2015 NSW State election campaign : Australian internet sites and Twitter pages.
2015 NSW State election campaign : Australian internet sites and Twitter pages.
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[N.S.W.], 2015.
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[N.S.W.], 2015.
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New South Wales
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This is a collection of websites and Twitter pages documenting the 2015 state election campaign in New South Wales. It includes sites of official political parties, individual candidates, election information, special interest and lobby groups, and media and commentaries.
Alternative Titles
Full title
2015 NSW State election campaign : Australian internet sites and Twitter pages.
Authors, Artists and Contributors
Author / Artists
Ajaka, John. John Ajaka@JohnAjaka.
Anderson, Kevin.
Aitchison, Jenny. Jenny Aitchison@jenny_aitchison.
Alick, Justin. Justin Alick@justinalick.
Armitage, Fran. Fran Armitage@FranforOxley.
Atalla, Edmond. Cr Edmond Atalla@EAtallaCR.
Ayres, Stuart. Stuart Ayres@stuartayresmp.
Baird, Mike (Michael Bruce). Mike Baird@mikebairdMP.
Barr, Clayton. Clayton Barr@ClaytonBarrMP.
Barratt, Terry. Terry Barratt@terryforkiama.
Bartels, Adrian.
Bate, David, (Political candidate). David Bate@GreensBlacktown.
Baumann, Craig. Craig Baumann@CraigBaumann.
Beavis, Kris. Kris Beavis@KrisBeavis.
Bennett, Ursula, (Political candidate)
Boehm, Rohan.
Borger, David.
Bradley, Phil, (Political candidate). Phil Bradley@PBradleyGreens.
Bratusa, Bernard. Bernard Bratusa@Bernardbratusa.
Brentin, Chris. Chris Brentin@greensforsydney.
Bromhead, Stephen.
Bresser, Mitchell. Mitchell Bresser@Mitch_Bresser.
Burney, L. (Linda). Linda Burney MP@LindaBurneyMP.
Caine, Milton.
Carney, Todd, (Political candidate). Todd Carney@ToddCarney.
Carpenter, Tracey, (Political candidate)
Casuscelli, Charles.
Coleman, Cassandra. Cassandra Coleman@Cass_Coleman.
Collier, Barry, 1949-
Connolly, Kevin, (Politician)
Constance, Andrew. Andrew Constance MP@AndrewConstance.
Coure, Mark. Mark Coure MP@markcourelive.
Clark, Philippa. Philippa (Pip) Clark@GreensOatley.
Crakanthorp, Tim. Tim Crakanthorp@crakanthorp.
Cruz, James.
Da Costa, Kate. Kate da Costa@KatedaCosta1.
Daley, Michael, 1965-. Michael Daley@michaeldaleyMP.
Davies, Tanya, (Politician). Tanya Davies MP@TanyaDaviesMP.
Dib, Jihad.
Dominello, Victor.
Doyle, Bryan. Bryan Doyle MP@BryanDoyleMP.
Doyle, Trish.
Draper, Peter (Politician)
Evans, Lee, (Politician). Lee Evans@HeathcoteLee.
Farmer, Pat, 1962-. Pat Farmer@patfarmerrunner.
Faruqi, Mehreen. Mehreen Faruqi@MehreenFaruqi.
Ficarra, Marie.
Field, Justin, (Political candidate). Justin Field Greens@justinrfield.
Finn, Julia. Julia Finn@juliafinn1finn.
Firth, Verity. Verity Firth@VerityFirth.
Foley, Luke. Luke Foley@Luke_FoleyNSW.
Fraser, Andrew, 1952-
Gardiner, Jenny. Jenny Gardiner@JennyGardinerMP.
George, Thomas, 1949-
Gibbons, Melanie. Melanie Gibbons@MelGibbonsMP.
Gilbert, Trent. Trent Gilbert@trent4clarence.
Goldstein, Mercurius. Mercurius Goldstein@greengoldstein.
Goodman, Ron, (Political candidate). Ron Goodman@RonGoodmanALP.
Goward, Pru.
Grant, Troy. troygrant@troygrant.
Green, Antony. Antony Green's election blog.
Greenwich, Alex. Alex Greenwich MP@AlexGreenwich.
Guise, Adam. Adam Guise@GreenGuise.
Hamilton, Col. Colin Hamilton@dubbovotes.
Harris, David, 1966-. David Harris@david4wyong.
Harrison, Jodie, 1968-. Jodie Harrison@MayorJodieH_MP.
Haylen, Jo.
Havyatt, David. David Havyatt@havyatt.
Hazzard, Brad. Brad Hazzard@BradHazzard.
Heber, Brent. Brent Heber@GreensKogarah.
Hodgkinson, Katrina. Katrina Hodgkinson@KatrinaHoddy.
Hoenig, Ron. Ron Hoenig MP@Ron_Hoenig.
Hornery, Sonia. Sonia Hornery MP@Sonia_Hornery.
Howard, Karen, (Political candidate). Karen Howard@KarenH99.
Humphries, Kevin.
Husar, Emma. Emma Husar@emmahusar.
