68 results for Liddle,+Jennifer

68 results for Liddle,+Jennifer

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    Author / Creator:Zhao, Tingting ; Chang, Xiaolin ; Biswas, Subrata ; Balsbaugh, Jeremy ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Chen, Ming-hui ; Matson, Adam ; Cong, Xiaomei
    Publisher:Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    Journal title:Journal of clinical and translational science, 2024-04, Vol.8 (s1), p.27-27
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    Author / Creator:Herrmann, Christin ; Dybas, Joseph M. ; Liddle, Jennifer C. ; Price, Alexander M. ; Hayer, Katharina E. ; Lauman, Richard ; Purman, Caitlin E. ; Charman, Matthew ; Kim, Eui Tae ; Garcia, Benjamin A. ; Weitzman, Matthew D.
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature microbiology, 2020-10, Vol.5 (10), p.1217-1231
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    Author / Creator:Allen, Kevin
    Publisher:Fort Lauderdale: Tribune Publishing Company, LLC
    Journal title:Sun-sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.), 1986-12-21
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    Author / Creator:Lourdes rodriguez-Florido Chris Allen
    Publisher:Fort Lauderdale, Fla: Tribune Publishing Company, LLC
    Journal title:Sun-sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.), 2002-11-10
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    Author / Creator:Reuter, Arlind ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Scharf, Thomas
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020-11, Vol.17 (21), p.8281
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    Author / Creator:Healey, Jan ; Davey, Vanessa ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Gareth O’Rourke ; Beresford, Bryony ; Hanratty, Barbara
    Publisher:London: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979), 2023-08, Vol.77 (Suppl 1), p.A85-A85
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    Author / Creator:Liddle, Jennifer ; Alazawi, Abdulwahab ; Esslemont, Dawn ; Hanratty, Barbara ; Henderson, Christine ; Jones, Louise ; Wilson, Lisa
    Publisher:London: BMJ Publishing Group LTD
    Journal title:Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979), 2023-08, Vol.77 (Suppl 1), p.A84-A85
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    Author / Creator:Compiled by CHRIS ALLEN
    Publisher:Fort Lauderdale, Fla: Tribune Publishing Company, LLC
    Journal title:Sun-sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.), 2003-01-26
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    Author / Creator:Compiled by Chris Allen
    Publisher:Fort Lauderdale, Fla: Tribune Publishing Company, LLC
    Journal title:Sun-sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.), 2002-11-10
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    Author / Creator:Liddle, Jennifer ; Pitcher, Nicole ; Montague, Kyle ; Hanratty, Barbara ; Standing, Holly ; Scharf, Thomas
    Journal title:International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020-07, Vol.17 (15), p.5544
