Item 0130: Cladocera and halocypridae. Conchoecia hettacra. Plate XVII, 1-5; Conchoecia parthenoda....
Item 0141: Cumacea and phyllocarida. Diastylis Helleri, Zimmer. Plate XX, 4C
Item 0987: Echinodermata asteroidea. Acodontaster cremeus, Pseudontaster conspicuus, Metadontaster W...
Item 0312: Amphipoda gammaridea. Lepidepecreclla emarginata n.sp. Figure 13j, 13k
Item 0290: Amphipoda gammaridea. Tryphosa kergueleni Miers. Figure 10, key
Item 0226: Cephalopoda. Cephalopod. Mandible. Figure 30
Item 0602: Amphipoda gammaridea. Paramoera hamiltoni n.sp. Figure 59d
Item 0337: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pseudorchomene coatsi Chilton. Figure 20, key
Item 0203: Cephalopoda. Mosquites albida. Figure 7
Item 1000: Echinodermata asteroidea. Notasterias armata. Plate LX, 1
Item 0178: Oligochaeta of Macquarie Island. Marionina werthi. Figure 3
Item 0553: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pontogeneoides abyssi n.sp. Figure 54a
Item 0535: Amphipoda gammaridea. Portion of dry integument of Paramoera walkeri. Figure 51f
Item 1135: Isopoda and tanaidacea. Munna macquariensis. Figure 14
Item 0540: Amphipoda gammaridea. Portion of dry integument of Paramoera walkeri. Figure 51m
Item 0313: Amphipoda gammaridea. Lepidepecreclla emarginata n.sp. Figure 13n, 13m
Item 0349: Amphipoda gammaridea. Ampelisca barnardi n.sp. Figure 23a
Item 0175: Oligochaeta of Macquarie Island
Item 1739: Mallophaga and siphunculata. Pectinopygus (Philichthyophaga) macquariensis n.sp. Text-fig...
Item 0377: Amphipoda gammaridea. Proboloides dentimanus n.sp. Figure 27k
Item 0122: Copepoda. Euchaetopsis Haswelli. Plate 9, 1-7; Metridia androeana. Plate 9, 8-11; Stephos...
Item 0048: Ascidiae simplices. Ascopera mawsoni, n.sp. Plate I, 3-5
Item 1108: Echinodermata ophiuroidea. Ophioceres incipiens. Plate LXXXIV, 1-6, 13-14; Ophiurolepis a...
Item 0438: Amphipoda gammaridea. Iphimediella intermedia n.sp. Figure 36, key
Item 1757: Acarina. Werthella johnstoni. Plate VI, 1-3
Item 0422: Amphipoda gammaridea. Parapanoploea oxygnathia n.sp. Figure 33, key
Item 0950: Echinodermata asteroidea. Notasterias armata. Plate X
Item 0174: Calcareous sponges. Leucetta macquariensis. Plate I, 3a-3d
Item 0822: Actiniaria. Sicyonis aurora
Item 0628: Amphipoda gammaridea. Hyale hirtipalma Dana. Figure 63a
Item 0410: Amphipoda gammaridea. Cylindryllioides mawsoni n.sp. Figure 30u, 30t
Item 1099: Echinodermata ophiuroidea. Ophiacantha sollicita. Plate LXXIX, 1-3; Amphiodia destinata....
Item 0123: Copepoda. Amphiascus elegans. Plate 10, 1-12; Amphiascus ignotus. Plate 10, 13-17; Oithon...
Item 0361: Amphipoda gammaridea. Metopoides heterostylis Schell. Figure 25c
Item 0138: Cumacea and phyllocarida. Diastylis Mawsoni, sp.n. Plate XIX, 3
Item 0473: Amphipoda gammaridea. Gnathiphimedia macrops Brnrd. Figure 40h, 40k
Item 0388: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pseudothaumatelson cyproides n.sp. Figure 28d, 28f
Item 0366: Amphipoda gammaridea. Metopoides aurorae n.sp. Figure 26c (part)
Item 0111: Arachnida from Macquarie Island. Myro hamiltoni Hogg. Figure 14
Item 0954: Echinodermata asteroidea. Podasterias Fochi, Podasterias Brucei, Podasterias Brandtii. Pl...
Item 0882: Pterobranchia. Cephalodiscus Hodgsoni
Item 0995: Echinodermata asteroidea. Leptoptychaster accrescens, Luidiaster Gerlachei. Plate LV
Item 0274: Amphipoda gammaridea. Aristias antarcticus Wlkr. Figure 6h
Item 0958: Echinodermata asteroidea. Sporasterias antarctica, hemiasterias biseriata, Allostichaster...
Item 0425: Amphipoda gammaridea. Parapanoploea oxygnathia n.sp. Figure 33c
Item 0597: Amphipoda gammaridea. Paramoera gregaria Pfr. Figure 58c
Item 1214: The bryozoa. Phylactella lyrulata, Calvet. Plate VII, 1; Porella malouiensis, Jullien. Pl...