Jackson, Ross, (Political candidate). Ross Jackson@TheRossJackson.
Johnsen, Michael, (Politician). Michael Johnsen@NatsforHunter.
Jones, Mark, (Political candidate). Mark Jones@MarkGeorgeJones.
Kaliyanda, Charishma. Charishma Kaliyanda@Ckaliyanda.
Kaye, John, (Politician). John Kaye@johnkgreens.
Kean, Matt. Matt Kean MP@Matt_KeanMP.
Keegan, David. David Keegan@DavidKeeganALP.
Kelly, Jackie, 1964-
Kolomeitz, Glenn. Glenn Kolomeitz@Glenn4Kiama.
Laxale, Jerome.
Lee, Geoff, 1968- Geoff Lee MP@GeoffLeeMP.
Leong, Jenny, 1977-
Lloyd, Edwina.
Lynn, Charlie, 1945-. Charlie Lynn@kokodatreks.
Maguire, Daryl.
Mantel, Alice. Alice Mantel@AliceMantel.
McDermott, Hugh. Dr Hugh McDermott@hugh_mcdermott.
McInnes, Pippa. Pippa McInnes@pippa4kuringgai.
McKay, Jodi, (Politician). Jodi McKay@mckay_jodi.
McEwin, Megan. Megan McEwin@VaucluseGreens.
Mason-Cox, Matthew. Matthew Mason-Cox@MatthewMasonCox.
Mehan, David. David Mehan@DavidMehan.
Mihailuk, Tania. Tania Mihailuk@TaniaMihailukMP.
Minns, Chris, (Politician). Chris Minns@MinnsChris.
Moroney, Ben. Ben Moroney@GreensBen.
Moselmane, Shaoquett. Shaoquett Moselmane@Shaoquett.
Murphy, Cameron. Cameron Murphy@CameronMurphy__Padstow, NSW.
Nile, Fred, 1934-
Notley-Smith, Bruce.
Notley-Smith, Bruce. Bruce Notley-Smith@bnotleysmith.
O'Brien, Ciaran, (Political candidate). Ciaran O'Brien@CiaranOBrien.
O'Brien, Debra. Debra O'Brien@DebraOBrienALP.
O'Farrell, Barry, 1959-. Barry O'Farrell@barryofarrell.
Page, Don, 1951-
Parker, Jamie, (Politician)
Park, Ryan. Ryan Park@RyanPark_Keira.
Parker, Robyn. Robyn Parker@RobynParkerMP.
Patterson, Chris, (Politician)
Pavey, Melinda. Melinda Pavey@melindapaveymlc.
Pearce, Paul, (Politician). Paul Pearce, MP@coogeecampaign.
Perrottet, Dominic. Dominic Perrottet@Dom_Perrottet.
Perry, Barbara (Barbara Mazzel Anne). Barbara Perry@BarbaraPerry_MP.
Petty, Greg.
Phillips, Fiona, (Political candidate). Fiona Phillips@fiboydphillips.
Phillips, Max, (Political candidate). Max Phillips@maxphillips.
Piper, Greg (Politician)
Price, Susan, (Political candidate)
Provest, Geoff.
Roberts, Anthony (Politician)
Roberts, Brendan, (Political candidate). Brendan Roberts@BrendanRoberts3.
Robertson, John, 1962-. John Robertson@jrobertsonmp.
Rohan, Andrew.
Rowell, Jai. Jai Rowell MP@JaiRowell.
Sage, Roza. Roza Sage@RozaSage.
Scaysbrook, Peter. Peter Scaysbrook@PeterForCook.
Secord, Walt. Walt Secord@WaltSecordMLC.
Sharpe, Penny. Penny Sharpe@PennySharpemlc.
Shoebridge, David.
Speakman, Mark.
Speakman, Mark. Mark Speakman@MarkSpeakman.
Sidoti, John. John Sidoti MP@John_Sidoti.
Shurey, Lindsay. Lindsay Shurey@lindsayshurey.
Smith, Isaac, (Political candidate). Isaac Smith@Lismore2015.
Smith, Greg, 1947-
Smith, O'Bray. O'Bray Smith@obraysmith.
Spooner, Paul, (Political candidate). Paul Spooner@cr_paulspooner.
Stephens, Ursula. Ursula for Goulburn@Ursula4Goulburn.
Stokes, Rob, 1974-
St. Quintin, Douglas. Douglas St.Quintin@DougStQuintin.
Stretton, Richard.
Sundstrom, Jeff. Jeff 4 Terrigal@JeffSundstrom.
Sutherland, Ian, (Political candidate)
Tebbutt, Carmel.
Toole, Paul.
Tracey, Ryan. Ryan Tracey@4baulkhamhills.
Upton, Gabrielle. Gabrielle Upton@gabrielleupton.
Van der Byl, Adrian. Adrian Van Der Byl@VK2WF.
Veitch, Mick. Mick Veitch@MickVeitchMLC.
Vernon, Carol. Carol Vernon@Greens4Oxley.
Walker, Dawn, (Political candidate). dawn walker@dawnwalker2013.
Ward, Gareth, (Politician)
Warren, Greg, (Politician). Greg Warren@GregWarren.
