50 results for 信跃文

50 results for 信跃文

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    中國歲月 : 詩選及新作 / 客遠文 ; [樊星等譯] = = China years : selected and new poems / Kit Kelen.

    Zhongguo sui yue : shi xuan ji xin zuo / Ke Yuanwen ; [Fan Xing deng yi] = China years : selected and new poems / Kit Kelen.

    Author / Creator:Kelen, Christopher, 1958-
    Publisher:Macao : Association of Stories in Macao, 2011.
    Call Numbers:821.4008/2
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    Ukiyoe nikuhitsu meisakuten.

    Publisher:[Tokyo : Mainichi Shinbunsha, 1962] | [Tokyo : 每日新聞社, 1962]
    Call Numbers:NQ769.952/11
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    カンディンスキー展 : 東京・1987年 5月 28日--8月 9日・東京国立近代美術館 ; 京都・1987年 8月 18日--10月 4日・京都国立近代美術館 / 主催東京国立近代美術館, 京都国立近代美術館, 日本経済新聞社 ; [編集東京国立近代美術館] = Kandinsky : Tokyo, 28 May-9 August 1987, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo : Kyoto, 18 August-4 October 1987, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto / organized by The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. ; [edited by The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo]

    Kandinsukī ten : Tōkyō, 1987-nen 5-gatsu 28-nichi--8-gatsu 9-nichi, Tōkyō Kokuritsu Kindai Bijutsukan ; Kyōto, 1987-nen 8-gatsu 18-nichi--10-gatsu 4-nichi, Kyōto Kokuritsu Kindai Bijutsukan / s...

    Author / Creator:Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944.
    Publisher:[Tokyo] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, c1987. | [Tokyo] : 日本経済新聞社, c1987.
    Call Numbers:DH/1941
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    Yue tong du he / Qingshan zhu.

    月童度河 / 庆山 著.

    Yue tong du he / Qingshan zhu.

    Author / Creator:Qingshan, author. | 庆山, author
    Publisher:Beijing : Beijing chu ban ji tuan : Beijing shi yue wen yi chu ban she, 2016. | 北京 : 北京出版集团 北京十月文艺出版社, 2016.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/895.1/QIN
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    Peng you de yue ding / G.V.Xinadun wen tu ; Yang Lingli...

    朋友的约定 / G.V.西纳顿文图 ; 杨玲玲, 彭懿译.

    Peng you de yue ding / G.V.Xinadun wen tu ; Yang Lingling, Peng Yi yi.

    Author / Creator:Genechten, Guido van, author, illustrator. | 西纳顿, Guido van,, author,, illustrator
    Publisher:Chengdu Shi : Tian di chu ban she, 2017. | 成都市 : 天地出版社, 2017.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00819
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    Wo jia gai le xin fang zi / wen tu Tong Jia.

    我家蓋了新房子 / 文・圖 童嘉.

    Wo jia gai le xin fang zi / wen tu Tong Jia.

    Author / Creator:Tong, Jia, author, illustrator. | 童嘉, author,, illustrator
    Publisher:Taibei shi : Qin zi tian xia gu fen you xian gong si, 2017. | 台北市 : 親子天下股份有限公司, 2017.
    Edition:Di yi ban. | 第一版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00661
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    Yu ye de yue liang / Cai Wenfu zhu.

    雨夜的月亮 / 蔡文甫著.

    Yu ye de yue liang / Cai Wenfu zhu.

    Author / Creator:Cai, Wenfu. | 蔡文甫
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Jiu ge chu ban she you xian gong si, 2009. | 臺北市 : 九歌出版社有限公司, 2009.
    Edition:Zeng ding xin ban. | 增訂新版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01148
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    Hun bian / Qiancaomoli.

    婚變 / 淺草茉莉.

    Hun bian / Qiancaomoli.

    Author / Creator:Qiancaomoli. | 淺草茉莉
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin yue wen hua, 2009. | 台北市 : 新月文化, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban.
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    Hao men xiao mi chong / Ziwen zhu.

    Author / Creator:Ziwen.
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin yue wen hua, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban.
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    She xie jiao qi / Yingsu.

    蛇蠍嬌妻 / 罌粟.

    She xie jiao qi / Yingsu.

    Author / Creator:Yingsu. | 罌粟
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin yue wen hua, 2009. | 台北市 : 新月文化, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban.
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    Doctor da xiong yi sheng fen si tuan / Liu Siyuan wen ;...

    Doctor大熊醫生粉絲團 / 劉思源 文 ; 嚴凱信 圖.

    Doctor da xiong yi sheng fen si tuan / Liu Siyuan wen ; Yan Kaixin tu.

    Author / Creator:Liu, Siyuan author. | 劉思源, author
    Publisher:Taibei shi : Qin zi tian xia, 2019.
    Edition:Di er ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/J/00898
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    Zhuan ye di san zhe / Xingyehui.

    專業第三者 / 星野彗.

    Zhuan ye di san zhe / Xingyehui.

    Author / Creator:Xingyehui. | 星野彗
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Xin yue wen hua, 2009. | 台北市 : 新月文化, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban.
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    Jia mei jiao zong : Liang bai nian lai xuan jiao shi zo...