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    Author / Creator:Ripke, Stephan ; O'Dushlaine, Colm ; Chambert, Kimberly ; Moran, Jennifer L ; Kähler, Anna K ; Akterin, Susanne ; Bergen, Sarah E ; Collins, Ann L ; Crowley, James J ; Fromer, Menachem ; Kim, Yunjung ; Lee, Sang Hong ; Magnusson, Patrik K E ; Sanchez, Nick ; Stahl, Eli A ; Williams, Stephanie ; Wray, Naomi R ; Xia, Kai ; Bettella, Francesco ; Borglum, Anders D ; Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan K ; Cormican, Paul ; Craddock, Nick ; de Leeuw, Christiaan ; Durmishi, Naser ; Gill, Michael ; Golimbet, Vera ; Hamshere, Marian L ; Holmans, Peter ; Hougaard, David M ; Kendler, Kenneth S ; Lin, Kuang ; Morris, Derek W ; Mors, Ole ; Mortensen, Preben B ; Neale, Benjamin M ; O'Neill, Francis A ; Owen, Michael J ; Milovancevic, Milica Pejovic ; Posthuma, Danielle ; Powell, John ; Richards, Alexander L ; Riley, Brien P ; Ruderfer, Douglas ; Rujescu, Dan ; Sigurdsson, Engilbert ; Silagadze, Teimuraz ; Smit, August B ; Stefansson, Hreinn ; Steinberg, Stacy ; Suvisaari, Jaana ; Tosato, Sarah ; Verhage, Matthijs ; Walters, James T ; Bramon, Elvira ; Corvin, Aiden P ; O'Donovan, Michael C ; Stefansson, Kari ; Scolnick, Edward ; Purcell, Shaun ; McCarroll, Steven A ; Sklar, Pamela ; Hultman, Christina M ; Sullivan, Patrick F
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2013-10, Vol.45 (10), p.1150-1159
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    Publisher:Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
    Journal title:Ageing and society, 2014-10, Vol.34 (9), p.1601-1629
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    Author / Creator:Sawcer, Stephen ; Hellenthal, Garrett ; Pirinen, Matti ; Spencer, Chris C A ; Patsopoulos, Nikolaos A ; Moutsianas, Loukas ; Dilthey, Alexander ; Su, Zhan ; Freeman, Colin ; Hunt, Sarah E ; Edkins, Sarah ; Gray, Emma ; Booth, David R ; Potter, Simon C ; Goris, An ; Band, Gavin ; Oturai, Annette Bang ; Strange, Amy ; Saarela, Janna ; Bellenguez, Céline ; Fontaine, Bertrand ; Gillman, Matthew ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Gwilliam, Rhian ; Zipp, Frauke ; Jayakumar, Alagurevathi ; Martin, Roland ; Leslie, Stephen ; Hawkins, Stanley ; Giannoulatou, Eleni ; D'alfonso, Sandra ; Blackburn, Hannah ; Martinelli Boneschi, Filippo ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Harbo, Hanne F ; Perez, Marc L ; Spurkland, Anne ; Waller, Matthew J ; Mycko, Marcin P ; Ricketts, Michelle ; Comabella, Manuel ; Hammond, Naomi ; Kockum, Ingrid ; McCann, Owen T ; Ban, Maria ; Whittaker, Pamela ; Kemppinen, Anu ; Weston, Paul ; Hawkins, Clive ; Widaa, Sara ; Zajicek, John ; Dronov, Serge ; Robertson, Neil ; Bumpstead, Suzannah J ; Barcellos, Lisa F ; Ravindrarajah, Rathi ; Abraham, Roby ; Alfredsson, Lars ; Ardlie, Kristin ; Aubin, Cristin ; Baker, Amie ; Baker, Katharine ; Baranzini, Sergio E ; Bergamaschi, Laura ; Bergamaschi, Roberto ; Bernstein, Allan ; Berthele, Achim ; Boggild, Mike ; Bradfield, Jonathan P ; Brassat, David ; Broadley, Simon A ; Buck, Dorothea ; Butzkueven, Helmut ; Capra, Ruggero ; Carroll, William M ; Cavalla, Paola ; Celius, Elisabeth G ; Cepok, Sabine ; Chiavacci, Rosetta ; Clerget-Darpoux, Françoise ; Clysters, Katleen ; Comi, Giancarlo ; Cossburn, Mark ; Cournu-Rebeix, Isabelle ; Cox, Mathew B ; Cozen, Wendy ; Cree, Bruce A C ; Cross, Anne H ; Cusi, Daniele ; Daly, Mark J ; Davis, Emma ; de Bakker, Paul I W ; Debouverie, Marc ; D'hooghe, Marie Beatrice ; Dixon, Katherine ; Dobosi, Rita ; Dubois, Bénédicte ; Ellinghaus, David ; Elovaara, Irina ; Esposito, Federica
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature (London), 2011-08, Vol.476 (7359), p.214-219
