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MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network'...

MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network'...


MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network' analysis

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MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network' analysis


England: BioMed Central

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BMC genomics, 2009-12, Vol.10 Suppl 3 (Suppl 3), p.S20-S20, Article S20




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England: BioMed Central

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Mitochondria play a vital role in the energy production and apoptotic process of eukaryotic cells. Proteins in the mitochondria are encoded by nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Owing to a large increase in the number of identified mitochondrial protein sequences and completed mitochondrial genomes, it has become necessary to provide a web-based database of mitochondrial protein information.
We present 'MitoInteractome', a consolidated web-based portal containing a wealth of information on predicted protein-protein interactions, physico-chemical properties, polymorphism, and diseases related to the mitochondrial proteome. MitoInteractome contains 6,549 protein sequences which were extracted from the following databases: SwissProt, MitoP, MitoProteome, HPRD and Gene Ontology database. The first general mitochondrial interactome has been constructed based on the concept of 'homologous interaction' using PSIMAP (Protein Structural Interactome MAP) and PEIMAP (Protein Experimental Interactome MAP). Using the above mentioned methods, protein-protein interactions were predicted for 74 species. The mitochondrial protein interaction data of humans was used to construct a network for the aging process. Analysis of the 'aging network' gave us vital insights into the interactions among proteins that influence the aging process.
MitoInteractome is a comprehensive database that would (1) aid in increasing our understanding of the molecular functions and interaction networks of mitochondrial proteins, (2) help in identifying new target proteins for experimental research using predicted protein-protein interaction information, and (3) help in identifying biomarkers for diagnosis and new molecular targets for drug development related to mitochondria. MitoInteractome is available at http://mitointeractome.kobic.kr/....

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MitoInteractome: mitochondrial protein interactome database, and its application in 'aging network' analysis


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