Holtermann shooting party camp in bush
B.O. Holtermann and largest gold specimen
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874
B.O. Holtermann
Beyer Holtermann gold nugget, "Hill End"
Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, ca. 1870-1875 / photographer American & Australasian Photographic Com...
Holtermann at the Middle Head fortifications, Sydney
Bernardt O. Holtermann
B.O. Holtermann with the Holtermann Nugget, ca. 1874-1876 / photographer American & Australasian Pho...
Holtermann with a boy on a horse and Aboriginal groom
B.O. Holtermann in his carriage and pair outside the girls' section of the Hill End Public School
B.O. Holtermann with the Holtermann Nugget
B.O. Holtermann standing outside his home in Tambaroora Street, Hill End
B.O. Holtermann with the Holtermann nugget, Hill End
Holtermann on the Harbour defence gun emplacements, Middle Head, with South Head in the background
N.S.Wales scenery, no. 32-33: panoramic view of Sydney Harbour & suburbs taken from the residence of...
Bernardt Otto Holtermann
Holtermann on the Harbour defence gun emplacements, Middle Head, with South Head in the background
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874
N.S.Wales scenery no. 1-22 :[a panoramic view of Sydney Harbour from North Sydney], after 1874