[Collection of journal articles and other material relating to China and Japan / collected by G. E....
[Collection of journal articles and other material relating to China and Japan / collected by G. E. Morrison].
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5 pts. (boxed) : ill., genealog. table, map, ports., ; 31 cm.
Box 1. Journal articles. Present position of the opium question (Friend of China, vol. 31, no. 1, 1915) / A. Caldecott -- Our silver exchanges with Asia (Salt Lake tribune, 2 Dec., 1909) -- The Far-Eastern question in its geographical setting (Geographical teacher, vol. 10, no. 55, part 3, 1919, p....
Box 2. Journal issues. Oriental news and comment (2 Feb.; 2, 17, 31 Mar., 14, 28 Apr. 1919) / published by The Far Eastern Bureau -- The Far Eastern Bureau bulletin, 12 May 1919 -- Revue Franco-Hollandaise, no.1, 15 Nov. 1896 -- Tientsin young men, vol. 4, no. 16, 3 Sept. 1910 -- The yellow dragon,...
Box 3. Booklets. Poems / by Jennings Carmichael -- Le cimetière et la paroisse de Tcheng-Fou-Sse 1732-1917 / J.M. Planchet -- China and world peace / by Liang Chi Chao -- Asia's appeal to America : an address / by Sidney L. Gulick (Rev. ed.) -- Education and training of Chinese students in engineer...
Box 3. Chinese Questions series. 1. China and the League of Nations / by V.K. Wellington Koo and Cheng-Ting T. Wang -- 2. The relations between China and Japan during the last twenty-five years -- 3. Law reform in China / by Wang Chung Hui -- 4. The world peace and Chinese tariff authority....
Box 4. Reports. China Medical Board : fifth annual report, January 1,1919 - December 31, 1919 / The Rockerfeller Foundation -- Growing Chinese leadership : the annual report of the Young Men's Christian Association of China for 1917 -- Report on the foreign trade of China [2 copies] / by F.E. Taylor...
Box 4. Legislation, law reports, regulations and government publications. Mining enterprise regulations / published by the Chinese Government on April 2, 1914 ; specially translated by Peking Gazette -- Detailed regulations for mining enterprises / The amended provisional constitution / by Frank J....
Box 4. Materials relating to clubs and organizations. Peking Club Autumn race meeting : Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th October, 1911 -- Peking Club Spring race meeting : Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th May, 1911 -- List of subscribers to the Bishop Scott Memorial [Fund] -- List of Protestant...
Box 5. Notices, edicts and proclamations. The Siam Society notice of general meeting, 18 Nov., 1912 -- The U.S. recognition [of China] / [signed] Chen Kno Chuau -- Imperial edicts [concerning the Chinese Republican government and Republican Army] -- The Premier's statement [calling for cessation of...
Box 5. Notices relating to Rio Tinto Hospital. Aviso [financial assistance to injured workers], 15 Dec. 1883 / C.T. Prebble, Compañía de Rio Tinto Limitada -- Aviso [declaring the amount to be paid weekly to hospitalised workers], 15 Dec., 1883 / C.T. Prebble -- Aviso [hospital opening hours] / J....
Box 5. Pamphlets, leaflets and maps. China [poem] -- Complete understanding between the governments of Japan and China / statement by Viscount Chinda -- The restoration of Kiaochow / issued by the Central Union of the Chinese Students in Great Britain - Sir Edward Grey and British interests in Chin...
Box 5. Advertisements, programmes and miscellanea. Vient de paraitre [traduction du catéchisme sur la Sainte Verge] -- Langue Française Parlée, leçons progressives / par Laurent Jen Ting-Joui -- Program [for four historic Chinese military re-enactments] -- Sixth annual international sports, 18-3...
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[Collection of journal articles and other material relating to China and Japan / collected by G. E. Morrison].
Authors, Artists and Contributors
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Title supplied by cataloguer.
Includes material in French, Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish.
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