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    Author / Creator:Chandratre, Priyanka ; Mallen, Christian D. ; Roddy, Edward ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Richardson, Jane
    Publisher:London: Springer London
    Journal title:Clinical rheumatology, 2016-05, Vol.35 (5), p.1197-1205
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    Author / Creator:Evans, David M ; Spencer, Chris C A ; Pointon, Jennifer J ; Su, Zhan ; Harvey, David ; Kochan, Grazyna ; Oppermann, Udo ; Dilthey, Alexander ; Pirinen, Matti ; Stone, Millicent A ; Appleton, Louise ; Moutsianas, Loukas ; Leslie, Stephen ; Wordsworth, Tom ; Kenna, Tony J ; Karaderi, Tugce ; Thomas, Gethin P ; Ward, Michael M ; Weisman, Michael H ; Farrar, Claire ; Bradbury, Linda A ; Danoy, Patrick ; Inman, Robert D ; Maksymowych, Walter ; Gladman, Dafna ; Rahman, Proton ; Morgan, Ann ; Marzo-Ortega, Helena ; Bowness, Paul ; Gaffney, Karl ; Gaston, J S Hill ; Smith, Malcolm ; Bruges-Armas, Jacome ; Couto, Ana-Rita ; Sorrentino, Rosa ; Paladini, Fabiana ; Ferreira, Manuel A ; Xu, Huji ; Liu, Yu ; Jiang, Lei ; Lopez-Larrea, Carlos ; Díaz-Peña, Roberto ; López-Vázquez, Antonio ; Zayats, Tetyana ; Band, Gavin ; Bellenguez, Céline ; Blackburn, Hannah ; Blackwell, Jenefer M ; Bramon, Elvira ; Bumpstead, Suzannah J ; Casas, Juan P ; Corvin, Aiden ; Craddock, Nicholas ; Deloukas, Panos ; Dronov, Serge ; Duncanson, Audrey ; Edkins, Sarah ; Freeman, Colin ; Gillman, Matthew ; Gray, Emma ; Gwilliam, Rhian ; Hammond, Naomi ; Hunt, Sarah E ; Jankowski, Janusz ; Jayakumar, Alagurevathi ; Langford, Cordelia ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Markus, Hugh S ; Mathew, Christopher G ; McCann, Owen T ; McCarthy, Mark I ; Palmer, Colin N A ; Peltonen, Leena ; Plomin, Robert ; Potter, Simon C ; Rautanen, Anna ; Ravindrarajah, Radhi ; Ricketts, Michelle ; Samani, Nilesh ; Sawcer, Stephen J ; Strange, Amy ; Trembath, Richard C ; Viswanathan, Ananth C ; Waller, Matthew ; Weston, Paul ; Whittaker, Pamela ; Widaa, Sara ; Wood, Nicholas W ; McVean, Gilean ; Reveille, John D ; Wordsworth, B Paul ; Brown, Matthew A ; Donnelly, Peter
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2011-08, Vol.43 (8), p.761-767
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    Author / Creator:Battison, Alexandria Sheain ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Sumsky, Stefan ; O'connell, Christopher ; Balsbaugh, Jeremy ; Loturco, Joseph
    Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
    Journal title:bioRxiv, 2024-01
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    Author / Creator:Barrett, Jeffrey C ; Lee, James C ; Lees, Charles W ; Prescott, Natalie J ; Anderson, Carl A ; Phillips, Anne ; Wesley, Emma ; Parnell, Kirstie ; Zhang, Hu ; Drummond, Hazel ; Nimmo, Elaine R ; Massey, Dunecan ; Blaszczyk, Kasia ; Elliott, Timothy ; Cotterill, Lynn ; Dallal, Helen ; Lobo, Alan J ; Mowat, Craig ; Sanderson, Jeremy D ; Jewell, Derek P ; Newman, William G ; Edwards, Cathryn ; Ahmad, Tariq ; Mansfield, John C ; Satsangi, Jack ; Parkes, Miles ; Mathew, Christopher G ; Donnelly, Peter ; Peltonen, Leena ; Blackwell, Jenefer M ; Bramon, Elvira ; Brown, Matthew A ; Casas, Juan P ; Corvin, Aiden ; Craddock, Nicholas ; Deloukas, Panos ; Duncanson, Audrey ; Jankowski, Janusz ; Markus, Hugh S ; McCarthy, Mark I ; Palmer, Colin N A ; Plomin, Robert ; Rautanen, Anna ; Sawcer, Stephen J ; Samani, Nilesh ; Trembath, Richard C ; Viswanathan, Anath C ; Wood, Nicholas ; Spencer, Chris