8,640 results for Li,+Qian

8,640 results for Li,+Qian

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    Publisher:[Orange, N.S.W.] : NSW Department of Primary Industries, June, 2016.
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    Qian nian fan hua : Jingdou de jie xiang ren sheng / Sh...

    千年繁華 : 京都的街巷人生 / 寿岳章子著 ; 澤田重隆繪 ; 李芷姍譯.

    Qian nian fan hua : Jingdou de jie xiang ren sheng / Shouyue Zhangzi zhu ; Zetian Zhonglong hui ; Li Zhishan yi.

    Author / Creator:Jugaku, Akiko, 1924- | 寿岳章子, 1924-
    Publisher:tai bei shi : Ma ke bei luo wen hua chu ban, 2009. | 臺北市 : 馬可孛羅文化出版, 2009.
    Edition:Di 2 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/952.2/JUG
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    Hun bian / Qiancaomoli.

    婚變 / 淺草茉莉.

    Hun bian / Qiancaomoli.

    Author / Creator:Qiancaomoli. | 淺草茉莉
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin yue wen hua, 2009. | 台北市 : 新月文化, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban.
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    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 19...

    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 1930s / authors, Florian Knothe, Peter Pfrunder ; co-editors, UMAG, Fotostiftung Schweiz ; curators, Christopher Mattison, Florian Knothe ; translator and editorial assistant, Kikki Lam, Guo Yufei ; designer, Stephy Tsui = 博薩特在中國 : 記錄一九三零年代的社會變遷 / 作者, 羅諾德, 彼得·普夫倫德 ; 聯合編輯, 香港大學美術博物館, 瑞士攝影基金會 ; 策展人, 馬德松, 羅諾德 ; 譯者及編輯助理, 林嘉琪, 郭雨菲 ; 設計師, 徐曉雯.

    Bosshard in China : documenting social change in the 1930s / authors, Florian Knothe, Peter Pfrunder ; co-editors, UMAG, Fotostiftung Schweiz ; curators, Christopher Mattison, Florian Knothe ; transla...

    Author / Creator:Bosshard, Walter, 1892-1975, photographer.
    Publisher:Hong Kong : University Museum and Art Gallery, 2018.
    Call Numbers:GQ 2019/0144
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    Wakaza satsujin jiken : chōhen suiri shōsetsu : Asami M...

    若狭殺人事件 : 長編推理小説 : 浅見光彦x歴史ロマンSELECTION / 内田康夫.

    Wakaza satsujin jiken : chōhen suiri shōsetsu : Asami Mitsuhiko x rekishi roman selection / Uchida Yasuo.

    Author / Creator:Uchida, Yasuo, author. | 内田康夫, author
    Publisher:Tōkyō : Kōbunsha, 2016.
    Call Numbers:JPN/00872
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    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound r...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    王谦祥, 李增瑞相声全集 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化发展有限公司制作.

    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-?] | [北京] : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00385
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    Sen lin da qi an / ao li fo. jie fa (Oliver Jeffers) we...

    森林大奇案 / 奧利佛.傑法(Oliver Jeffers)文.圖 ; 劉清彥譯.

    Sen lin da qi an / ao li fo. jie fa (Oliver Jeffers) wen. tu ; Liu Qingyan yi.

    Author / Creator:Bijiefa (Jeffers, Oliver) | 佛傑法 (Jeffers, Oliver)
    Publisher:Tai bei shi : Tian xia yuan jian chu ban ; [Tai bei xian xin zhuang shi] : Da he shu bao zong jing xiao, 2009.09. | 臺北市 : 天下遠見出版 ; [臺北縣新莊市] : 大和書報總經銷, 2009.09.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2014/970
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    Wo yao zou zai zui qian mian / Lichade Boen zhu hui ; Y...

    我要走在最前面 / 理查·伯恩 著绘 ; 余治莹 译.

    Wo yao zou zai zui qian mian / Lichade Boen zhu hui ; Yu Zhiying yi.

