15 results for "Hai+tun+hui+ben+hua+yuan."

15 results for "Hai+tun+hui+ben+hua+yuan."

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    Hui fei de xiang zi / Soren Jessen wen tu ; Lin Xin yi.

    会飞的箱子 / 索伦·杰森 文 图 ; 林昕 译.

    Hui fei de xiang zi / Soren Jessen wen tu ; Lin Xin yi.

    Author / Creator:Jessen, Soren, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Shanghai : Beijing lian he chu ban gong si, 2018. | 上海 : 上海文化出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00725
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    Da cheng shi li de xiao xiang / Maike Kulatuo wen tu ; ...

    大城市里的小象 / 迈克· 库拉托 文图 ; 杨玲玲, 彭懿 译.

    Da cheng shi li de xiao xiang / Maike Kulatuo wen tu ; Yang Lingling, Peng Yi yi.

    Author / Creator:Curato, Mike, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00774
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    Ba ba duo na er qu le ? = Where's dad hiding? / Aide Ai...

    爸爸躲哪儿去了? = Where's dad hiding? / 艾德・艾伦 著 ; 阿尼尔・托普 绘 ; 范晓星 译.

    Ba ba duo na er qu le ? = Where's dad hiding? / Aide Ailun zhu ; Ani'er Tuopu hui ; Fan Xiaoxing yi.

    Author / Creator:Allen, Ed, active 1979 author.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2019. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2019.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
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    Xiong zai na er = Where is bear / Qiaonasen Binli zhu h...

    熊在哪儿 = Where is bear / 乔纳森· 宾利 著绘 ; 叶世芬 译.

    Xiong zai na er = Where is bear / Qiaonasen Binli zhu hui ; Ye Shifen yi.

    Author / Creator:Bentley, Jonathan. author, illustrator. | 宾利, 乔纳森, author, illustrator
    Publisher:[Wuhan] : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | [武汉] : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00575
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    Zao an, cheng shi / Airuika Si'erweiman zhu ; Luo'er Fu...

    早安, 城市 / 艾瑞卡·斯尔韦曼 著 ; 罗尔·弗尼耶 绘 ; 梅思繁 译.

    Zao an, cheng shi / Airuika Si'erweiman zhu ; Luo'er Funiye hui ; Mei Sifan yi.

    Author / Creator:Silverman, Erica author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2018. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00813
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    Wo xiang he ni jiao peng you = The only lonely panda / ...

    我想和你交朋友 = The only lonely panda / 约翰尼·兰伯特 著绘 ; 范晓星 译.

    Wo xiang he ni jiao peng you = The only lonely panda / Yuehanni Lanbote zhu hui ; Fan Xiaoxing yi.

    Author / Creator:Lambert, Jonathan, author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Zhang jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2019. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2019.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00097
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    Beiji xiong bao gao = The bear report / Thyra Heder ; S...

    北极熊报告 = The bear report / 赛娜·赫德 著绘 ; 李遥岑 译.

    Beiji xiong bao gao = The bear report / Thyra Heder ; Saina Hede zhu hui ; Li Yaocen yi.

    Author / Creator:Heder, Thyra author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2018. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00878
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    Yong yuan zai yi qi = Together always / Aidewenna Huaiy...

    永远在一起 = Together always / 埃德温娜·怀亚特著 ; 露西娅·马休洛绘 ; 叶世芬译.

    Yong yuan zai yi qi = Together always / Aidewenna Huaiyate zhu ; Luxiya Maxiuluo hui ; Ye Shifen yi.

    Author / Creator:Wyatt, Edwina, author. | 怀亚特, 埃德温娜, author
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | 武汉 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00574
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    Wo liao bu qi de lao ba = My amazing dad / Yixiji'er Ka...

    我了不起的老爸 = My amazing dad / 伊西吉尔·卡玛尼亚 著 ; 汤姆·杰利特 绘 ; 刘媛琼 译.

    Wo liao bu qi de lao ba = My amazing dad / Yixiji'er Kamaniya zhu ; Tangmu Jielite hui ; Liu Yuanqiong yi.

    Author / Creator:Kwaymullina, Ezekiel, 1983- author. | 卡玛尼亚, 伊西吉尔, 1983- author
    Publisher:[Wuhan] : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | [武汉] : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00573
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    Taidi ti wo qu shui jiao = Take Ted instead / Kashandel...

    泰迪替我去睡觉 = Take Ted instead / 卡珊德拉· 韦布 著 ; 阿曼达· 弗朗塞 绘 ; 刘媛琼 译.

    Taidi ti wo qu shui jiao = Take Ted instead / Kashandela Weibu zhu ; Amanda Fulangsai hui ; Liu Yuanqiong yi.

    Author / Creator:Webb, Cassandra author. | 韦布, 卡珊德拉, author
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00572
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    Juan juan de fan nao = I don't want curly hair / Laola ...

    卷卷的烦恼 = I don't want curly hair / 劳拉·艾伦·安德森 著绘 ; 范晓星 译.

    Juan juan de fan nao = I don't want curly hair / Laola Ailun Andesen zhu hui ; Fan Xiaoxing yi.

    Author / Creator:Anderson, Laura Ellen author, illustrator.
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua chu ban she, 2018. | 上海 : 上海文化出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00984
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    Xiang guo = Because of an acorn / Laola M Shefei'er & Y...

    橡果 = Because of an acorn / 劳拉·M·舍费尔&亚当·舍费尔著 ; 弗兰·普勒斯顿·加恩绘 ; 宋珮译.

    Xiang guo = Because of an acorn / Laola M Shefei'er & Yadang Shefei'er zhu ; Fulan Puleisidun Jia'en hui ; Song Pei yi.

    Author / Creator:Schaefer, Lola M., 1950- author. | 舍费尔, 劳拉·M, 1950- author
    Publisher:[Wuhan] : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2016. | [武汉] : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00554
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    Xiao xiong bu shua ya / (Ruishi) Sifalana Tioulina wen ...

    小熊不刷牙 / (瑞士) 斯伐拉纳·提欧利那 文 图 ; 曾璇 译.

    Xiao xiong bu shua ya / (Ruishi) Sifalana Tioulina wen tu ; Zeng Xuan yi.

    Author / Creator:Tiourina, Svetlana, author.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Chang Jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2014. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2014.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00773
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    Yue guang xia = Moon / (Ying) Patelixia Hejiadi zhu ; (...

    月光下 = Moon / (英)帕特丽夏·赫加蒂著;(英)布丽塔·特肯卓普绘;叶世芬译.

    Yue guang xia = Moon / (Ying) Patelixia Hejiadi zhu ; (Ying) Bulita Tekenzhuopu hui ; Ye Shifen yi.

    Author / Creator:Hegarty, Patricia, author.
    Publisher:Wuhan : Zhang jiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2018. | 武汉 : 长江少年儿童出版社, 2018.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
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    Shui shuo shui qian yao shu yang = Too many sheep / (Ao...

    谁说睡前要数羊 = Too many sheep / (澳) 克莉丝汀娜. 布斯著 ; 漆仰平译.

    Shui shuo shui qian yao shu yang = Too many sheep / (Ao) Kelisitingna Busi zhu ; Qi Yangping yi.

    Author / Creator:Booth, Christina author. | 布斯, 克莉丝汀娜,,, author
    Publisher:Shanghai : Shanghai wen hua chu ban she, 2017. | 上海 : 上海文化出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00870
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