C A ; Bellenguez, Céline ; Davison, Daniel ; Freeman, Colin ; Strange, Amy ; Langford, Cordelia ; Hunt, Sarah E ; Edkins, Sarah ; Gwilliam, Rhian ; Blackburn, Hannah ; Bumpstead, Suzannah J ; Dronov, Serge ; Gillman, Matthew ; Gray, Emma ; Hammond, Naomi ; Jayakumar, Alagurevathi ; McCann, Owen T ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Perez, Marc L ; Potter, Simon C ; Ravindrarajah, Radhi ; Ricketts, Michelle ; Waller, Matthew ; Weston, Paul ; Widaa, Sara ; Whittaker, Pamela ; Attwood, Antony P ; Stephens, Jonathan ; Sambrook, Jennifer ; Ouwehand, Willem H ; McArdle, Wendy L ; Ring, Susan M ; Strachan, David P
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature genetics, 2009-12, Vol.41 (12), p.1330-1334
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    Author / Creator:Bareham, Bethany ; John, Deepti ; O’Donnell, Amy ; Liddle, Jennifer ; Hanratty, Barbara
    Publisher:US: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Innovation in aging, 2023-12, Vol.7 (Supplement_1), p.571-571
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    Author / Creator:Speller, Jan ; Borisov, Oleg ; Hess, Timo ; Kreuser, Nicole ; Alakus, Hakan ; May, Andrea ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Thieme, Rene ; Hillmer, Axel M ; Lyros, Orestis ; Dietrich, Arne ; Lordick, Florian ; Stocker, Gertraud ; Hohaus, Michael ; Reim, Daniel ; Kandler, Jennis ; Fuchs, Claudia ; Lang, Hauke ; Grimminger, Peter P ; Dakkak, Dani ; Görg, Siegfried ; Franke, Andre ; Galavotti, Sara ; Dommermuth, Jens ; Rösch, Thomas ; Messmann, Helmut ; Nöthen, Markus M ; Vaughan, Thomas L ; Tomlinson, Ian ; Jankowski, Janusz ; Vieth, Michael ; MacGregor, Stuart ; Gockel, Ines ; Palles, Claire ; Schumacher, Johannes ; Donnelly, Peter ; Barroso, Ines ; Blackwell, Jenefer M ; Bramon, Elvira ; Duncanson, Audrey ; Jankowski, Janusz ; Markus, Hugh S ; Mathew, Christopher G ; Palmer, Colin NA ; Plomin, Robert ; Sawcer, Stephen J ; Trembath, Richard C ; Viswanathan, Ananth C ; Wood, Nicholas W ; Bellenguez, Céline ; Freeman, Colin ; Hellenthal, Garrett ; Giannoulatou, Eleni ; Pearson, Richard ; Strange, Amy ; Vukcevic, Damjan ; Langford, Cordelia ; Hunt, Sarah E ; Gwilliam, Rhian ; Bumpstead, Suzannah J ; Dronov, Serge ; Potter, Simon C ; Ravindrarajah, Radhi ; Ricketts, Michelle ; Waller, Matthew ; Weston, Paul ; Widaa, Sara ; Whittaker, Pamela ; Beckett, Conrad ; Cullen, Sue ; Dhar, Ameet ; Kejariwal, Deepak ; Sargeant, Ian ; Winter, Helen ; Dixon, Andrew ; McMurty, Hugh ; Johnson, Matthew ; MacDonald, Chris ; Haig, Chris ; Senapati, Siba ; Bhandari, Pradeep ; Ang, Yeng ; Smith, Mark ; Ramadas, Arvind ; Panter, Simon ; Lovat, Laurence ; Patel, Praful ; Falk, Stephen ; Nwokolo, Chuka ; deCaestecker, John ; Ramakrishnan, Subramaniam ; Kelly, Sean ; Prenen, Hans ; Corley, Douglas A ; Shaheen, Nicholas J ; Hardie, Laura J ; Risch, Harvey A ; Ye, Weimin ; Liu, Geoffrey ; Whiteman, David C
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology
    Journal title:Gut, 2023-04, Vol.72 (4), p.612-623
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    Author / Creator:Liddle, Jennifer ; Thomson, Katie ; Al-Azawi, Abdulwahab ; Esslemont, Dawn ; Hanratty, Barbara ; Henderson, Christine ; Jones, Louise ; Wilson, Lisa
    Publisher:US: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Innovation in aging, 2023-12, Vol.7 (Supplement_1), p.706-706
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