    Author / Creator:Byrne, Richard, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong, 2019.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00120
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    Qi zai yang bei shang de guo jia : Aodaliya / Luo Yiqin...

    骑在羊背上的国家 : 澳大利亚 / 骆以清, 梅茜, 马桂馨著.

    Qi zai yang bei shang de guo jia : Aodaliya / Luo Yiqing, Mei Qian, Ma Guixin zhu.

    Author / Creator:Luo, Yiqing. | 骆以清
    Publisher:Beijing : Ke xue pu ji chu ban she, 1994. | 北京 : 科学普及出版社, 1994.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:919.404/93
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengru...
    Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 王谦祥, 李增瑞相声集 [sound recording] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng ji [sound recording] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Author / Creator:Wang, Qianxiang, 1946- | 王谦祥, 1946-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she, [2002]. | 北京 : 中国广播音像出版社, [2002].
    Call Numbers:CHI/01764
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    Xiao bao bao yao lai le / wen tu Yuehan Boninghan, Hail...

    小寶寶要來了 / 文 圖 约翰 伯宁罕, 海伦 奥森柏莉 ; 譯 柯倩華.

    Xiao bao bao yao lai le / wen tu Yuehan Boninghan, Hailun Aosenboli ; yi Ke Qianhua.

    Author / Creator:Burningham, John.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Shang yi wen hua, 2010. | 臺北 : 上誼文化, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00167
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    Xiao xin! Daixi = Oops-a-Daisy / Kelai'er Folideman wen...

    小心! 戴茜 = Oops-a-Daisy / 克莱尔 佛里德曼 文 ; 嘉比 汉森图 ; 思铭译.

    Xiao xin! Daixi = Oops-a-Daisy / Kelai'er Folideman wen ; Jiabi Hansen tu ; Si Ming yi.

    Author / Creator:Freedman, Claire.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2008. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2008.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00131
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    Shui shuo shui qian yao shu yang = Too many sheep / (Ao...

    谁说睡前要数羊 = Too many sheep / (澳) 克莉丝汀娜. 布斯著 ; 漆仰平译.

    Shui shuo shui qian yao shu yang = Too many sheep / (Ao) Kelisitingna Busi zhu ; Qi Yangping yi.

    Author / Creator:Booth, Christina author. | 布斯, 克莉丝汀娜,,, author
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua chu ban she, 2017. | 上海 : 上海文化出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00870
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    Dang dai Aodaliya : She hui bian qian yu zheng zhi jing...

    当代澳大利亚 : 社会变迁与政治经济的新发展 / 韩锋, 刘樊德主编.

    Dang dai Aodaliya : She hui bian qian yu zheng zhi jing ji de xin fa zhan / Han Feng, Liu Fande zhu bian.

    Publisher:Beijing : Shi jie zhi shi chu ban she, 2004. | 北京 : 世界知识出版社, 2004.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:300.994/4
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    Facebook : xing ai yu jin qian, tian cai yu bei pan jia...

    Facebook : 性愛與金錢、天才與背叛交織的秘辛 / 班 梅立克(Ben Mezric[h])著 ; 陳琇玲譯.

    Facebook : xing ai yu jin qian, tian cai yu bei pan jiao zhi de mi xin / Ban Meilike (Ben Mezric[h]) zhu ; Chen Xiuling yi.

    Author / Creator:Mezrich, Ben, 1969-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Shang zhou chu ban, 2010. | 台北市 : 商周出版, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/006.7/MEZ
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    Wo hao dan xin / [Mei] Keniliya Mode Sipei'erman zhu ; ...

    我好担心 / [美] 科尼莉娅·莫得·斯佩尔蔓 著 ; [美] 凯茜・帕金森 绘 ; 黄雪妍 译.

    Wo hao dan xin / [Mei] Keniliya Mode Sipei'erman zhu ; [Mei] Kaiqian Pajinsen hui ; Huang Xueyan yi.

    Author / Creator:Spelman, Cornelia, author.
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Dian zi gong ye chu ban she, 2016. | 北京市 : 电子工业出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01062 , CHI/J/01060 , CHI/J/01061
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