Item 0221: Cephalopoda. Mosquites harrissoni. Figure 25
Item 0261: Amphipoda gammaridea. Lysianassa anomala n.sp. Figure 5e
Item 0515: Amphipoda gammaridea. Atylopsis megalops n.sp. Figure 48a
Item 0215: Cephalopoda. Mosquites aurorae. Figure 19
Item 0344: Amphipoda gammaridea. Parandaniexis mixtus n.sp. Figure 22, key
Item 1111: Echinodermata ophiuroidea. Ophiura Rouchi. Plate LXXXV, 1-2; Ophiurolepis Deshayesi. Plat...
Item 0630: Amphipoda gammaridea. Hyale hirtipalma Dana. Figure 63c, 63f
Item 0131: Euphausiacea and mysidacea. Tenagomysis tenuipes, sp.nov. Plate XVIII, 1
Item 0277: Amphipoda gammaridea. Ambasiopsis tumicornis n.sp. Figure 7, key
Item 0972: Echinodermata asteroidea. Lophaster tenuis, Lophaster antarcticus. Plate XXXII
Item 0582: Amphipoda gammaridea. Schraderia gracilis Pfr. Figure 56f
Item 0073: Ascidiae simplices. Plate IV, key
Item 1745: Cestoda. Monorygma macquariae. Figures 28-40
Item 0322: Amphipoda gammaridea. Orchomenella abyssorum Stebb. Figure 15c
Item 0207: Cephalopoda. Mosquites adelieana. Figure 11
Item 1747: Cestoda. Parorchites zederi. Figures 76-82
Item 0385: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pseudothaumatelson cyproides n.sp. Figure 28a
Item 0986: Echinodermata asteroidea. Metadontaster Waitei. Plate XLVI
Item 0225: Cephalopoda. Cephalopod. Mandible. Figure 29
Item 0510: Amphipoda gammaridea. Oediceroides similis n.sp. Figure 47d, 47c
Item 0270: Amphipoda gammaridea. Aristias antarcticus Wlkr. Figure 6d
Item 0441: Amphipoda gammaridea. Iphimediella intermedia n.sp. Figure 36b
Item 0059: Ascidiae simplices. Bathypera splendens, Mich. Plate II, 10-11
Item 1751: Cestoda. Parorchites zederi. Figures 87-91
Item 0076: Ascidiae simplices. Rhabdocynthia draschii. Plate IV, 4-5
Item 0517: Amphipoda gammaridea. Atylopsis megalops n.sp. Figure 48c
Item 0524: Amphipoda gammaridea. Epimeria inermis Wlkr. Figure 49d
Item 0594: Amphipoda gammaridea. Paramoera gregaria Pfr. Figure 58d-58e
Item 1005: Echinodermata asteroidea. Stichastrella rosea. Plate LXV, 1; Allostichaster insignis. Pla...
Item 1142: Polyzoa. Cellaria membranacea. Figure 2
Item 0544: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pontogeneia chosroides n.sp. Figure 52b-52d, 52a, 52n
Item 0442: Amphipoda gammaridea. Iphimediella intermedia n.sp. Figure 36c
Item 0271: Amphipoda gammaridea. Aristias antarcticus Wlkr. Figure 6e
Item 0244: Amphipoda gammaridea. Pachychelium antarcticum Schell. Figure 3a
Item 0124: Copepoda. Laophontodes latissimus. Plate 11, 1-9; Laophontodes antarcticus. Plate 11, 10-...
Item 0825: Actiniaria. Hormathia lacunifera
Item 1416: Echinodermata echinoidea. Goniocidaris impressa. Plate XCI, 1-8
Item 1115: Echinodermata ophiuroidea. Ophiosteira Senouqui. Plate LXXXVII, 1-5, 9; Ophiurolepis tume...
Item 0310: Amphipoda gammaridea. Lepidepecreclla emarginata n.sp. Figure 13g
Item 0350: Amphipoda gammaridea. Ampelisca barnardi n.sp. Figure 23b
Item 1103: Echinodermata ophiuroidea. Ophiactis amator. Plate LXXXI, 1-6; Ophiacantha frigida. Plate...
Item 0368: Amphipoda gammaridea. Metopoides aurorae n.sp. Figure 26d
Item 0056: Ascidiae simplices. Bathypera splendens, Mich. Plate II, 6-7
Item 0788: Crustacea decapoda. Acanthephyra antarctica n.sp.
[Cumacea and phyllocarida]
Item 0195: Gephyrea inermia. Phascolosoma eremita, var. australe. Plate 11, 14
Item 0232: Amphipoda gammaridea. Adeliella laticornis n.sp. Figure 2a
Box 70: Myles Dunphy lantern slides of Zoology and various, ca. 1910-1930
Item 0335: Amphipoda gammaridea. Orchomenella rossi Wlkr. Figure 19c
Item 1418: Echinodermata echinoidea. Notocidaris platyacantha. Plate XCIII, 1-6
Box 70: Myles Dunphy lantern slides of Zoology and various, ca. 1910-1930
Box 70: Myles Dunphy lantern slides of Zoology and various, ca. 1910-1930
Box 70: Myles Dunphy lantern slides of Zoology and various, ca. 1910-1930