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    Skazki o t͡sare Kolbaske / avtor Masha Rupasova ; khudo...

    Сказки о царе Колбаске / автор Маша Рупасова ; художник Ю. Сомина.

    Skazki o t͡sare Kolbaske / avtor Masha Rupasova ; khudozhnik I͡u. Somina.

    Author / Creator:Rupasova, Masha, author. | Рупасова, Маша, автор
    Publisher:Moscow : Alpina Publisher, 2018. | Москва : Издатель Alpina, 2018.
    Call Numbers:RUS/J/00489
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    Chuan wazi de huli = Fox in socks / (mei) Dr. Seuss tu/...

    穿袜子的狐狸 = Fox in socks / (美) 苏斯博士 图/文 ; 孙若颖 译.

    Chuan wazi de huli = Fox in socks / (mei) Dr. Seuss tu/wen ; Sun Ruoying yi.

    Author / Creator:Seuss, Dr. author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhong yi chuban she, 2017. | 北京 : 中译出版社, 2017.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01092
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    Boo to a goose / Mem Fox ; pictures by David Miller.

    Author / Creator:Fox, Mem, 1946-
    Publisher:New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, 1998.
    Edition:1st ed.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2013/3452
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    Stepping stones : a refugee family's journey = Ḥaṣá al-...

    Stepping stones : a refugee family's journey / Margriet Ruurs ; artwork by Nizar Ali Badr = حصى الطرقات : رحلة عايلة لاجية / تاليف : مارغريت رورز ؛ رسوم : نزار علي بدر.‪‪

    Stepping stones : a refugee family's journey = Ḥaṣá al-ṭuruqāt : riḥalat ʻ̕āʼilah lājiʼah / Margriet Ruurs ; artwork by Nizar Ali Badr ; translated by Falah Raheem = taʼlīf: Mārgharīt Runurz ; rusūm:...

    Author / Creator:Ruurs, Margriet author.
    Publisher:[Victoria, British Columbia] : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    Call Numbers:ARA/J/00145
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    Nepravil'nyye skazki / Andreĭ Usachëv.

    Неправильные сказки / Андрей Усачёв

    Nepravil'nyye skazki / Andreĭ Usachëv.

    Author / Creator:Usachëv, Andreĭ, author. | Усачёв, Андрей, автор
    Publisher:Moscow : Lev, 2019. | Москва : Лев, 2019.
    Call Numbers:RUS/J/398.2/USA
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    Jag vill ha en lyftkran / Ebba Forslind.

    Author / Creator:Forslind, Ebba, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Stockholm : Rabén and Sjögren, 2020.
    Call Numbers:SWE/J/00404
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    Pītœ tua men : yǭd nakkin thua lantao tuayong = Smel...

    Author / Creator:Smallman, Steve. author.
    Publisher:Krung Thēp : Em Ai Et Pablitching, 2561 [2018]
    Edition:Phim khrang thī 1.
    Call Numbers:THA/J/00352
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    Mr Koala's steam train.

    Publisher:Noble Park, Vic. : Five Mile Press, 1997.
    Call Numbers:Q823.914/57
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    Mulga's magical musical creatures / Mulga.

    Author / Creator:Mulga, artist
    Publisher:Sydney, NSW : Hachette Australia, 2016.
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    National edeposit: Onsite at State Library of New South Wales
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    Huo dun tingjianle hu hu de shengyin = Horton hears a W...

    霍顿听见了呼呼的声音 = Horton hears a Who! / (美) 苏斯博士 图/文 ; 苗卉 译.

    Huo dun tingjianle hu hu de shengyin = Horton hears a Who! / (mei) Dr. Seuss tu/wen ; Miao Hui yi.

    Author / Creator:Seuss, Dr. author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Beijing : Zhong yi chuban she, 2017. | 北京 : 中译出版社, 2017.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01090
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