1,129 results for Tang,+Ke

1,129 results for Tang,+Ke

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    Nüwu saozhou pai pai zuo = Room on the broom / (Ying) ...

    女巫扫帚排排坐 = Room on the broom / (英) 朱莉娅·唐纳森 著 ; (德) 阿克塞尔·舍夫勒 绘 ; 任溶溶 译.

    Nüwu saozhou pai pai zuo = Room on the broom / (Ying) Julia Donaldson ; (De) Axel Scheffler hui ; Ren Rongrong yi.

    Author / Creator:Donaldson, Julia, author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chuban she, 2015. | 北京 : 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01071
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    Cheng li zui piaoliang de juren = The smartest giant in...

    城里最漂亮的巨人 = The smartest giant in town / (英) 朱莉娅·唐纳森 著 ; (德) 阿克塞尔·舍夫勒 绘 ; 任溶溶 译.

    Cheng li zui piaoliang de juren = The smartest giant in town / (Ying) Julia Donaldson zhu ; (De) Axel Scheffler hui ; Ren Rongrong yi.

    Author / Creator:Donaldson, Julia, author.
    Publisher:Beijing : Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chuban she, 2015. | 北京 : 外语教学与研究出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01059
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    Xiao e yu jia zu : duo duo he shen qi pao pao tang = Do...

    小鱷魚家族 : 多多和神奇泡泡糖 = DoDo and the magic bubble gum / 麥克.史密斯 (Michael K.K Smith) 文 ; 米雅圖 ; 林芳萍 譯.

    Xiao e yu jia zu : duo duo he shen qi pao pao tang = DoDo and the magic bubble gum / Maike Shimisi (Michael K.K Smith) wen ; Miya tu ; Lin Fangping yi.

    Author / Creator:Smith, Michael K.K. author.
    Publisher:Xinbei Shi : Xiao xiong chu ban, 2019. | 新北市 : 小熊出版, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00003
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    Gu Zhengyi de tang / Zhu Guozhen.

    古正義的糖 / 朱國珍.

    Gu Zhengyi de tang / Zhu Guozhen.

    Author / Creator:Zhu, Yiyi author. | 朱國珍, author
    Publisher:Xinbei shi : INK yin ke wen xue, 2019.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02291
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    Fu ke shen qing / zuo zhe Liang Wangfeng.

    復刻深情 / 作者梁望峯.

    Fu ke shen qing / zuo zhe Liang Wangfeng.

    Author / Creator:Liang, Wangfeng. author. | 梁望峯, author
    Publisher:Xianggang : Ri yue tang chu ban she, 2016. | 香港 日閱堂出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/02022
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    Zhonghua Tang shi san bai shou song du [sound recording...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    中华唐诗三百首诵读 [sound recording] / 北京鸿达以太文化髮展有限公司制作.

    Zhonghua Tang shi san bai shou song du [sound recording] / Beijing hong da yi tai wen hua fa zhan you xian gong si zhi zuo.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing ke hai dian zi chu ban she, [200-] | 北京 : 北京科海电子出版社, [200-]
    Edition:CD ban. | CD版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01748
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    Yi qian ling yi ye [sound recording] / Beijing jiao yu ...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings | Audiobooks

    一千零一夜 [sound recording] / 北京教育科学研究院, 早期教育研究所监制.

    Yi qian ling yi ye [sound recording] / Beijing jiao yu ke xue yan jiu yuan, zao qi jiao yu yan jiu suo jian zhi.

    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing pu jiao dian zi yin xiang chu ban she, [2005]. | 北京 : 北京普敎电子音像出版社, [2005].
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00147
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    Wu Zetian : cong san sui dao ba shi er sui. 2 / Wang Xi...

    武则天 : 从三岁到八十二岁. 2 / 王晓磊 著.

    Wu Zetian : cong san sui dao ba shi er sui. 2 / Wang Xiaolei zhu.

    Author / Creator:Wang, Xiaolei author. | 王晓磊, author
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 2016. | 南京 江苏文艺出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/951.0/WAN
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    Wu Zetian : cong san sui dao ba shi er sui / Wang Xiaol...

    武则天 : 从三岁到八十二岁 / 王晓磊 著.

    Wu Zetian : cong san sui dao ba shi er sui / Wang Xiaolei zhu.

    Author / Creator:Wang, Xiaolei author. | 王晓磊, author
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 2015. | 南京 : 江苏文艺出版社, 2015.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/951.0/WAN
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    Tou peng tou shuo shuo hua = Touching & talking / Jimmy...

    頭碰頭說說話 = Touching & talking / 幾米.

    Tou peng tou shuo shuo hua = Touching & talking / Jimmy Liao.

    Author / Creator:Jimi, author, illustrator. | 幾米, 作者, 插画家
    Publisher:Tai bei shi : Da kuai wenhua chuban gufen youxian gongsi, 2020. | 台北市 : 大塊文化出版股份有限公司, 2020.
    Edition:Hardcover edition.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01018
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    Tou peng tou shuo shuo hua = Touching & talking / Jimmy...

    頭碰頭說說話 = Touching & talking / 幾米.

    Tou peng tou shuo shuo hua = Touching & talking / Jimmy Liao.

    Author / Creator:Jimi, author, illustrator. | 幾米, 作者, 插画家
    Publisher:Tai bei shi : Da kuai wenhua chuban gufen youxian gongsi, 2020. | 台北市 : 大塊文化出版股份有限公司, 2020.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/01010
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    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Er, di11 - 20 ji, Ma Ji x...
    Non-Musical Sound Recordings

    中国相声大全. 贰, 第11-20集, 马季相声集 [sound recording ] = Chinese comedy dialogue / 中央人民广播电台历史录音.

    Zhongguo xiang sheng da quan. Er, di11 - 20 ji, Ma Ji xiang sheng ji [sound recording ] = Chinese comedy dialogue / Zhong yang ren min guang bo dian tai li shi lu yin.

    Publisher:[Beijing] : Zhongguo guang bo yin xiang chu ban she, [2002]. | [北京] : 中国广播音像出版社, [2002].
    Edition:Zhen cang ban. | 珍藏版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01741
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    Federal or national government publication | Maps

    Author / Creator:Great Britain. Hydrographic Department.
    Publisher:London : Published at the Admiralty, 1855-1899.
    Call Numbers:NX912/5
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Yuan, Dezhou ; Zhong, Yingxue ; Zhu, Xinping ; Chen, Ying ; Jin, Yue ; Du, Xinze ; Tang, Ke ; Huang, Tianyu
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2024-12, Vol.25 (1), p.71
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