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Recovery plans made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 19...

Recovery plans made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 19...


Recovery plans made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 [electronic resource].

About this item

Full title

Recovery plans made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 [electronic resource].


Canberra : Dept. of Environment and Heritage, [1999-].



Record Identifier







Physical Description


Abba Bell (Darwinia sp. Williamson) : Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Abbott's Booby (Papasula abbotti) : Recovery Plan 1998-2002 -- Recovery Plan for Acacia porcata 1999-2001 -- Albany Cone Bush (Isopogon uncinatus) : Interim Recovery Plan - 2001-2003 -- Recovery Plan for Albatrosses and Giant-P...

Recovery Plan for the stream-dwelling rainforest frogs of the wet tropics biogeographic region of north-east Queensland 2000-2004 -- Assemblages of Organic Mound (Tumulus) Springs of the Swan Coastal Plain, Interim Recovery Plan, 2000-2003 -- Recovery Plan for twelve threatened spider orchids Calade...

Blue Mountains Water Skink (Eulamprus leurensis) Recovery Plan -- Blunt wattle (Acacia aprica) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Boscabel Conostylis (Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Pterostylis sp.15 (Orchidaceae) Botany Bay Bearded Greenhood draft Recovery Plan...

Recovery Plan for the Christmas Island Hawk-owl -- National recovery plan for the Christmas Island Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus murrayi) -- Christmas Island Shrew Recovery Plan (Crocidura attenuata trichura) -- National Recovery Plan for Christmas Island Spleenwort (Asplenium Listeri) -- Chuditch Recov...

Corymbia calophylla - Kingia australis woodlands on heavy soil (Swan Coastal Plain Community type 3a -Gibson et al. 1994), Interim Recovery Plan 2000-2003 -- Corymbia calophylla - Xanthorrhoea preissii woodlands and shrublands (Swan Coastal Plain Community type 3c - Gibson et al. 1994), Interim Reco...

Recovery Plan for Downy Wattle (Acacia pubescens ) Dwarf Spider Orchid (Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana ms), Interim Recovery Plan No.39, 1999-2002 -- Recovery Plan for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii (mainland sub-species) -- Eastern Shrublands and woodlands (Swan Coastal Plain C...

Recovery Plan for Threatened Tasmanian Lowland Euphrasia Species 1997-2001 -- Flame Spider-flower (Grevillea kennedyana) Recovery Plan -- Recovery Plan for Marine Turtles in Australia Recovery Plan for the Frankston Spider-orchid (Caladenia robinsonii) 1999-2003 -- Giant Andersonia (Andersonia axi...

Recovery Plan for Boronia granitica (Granite Boronia) -- Recovery Plan for the Grassland Earless Dragon (Tympanocryptis pinguicolla) -- Recovery Plan for the Great Desert Skink -- White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Recovery Plan -- Green Hill Thomasia (Thomasia sp. Green Hill) Interim Recovery Pla...

Hinged Dragon Orchid (Caledenia drakeoides) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Humpback Whale Recovery Plan 2005 - 2010 -- Ironstone Grevillia (Grevillia elongata) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Pterostylis gibbosa (R.Br.) Illawarra Greenhood Orchid Recovery Plan -- Recovery Plan for the Isis Ta...

Leadbeater's Possum Recovery Plan -- Phebalium lachnoides Recovery Plan (Leionema lachnoides) -- Long-footed Potoroo (Potorous longipes Seebeck and Johnston 1980) Recovery Plan -- Recovery Plan for the Lord Howe Woodhen (Gallirallus sylvestris) -- Draft Recovery Plan for Pterostylis despectans 'Mt B...

McCutcheon's Grevillia (Grevillia maccutcheonii) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Milky Emu Bush (Eremophila lactea) Interim Recovery Plan No. 38, 1999-2002 -- Recovery Plan for the Elaeocarpus sp. Rocky Creek (syn E. sp. 2 'Minyon') -- Mitchell's Rainforest Snail Thersites mitchellae Recovery Pla...

