337 results for Sheng,+Huan

337 results for Sheng,+Huan

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    感冒,流感与其他感染,为什么有些人需要抗生素? : 55岁以上者及慢性病患者须知 / National prescribing service.

    Gan mao, liu gan yu qi ta gan ran, wei shen me you xie ren xu yao kang sheng su? : 55 sui yi shang zhe ji mang xing bing huan zhe xu zhi / National prescribing service.

    Author / Creator:National Prescribing Service (Australia) author.
    Publisher:Surry Hills, NSW National prescribing service, 2012.
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    Mei li de hua huan = A beautiful garland / Xia Nianshen...

    美丽的花环 = A beautiful garland / 夏辇生著.

    Mei li de hua huan = A beautiful garland / Xia Niansheng zhu.

    Author / Creator:Xia, Niansheng. | 夏辇生
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2008. | 北京 : 北京师范大学出版社, 2008.
    Edition:Di 2 ban. | 第2版.
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    Wei shen me jing ying dou shi qing dan kong = Listful t...

    为什么精英都是清单控 = Listful thinking : using lists to be more productive, successful and less stressed / (美) 宝拉·里佐(Paula Rizzo) 著 ; 郑焕升译

    Wei shen me jing ying dou shi qing dan kong = Listful thinking : using lists to be more productive, successful and less stressed / (Mei) Baola Lizuo (Paula Rizzo) zhu ; Zheng Huansheng yi.

    Author / Creator:Rizzo, Paula, author.
    Publisher:Changsha : Hunan wen yi, 2016. | 长沙 : 湖南文艺, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/650.1/RIZ
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    Jie shan er ju / Dongzi zhu.

    借山而居 / 冬子著.

    Jie shan er ju / Dongzi zhu.

    Author / Creator:Dongzi, 1987- author. | 冬子, 1987- author
    Publisher:Beijing Shi : Zhongguo Hua qiao chu ban she, 2015. | 北京市 中国华侨出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/895.1/DON
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    Enueichikē tameshite gatten kagaku no waza de kakujits...

    NHKためしてガッテン科学のワザで確実にやせる。 : 失敗しない!目からウロコのダイエット術 / NHK科学・環境番組部 ; 主婦と生活社「NHKためしてガッテン」編集班編.

    Enueichikē tameshite gatten kagaku no waza de kakujitsu ni yaseru : shippai shinai me kara uroko no daiettojutsu / Enueichikē kagaku kankyō bangumibu ; Shufu to seikatsusha enueichikē tameshite ga...

    Publisher:Tōkyō : Shufu to Seikatsusha, 2010. | 東京 : 主婦と生活社, 2010.
    Call Numbers:JPN/613.2/ENU
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    Proceedings of the 7th Academic Conference of Geology R...

    Author / Creator:Academic Conference of Geology Resource Management and Sustainable Development (7th : 2019 : Beijing, China)
    Publisher:Riverwood, NSW : Aussino Academic Publishing House, [2019].
    Edition:English edition.
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    National edeposit: Onsite at State Library of New South Wales
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    Proceedings of the 6th Academic Conference of Geology R...

    Author / Creator:Academic Conference of Geology Resource Management and Sustainable Development (6th : 2018 : Beijing, China)
    Publisher:Riverwood, NSW : Aussino Academic Publishing House, 2018.
    Edition:English edition.
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    National edeposit: Onsite at State Library of New South Wales
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    Wo de qian ban sheng / [zuo zhe, Yishu].

    我的前半生 / [作者, 亦舒].

    Wo de qian ban sheng / [zuo zhe, Yishu].

    Author / Creator:Yishu. author. | 亦舒, author
    Publisher:Changsha Shi : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 2017. | 长沙市 湖南文艺出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02172
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    Wan ru zuo ri : sheng cun you xi / Cai Jun zhu.

    宛如昨日 : 生存游戏 / 蔡骏著.

    Wan ru zuo ri : sheng cun you xi / Cai Jun zhu.

    Author / Creator:Cai, Jun, 1978- author. | 蔡骏, 1978- author
    Publisher:Changsha Shi : Hunan wen yi chu ban she, 2017. | 长沙市 : 湖南文艺出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02154
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    Wo kan jian sheng dan lao ren la = I've seen Santa! / D...

    我看见圣诞老人啦 = I've seen Santa! / 大卫 拜福德文 ; 蒂姆 华恩斯图 ; 翻译, 思铭.

    Wo kan jian sheng dan lao ren la = I've seen Santa! / Dawei Baifude wen ; Dimu Hua'ensi tu ; fan yi, Si Ming.

