Berths Nos. 2 & 3, Dawes Point
Darling Harbour
No. 35 Darling Harbour
Loading sacks from alighter into passenger/cargo ship
Berths Nos. 2 & 3, Dawes Point
Cross Wharf, No. 35-36 Darling Harbour
North end of No. 21 berth Pyrmont: Jones Bay
Tysers Wharf: Walsh Bay
Eastern side of No. 19 & 20 berths Pyrmont
No. 1 Dawes to Millers Point, Hickson Road
Gantries on No. 60 jetty, Jones Bay
Construction of shore end No. 6 Darling Harbour
Goodlet & Smith's Timber Mills: Pyrmont
Central Wharf
Rozelle Bay
Northern end No. 21 berth Pyrmont
Construction of graving dock at Garden Island
Shore end of No. 21 berth Pyrmont
Timber jetty & Jones Bay
Wharf: Darling Harbour
Darling Harbour: overseas shipping at wharf
Nos 2 & 3, Dawes Point
Construction of Berrys Bay wharf
Rock boring explosion, Jones Bay
Construction of wharf for Quarantine Authorities at Manly
"Nemesis" towing lighters, Newcastle
Schnapper Island
East side No. 60 jetty: Jones Bay
Construction of Jetty for Powder Magazine in Bantry Bay
Concrete wharf: Darling Island
Lighter dock & jetty: No. 2 Darling Harbour
Woolloomooloo Wharf No. 11
Sugar cane on lighters, Harwood Island
Glebe Island
Tysers Wharf: Walsh Bay
allens Sawmills, Raleigh
East side: Circular Quay
Wharf of sea wall under construction at Berrys Bay
No. 36 Darling Harbour under construction
Shore end of No. 2 & 3 Dawes Point from side
Concentrates in bins on Nos. 4 & 5 Jetties, Dawes Point
New wharves: Goat Island
Glebe Island
Construction of wharves: Jones Bay