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[Portfolio of maps, some extracted from books, the majority of Great Britain and Ireland, dating ca....

[Portfolio of maps, some extracted from books, the majority of Great Britain and Ireland, dating ca....


[Portfolio of maps, some extracted from books, the majority of Great Britain and Ireland, dating ca. 1600-1822] [cartographic material]

About this item

Full title

[Portfolio of maps, some extracted from books, the majority of Great Britain and Ireland, dating ca. 1600-1822] [cartographic material]





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Physical Description

Physical content

21 maps ; 59 cm. + manuscript list of contents.


Map 1. An accurate map of Great Britain, France & Ireland with part of Spain, Germany & Denmark & c. Laurie & Whittle

Map 3. Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638

Map 4. Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae tabulae =die Britannischeu Insulan. Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650

Map 5. Recruiting districts Kitchin, Thomas, d.1784

Map 6. Charte der vereingten konigreiche, Grosbritanien u Ireland Streit, F. W.(Friedrich Wilhelm).

Map 7. Grosbritannien und Ireland entworfen Weiland, C. F. (Carl Ferdinand), d.1847

Map 9. Anglia Regnum Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664

Map 10. The kingdome of England [coloured] : described by Christopher Saxton : augmented by John Speed : Abraham Goos Amsteloda mensis sculpsit Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Saxton, Christopher, 1542?-. Goos, Abraham [from the Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]

Map 11. The kingdome of England Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Saxton, Christopher, 1542?-. Goos, Abraham [from: Theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]

Map 12. Parte settentrionale del regno d'Inghilterra : parte meridionale del regno d'Inghilterra Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718

Map 13. Regni Angliae nova Tabula, Exhibens Principatum Walliae & aliarum Provinciarum, Civitatum, Oppidorum, una cum itineribus ab uno in aliam Civitatem R. & J. Ottens Ram, Johannes de, 1648-1693

Map 14. A new map of England, from the latest observations Senex. John, -1740

Map 15. Magnae Britanniae pars meridionalis in qua regnum Angliae tam in septem antiqua Anglo-Saxonum regna quom in omnes Hodiernas regiones accurate divisum hic ostenditur quam tabula ab archetypo Vischeriano desumptam exhibet Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724.

Map 16. Wallis's picturesque round game of the produce & manufactures of the counties of England & Wales Wallis, Edward

Map 17. Cambriae Typus : Acuctore Humfredo Lhvydo Denbigiense Cambrobritano Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568. [From: Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598, Theatrum orbis terrarum].

Map 18. Hiberniae regnum tam in praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae quam in minores earundem provincias et ditiones divisum Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724.

Map 19. Ireland. Wyld James, 1790-1836

Map 20. Map of the county Antrim : reduced and drawn from Mr. Lendricks map by W.A. Williamson Williamson, W.A.

Map 21. Carte de la Manche. Faite par ordre du Roy pour le service de ses armées de mer Sanson, Guillaume

Map 22. La plus grande partie de la Manche : qui contient, les Cotes d'Angleterre et celles de France les bords maritimes de Picardie Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756.

Map 23 Schoonhoven [producer not identified]

Publication information



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More information

Scope and Contents


Collection of maps principally concerned with Great Britain, Ireland and Wales. Includes maps by Willem Janszoon Blaeu, Jan Janssen, Abraham Goos, Marco Vincenzo Coronelli, John Senex, Johann Baptist Homann, Guillaume Sanson, and so on. The last item is an unattributed 17th or early 18th century plan of Schoonhoven, Netherlands. There are 2 maps of...

Alternative Titles

Full title

[Portfolio of maps, some extracted from books, the majority of Great Britain and Ireland, dating ca. 1600-1822] [cartographic material]


General note

"Anglia" -- From verso of map 9.

"Cambria, sive wallia --From verso of map 17.

"Chap 3. ... 5"-- From verso of maps 10 -11.

"Englands generall description : the type of flourishing kingdome of England, with the generall description of it, as it was from the time of the Normans" --From verso of Maps 10 -11.

Includes handwritten table of contents.

Maps were formally kept in case with embossed title: "Maps 1600-1750"....


Primary Identifiers

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