A catalogue of a large, [electronic resource] : Valuable, and Curious collection of books, In all La...
A catalogue of a large, [electronic resource] : Valuable, and Curious collection of books, In all Languages, and in every Branch of Literature: Among which are the following, Hortus Eystettensis, Besleri. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Rus. coloured. Scheuchzer Physique Sacree, 8 tom. Roesel's Insects and Frogs, coloured. Meyer's Animals, 3 vol. coloured. Knorr's Lapides Diluvii, coloured. Knorr Deliciae Naturae, coloured. Schaefferi Fungi, 2 vol. coloured. Flora Danica, 2 vol. coloured. Ehret Plantae, per Trew, coloured. Hill's Natural Hist. 3 vol. L. P. coloured. Trew's Flowers, by Seligman, coloured. British Zoology, coloured. Schmiedel Icones, coloured. Hill's British Herbal, lar. pap. coloured. Academie des Sciences, 97 tom. 4 to. comp. Philosoph. Transact. at large, compleat. Dillenii Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vol. Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, 12 vol. Inigo Jones's Designs, by Kent, morocco. Montfaucon Antiquite, 15 tom. gr. pap. Voyage D'egypte, par Norden, 2 tom. Estampes, par Crozat, 2 tom. gr. pap. De Lisle and Roberts's Atlasses. Ruins of Palmyra and Balbec. Ruins of Greece, by Le Roy. Caesaris Comment. per Sam. Clarke. Sir T. Hanmer's Shakespeare, 6 vol. 4 to. Spence's Polymetis, first edit. Overbeke Reliquiae Romae Ant. Picart's Ovid's Metamorphoses. Gazettes, a Set of, 41 vol. Anderson's History of Commerce, 2 vol, Ld. Clarendon's Hist. 4 vol. lar. pap. rus. Religious Ceremonies, 7 vol. lar. pap. Horseley's Britannia Romana, lar. pap. Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. State Trials, 10 vol. compleat. Carte's History, 4 vol. lar. pap. Rapin and Tindal's Hist. 5 vol. James's and Postlethwayt's Dictionaries. Miller's and Johnson's Dictionaries. Patrick, Lowth, Arnald and Whitby, 7 v. Plinii Hist. Nat. Harduini, 3 vol. Plutarchi Opera, 2 vol. Paris. Polybius Casauboni. Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2 vol. Diodorus Siculus, Wesselingii, 2 vol. Dionysius Halicarnassus, Hudsoni, 2 vol. Rymeri Foedera, 20 vol. edit. opt. Biblia Polyglotta, &c. Waltoni, 8 vol. N. Test. Graec. R. Stephani, corio Turcico. Erasmi Opera omnia, clerici, 10 vol. S. Chrysostom, Edit. Benedict. 13 vol. Concilia, a Harduino, 12 vol. Du Cange Glossarium, 6 vol. Seldeni Opera, 6 vol. ch. max. Somneri Diction. Saxonicum. H. Steph. Thesaurus Ling. Gr. 4 vol. The Prices are marked in the first Leaf of every Book, and printed in the Catalogue: And The Sale will begin on Thursday the 10th of March, 1768, and continue till all the Books are sold, By Benjamin White, At Horace's Head, in Fleet-Street, London. Who gives the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books. .
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[London : s.n., 1768]
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[4],176p. ; 8°.
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[London : s.n., 1768]
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Full title
A catalogue of a large, [electronic resource] : Valuable, and Curious collection of books, In all Languages, and in every Branch of Literature: Among which are the following, Hortus Eystettensis, Besleri. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Rus. coloured. Scheuchzer Physique Sacree, 8 tom. Roesel's Insects and Frogs, coloured. Meyer's Animals, 3 vol. colour...
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Reproduction of original from British Library.
Citation / References Note
ESTC T53902.
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Also available in microfilm held offsite at RAV/FM4/51.
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Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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