    佳美脚蹤 : 兩百年來宣教士走過的中華歲月 / [余文生, 德恩等著].

    Jia mei jiao zong : Liang bai nian lai xuan jiao shi zou guo de Zhonghua sui yue / [Yu Wensheng, De'en deng zhu].

    Publisher:Parramatta, N.S.W. : Auzhou Zhongguo xin tu bu dao hui, 2006. | Parramatta, N.S.W. : 澳洲中國信徒佈道會, 2006.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:266.00951/2A , 266.00951/2
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    Shi yue wei cheng qian chuan / bian ju, Guo Junli, Qin ...

    十月围城前传 / 编剧, 郭俊立, 秦天南, 陈嘉仪 ; 联合编剧, 阮世生, 吴兵, 陈慧 ; 改编, 周蓓.

    Shi yue wei cheng qian chuan / bian ju, Guo Junli, Qin Tiannan, Chen Jiayi ; lian he bian ju, Ruan Shisheng, Wu Bing, Chen Hui ; gai bian, Zhou Bei.

    Author / Creator:Zhou, Bei. | 周蓓
    Publisher:Tai bei xian xin dian shi : Han xin wen hua, 2009. | 臺北縣新店市 : 漢欣文化, 2009.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/01279
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    Huang jia qi shi. 6., Meixindao wei cheng zhi zhan = Ra...

    皇家騎士. 6, 梅辛道圍城之戰 = Ranger's apprentice / 約翰・弗拉納根著 ; 崔容圃譯.

    Huang jia qi shi. 6., Meixindao wei cheng zhi zhan = Ranger's apprentice / Yuehan Fulanagen zhu ; Cui Rongpu yi.

    Author / Creator:Flanagan, John, 1944-
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : He xin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si, 2011. | 台北市 : 核心文化事業有限公司, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:H 2013/1454
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    Fang pi da wang / wen zi, Ajimide Fuxiluo [Ao] ; hui tu...

    放屁大王 文字, 阿基米德 福西罗 [澳] ; 绘图, 斯蒂芬 迈克尔 金 [澳] ; 翻译, 筱舟 ; 主编, 刘金歌.

    Fang pi da wang / wen zi, Ajimide Fuxiluo [Ao] ; hui tu, Sidifen Maike'er Jin [Ao] ; fan yi, Xiaozhou ; zhu bian, Liu Jinge.

    Author / Creator:Fusillo, Archimede. author.
    Publisher:Beijing Wai Yu Jiao Xue Yu Yan Jiu Chu Ban She, 2011.
    Edition:Di 1 ban.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2017
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    Bu shang huo de sheng huo : shen xin tiao li mi fa, qu ...

    不上火的生活 : 身心調理祕法, 去除你的心, 肝, 胃, 肺, 虛火 / 佟彤著.

    Bu shang huo de sheng huo : shen xin tiao li mi fa, qu chu ni de xin, gan, wei, fei, xu huo / Tong Tong zhu.

    Author / Creator:Tong, Tong. | 佟彤
    Publisher:Taibei Shi : Yuan shui wen hua, 2010. | 台北市 : 原水文化, 2010.
    Edition:Chu ban. | 初版.
    Call Numbers:CHI/610.9/TON
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    E zuo ju shua le shui / wen zi, Ajimide Fuxiluo [Ao] ; ...

    恶作剧耍了谁 文字, 阿基米德 福西罗 [澳] ; 绘图, 米奇 丹妮 [澳] ; 翻译, 谢芳群 ; 主编, 刘金歌.

    E zuo ju shua le shui / wen zi, Ajimide Fuxiluo [Ao] ; hui tu, Miqi Danni [Ao] ; fan yi, Xie Fangqun ; zhu bian, Liu Jinge.

    Author / Creator:Fusillo, Archimede. author.
    Publisher:Beijing Wai Yu Jiao Xue Yu Yan Jiu Chu Ban She, 2011.
    Call Numbers:H 2014/2016
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    Dongfang Bili huo chu sheng ming de jing tan hao! / Don...

    东方比利活出生命的惊叹号! / 东方比利著 ; 黄芝婷采访撰文.

    Dongfang Bili huo chu sheng ming de jing tan hao! / Dongfang Bili zhu ; Huang Zhiting cai fang zhuan wen.

    Author / Creator:Dongfang, Bili. | 东方比利
    Publisher:Taibei : Yuan shui wen hua, 2011. | 台北 : 原水文化, 2011.
    Edition:Chu ban.
    Call Numbers:CHI/362.1/DON
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    Wo zai hui yi li deng ni / Xin Yiwu zuo pin.

    我在回忆里等你 / 辛夷坞作品.

    Wo zai hui yi li deng ni / Xin Yiwu zuo pin.

    Author / Creator:Xin, Yiwu. | 辛夷坞
    Publisher:Nanjing : Jiangsu wen yi chu ban she, 2009. | 南京 : 江苏文艺出版社, 2009.
    Edition:Di 1 ban. | 第1版.
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