madigan's sledge party off King George Land
The surface of the plateau at the 220 mile camp. Southern Journey
At Aladdin's Cave. Only remnant of beacon flag remains
Bage stands by an ice "anvil". Southern Journey
In pressure ice off King George Land
Hurley photographed at the Southern Cross Depot, Southern Journey
Murphy & Laseron with sledge packed ready to return to Winter Quarters. At the Southern Cross Depot...
At 278 miles. Southern Journey. Webb at front & Bage at back of sledge reading sledge meter. Moat...
Madigan & Correll in harness sledging over floe ice, King George Land
The 301 mile camp (farthest south). Southern Journey
Excavating Cathedral Grotto
An Adelie penguin visits Madigan's sledge party when off King George Land
Camp on plateau 191 miles south-east of Winter Quarters
A fractured area in the floe ice north of King George Land
A rest in the lee of the sledge. Madigan's party
Ninnis & Murphy erecting tent in wind. Spring sledge journey
The healed scar of a wide crevasse. Southern Journey
A pinnacle in the sea ice off King George Land
Along the east coast of King George Land