Narrow-petalled Featherflower (Verticordia plummosa var. pleiobotrya) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Recovery Plan for the Endangered Native Jute Species, Corchorus cunninghamii F. Muell. in Queensland (2001-2006) -- Barbarea australis Recovery Plan 1999-2002 -- Allocasuarina portuensis Recovery...

Yellow-spotted Bell Frog (Litoria castanea) and Peppered Frog (Litoria piperata) Recovery Plan -- Persoonia mollis subsp maxima Recovery Plan Conservation Research Statement and Species Recovery Plan for Persoonia nutans -- Phalanx Grevillea (Grevillea dryandroides subsp. dryandroides) Interim Rec...

Prostrate Flame Flower (Chorizema humile) Interim Recovery Plan No.31, 1999-2002 -- IRP No. 32 : Pungent Jacksonia (Jacksonia pungens ms) Interim Recovery Plan 1999-2002 -- Recovery Plan for the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) -- Quartz-loving Synaphea (Synaphea quartzitica) Interim R...

IRP No. 49 : Scaly-leaved Featherflower (Verticordia spicata subsp. squamosa) Interim Recovery Plan 1999-2002 -- Scott River Boronia (Boronia exilis) Interim Recovery Plan No. 41, 1999-2002 -- Recovery Plan for Ten Species of Seabird 2005-2010 -- Recovery Plan for Ten Species of Seabird Issues Paper...

Recovery Plan for Agrostis limitanea (Spalding Blown Grass) -- Spiral Fruited Wattle (Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. cochlocarpa ms), Interim Recovery Plan No 24 1999-2002 -- Split leaved Grevillea (Grevillea althoferorum) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Spotted Handfish Recovery Plan 1999-2001 -- Spo...

National Recovery Plan for the Striped Legless Lizard (Delma impar); 1999-2003 -- Recovery Plan for the Sunshine Diuris (Diuris fragrantissima) 1998-2002 -- Recovery Plan for the Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) 2001-2005 -- Recovery Plan for the Tallong Midge Orchid (Genoplesium plumosum -- Thick-b...

Ranunculus Prasinus Flora Recovery Plan Management Phase 1992-2000 -- Underground Orchid (Rhizanthella gardneri) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Varnish Bush (Eremophila viscida) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Wedge-Tailed Eagle Recovery Plan 1998-2003 -- Western Prickly Honeysuckle (Lamberti...

Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Recovery Plan 2005-2010 -- Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Recovery Plan Issues Paper -- Draft Recovery Plan for Caladenia argocalla (White beauty spider orchid) -- Whorled Eremophila (Eremophila verticillata) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Recovery Plan for Grevillea...

Wongan Cactus (Daviesia Euphorbioides) Interim Recovery Plan No. 70 2000-2003 -- Wongan Gully Wattle (Acacia pharangites) Interim Recovery Plan No. 20, 1999-2002 -- Wongan Hills Triggerplant (Stylidium coroniforme) Interim Recovery Plan 2003-2008 -- Recovery Plan for Arachnorchis woolcockiorum (syn....

Publication information


Canberra : Dept. of Environment and Heritage, [1999-].

Place of Publication

Australian Capital Territory

Date Published


Access and use

Access Conditions

Commonwealth of Australia 1999.

More information

Scope and Contents


The following Recovery Plans for listed threatened species and ecological communities have been made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). These plans remain in force until and unless the species is removed from the threatened list. Recovery plans are binding on the Australian Government - o...

Alternative Titles

Full title

Recovery plans made or adopted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 [electronic resource].

Authors, Artists and Contributors

General note

Title from title screen (viewed on June 3, 2005).

Includes bibliographical references.

System details note

Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web. Available at: http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/recovery/list-common.html.

Contextual Information

Other version (online)


Primary Identifiers

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