Washington, Kate. Kate Washington@KateRWashington.
Watson, Anna, (Politician)
Watson, Anna, (Politician). Anna Watson MP@AnnaWatsonMP.
Watson, Natasha, (Political candidate). Natasha Watson@NSWElections15.
Watts, Lee, (Political candidate)
Williams, Leslie, (Politician)
Williams, Ray, (Politician)
Westwood, Helen. Helen Westwood@HelenWwMLC.
Whan, Steve. Steve Whan@SteveWhan.
Zbik, Andrew. Andrew Zbik@andrewzbik.
Alzheimer's Australia NSW. NSW election manifesto.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation. NSW election 2015.
Australian Medical Association. New South Wales Branch.
Animal Justice Party. AJP@Justice4animals.
Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies (N.S.W.)
Australian Childcare Alliance (N.S.W.)
Australian Christian Lobby (N.S.W.)
Australian Cyclists Party.
Australian Democrats. New South Wales Division.
Australian Labor Party. Country Labor.
Austrailan Labor Party. Lithgow Branch. Labor4Lithgow.
Australian Labor Party. New South Wales Branch.
Australian Labor Party. New South Wales Branch. Liberal choices hurt.
Australian Labor Party. New South Wales Branch. Labor in action.
Australian Motorist Party.
Blue Mountains Conservation Society.
Blue Mountains Greens (Political Party)
Building Australia Party (N.S.W.)
Canada Bay Greens (N.S.W.)
Canterbury Greens (N.S.W.)
Carers NSW.
Catholic Education Commission (N.S.W.)
CDP Hunter Coast Alliance.
Central Coast Greens (N.S.W.)
Centre Party (Australia)
Christian Democratic Party (N.S.W.)
Coffs Harbour Greens (N.S.W.)
Council on the Ageing (N.S.W.)
Council of Social Service of New South Wales.
Council of Social Service of New South Wales. Speak, plan, act!, achieving fairness for everyone.
Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of New South Wales.
Greens (N.S.W.)
Group P for the Legislative Council of NSW (Political party)
Hunter Thoroughbred Breeders Association.
Just Reinvest NSW (Organisation)
Knitting Nannas Against Gas (N.S.W.)
Law Society of New South Wales.
Liberal Party of Australia. New South Wales Division.
Liberal Party of Australia. New South Wales Division. Risky-Foley.
Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales.
Lock the Gate Alliance.
Maitland Greens (N.S.W.)
National Party of Australia (N.S.W.). The @Nationals for regional NSW.
Nature Conservation Council of N.S.W.
New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council. Policy platform, NSW election 2015.
New South Wales Bar Association.
New South Wales Bar Association. NSW election 2015.
Newcastle Greens (Political Party)
Northern Rivers Greens (N.S.W.)
New South Wales Public Libraries Association.
NSW Rural Fire Service.
NSW Rural Fire Service. State election policy 2015.
NSW Sports Federation.
N.S.W. Teachers' Federation.
N.S.W. Teachers' Federation. State election.
N.S.W. and A.C.T. Alcohol Policy Alliance.
Outdoor Recreation Party (Australia)
Our Environment Our Future (N.S.W.). Policies for the 2015 NSW election and beyond.
NSW Nurses and Midwives' Association. Patients before profits.
People with Disabilities (NSW) Inc.
People with Disabilities (NSW) Inc. Election platform NSW 2015.
Planning Institute of Australia. New South Wales Division. NSW State election planning issues.
Property Council of Australia. New South Wales Division.
Public Service Association of New South Wales.
Randwick-Botany Greens (Political Party)
Repowering NSW (Political party)
Ryde-Epping Greens (N.S.W.)
Shelter NSW.
Shelter NSW. 10 key issues.
Shelter NSW. Around the house, election supplement.
Shelter NSW. NSW election 2015, key issue, abolition of conveyance (stamp duty)
Shelter NSW. NSW election 2015, key issue, 'renewal' of strata title schemes.
Shelter NSW. NSW election 2015, key issue, incorporating social mix into urban renewal projects.
Shoalhaven Greens (Political Party)
Shooters and Fishers Party (N.S.W.)
Shooters and Fishers Party (N.S.W.). Election 2015.
SHOROC. 2015 NSW election priorities.
Socialist Alliance Newcastle (N.S.W.)
Socialist Alliance NSW.
St George Greens (Political Party)
Stop CSG Macarthur.
Stop the Sell Off (Organisation)
Sydney Morning Herald. NSW state election 2015.
Urban Development Institute of Australia. NSW Division.
Voluntary Euthanasia Party (N.S.W.)
Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils.
Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils. State election issues brief.
Wilderness Society, NSW.
Willoughby Greens (Political Party)
Youth Action (N.S.W.). 2015 NSW election agenda.
General note
Title supplied by cataloguer based on contents (viewed on 17 August 2015).
System details note
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader to access files in a PDF format.
Available via World Wide Web. As at 04/09/2015 freely available online at: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/partner/SLNSW/col/13262.
Contextual Information
Other version (online)
Primary Identifiers
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