    Author / Creator:Bedford, David, 1969-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2008. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2008.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00114
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    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 第1-10集, 姜昆相声集 [sound recording ] / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di 1-10 ji, Jiang Kun xiang sheng ji [sound recording ] / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01757
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    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound r...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    王谦祥, 李增瑞相声全集 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化发展有限公司制作.

    Wang Qianxiang, Li Zengrui xiang sheng quan ji [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-?] | [北京] : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-?]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3 版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00385
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    Da hui lang xian sheng ba luo bo = Mr Wolf and the enor...

    大灰狼先生拔萝卜 = Mr Wolf and the enormous turnip / 贞 费恩利 文, 图 ; 曙光 译.

    Da hui lang xian sheng ba luo bo = Mr Wolf and the enormous turnip / Zhen Fei'enli wen, tu ; Shuguang yi.

    Author / Creator:Fearnley, Jan.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2009. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00116
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    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng ...

    還給自己美肌膚, 簡單小保養, 能做到 : 名醫親授"原因療法", 5絕招重拾鎖水力與免疫屏障, 徹底擺脫暗沉, 堵塞, 過敏, 發炎等惱人皮膚問題 / 菊池新著 ; 蘇暐婷譯.

    Huan gei zi ji mei ji fu, jian dan xiao bao yang, neng zuo dao : ming yi qin shou"yuan yin liao fa" , 5 jue zhao chong shi suo shui li yu mian yi ping zhang, che di bai tuo an chen, du se, guo min, fa...

    Author / Creator:Kikuchi, Arata, author. | 菊池新, author
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Fang yan wen hua chu ban shi ye you xian gong si, 2019. | 臺北市 : 方言文化出版事業有限公司, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/646.7/KIK
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    Da hui lang yu san zhi xiao xiong = Mr. Wolf and the th...

    大灰狼先生与三只小熊 = Mr. Wolf and the three bears / 贞 费恩利 文 图 ; 曙光译.

    Da hui lang yu san zhi xiao xiong = Mr. Wolf and the three bears / Zhen Feienli wen tu ; Shu Guang yi.

    Author / Creator:Fearnley, Jan.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2009. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00117
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di15 -25 ji, Liu Baorui d...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 第15-25集, 刘宝瑞.对口相声精品集 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Di15 -25 ji, Liu Baorui dui kou xiang sheng jing pin ji [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Author / Creator:Liu, Baorui. | 刘宝瑞
    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社, [2002].
    Call Numbers:CHI/01763
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    Da sang men Lili / Sufei Laguna wen ; Keli Ajinte tu ; ...

    大嗓门莉莉 / 苏菲 拉古娜 文 ; 克里 阿金特 图 ; 曙光 译.

    Da sang men Lili / Sufei Laguna wen ; Keli Ajinte tu ; Shuguang yi.

    Author / Creator:Laguna, Sofie, 1968-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2009. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00082
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    Hou Baolin da shi xiang sheng jing xuan [sound recordin...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    候宝林大師相聲精選 [sound recording] / [候宝林演播].

    Hou Baolin da shi xiang sheng jing xuan [sound recording] / [Hou Baolin yan bo].

    Author / Creator:Hou, Baolin, 1917-1993. | 候宝林, 1917-1993
    Publisher:Beijing : Teng tu dian zi chu ban she, [2005.] | 北京 : 腾图电子出版社, [2005.]
    Edition:MP3 ban. | MP3版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/00418
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    Xiao xiong shiu jiao la Bedtime for little bears! / Daw...

    小熊睡觉啦 = Bedtime for little bears! / 大卫 贝福德文 ; 卡洛林 派德勒图 ; 思铭译.

    Xiao xiong shiu jiao la Bedtime for little bears! / Dawei Beifude wen ; Kaluolin Paidele tu ; Si Ming yi.

    Author / Creator:Bedford, David, 1969-
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li chu ban she, 2008. | 北京 : 中国电力出版社, 2008.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00127
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    Xiao ci wei de ma fan = Ouch! / Ruixide Sikamei'er wen ...

    小刺猬的麻烦 = Ouch! / 瑞希德 斯卡梅尔 文 ; 麦可 泰瑞 图 ; 思铭 译.

    Xiao ci wei de ma fan = Ouch! / Ruixide Sikamei'er wen ; Maike Tairui tu ; Si Ming yi.

    Author / Creator:Scamell, Ragnhild.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhongguo dian li, 2008. | 北京 : 中国电力, 2008.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00128
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