2 results for Abdoun,+Asim+Osman

2 results for Abdoun,+Asim+Osman

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    Author / Creator:Ahmed, Dalia ; Mohammed, Elsadig Ahmed Adam ; Ahmed, Mohamed Elimam Mohamed ; Abdalla, Yassin Mohamed Osman ; Hadad, Ibrahin ; Elimam, Alsmawal Awad ; Mohammed, Yousif Abdelhameed ; Elhassan, Moawia Mohammed Ali ; Ismail, Amar Mohamed ; Abdoun, Asim Osman ; Cacciatore, Stefano ; Zerbini, Luiz Fernando
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Scientific reports, 2024-11, Vol.14 (1), p.29646-9, Article 29646
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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Cunningham, Jane ; Hasker, Epco ; Das, Pradeep ; Safi, Sayda El ; Goto, Hiro ; Mondal, Dinesh ; Mbuchi, Margaret ; Mukhtar, Maowia ; Rabello, Ana ; Rijal, Suman ; Sundar, Shyam ; Wasunna, Monique ; Adams, Emily ; Menten, Joris ; Peeling, Rosanna ; Boelaert, Marleen
    Publisher:Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Clinical infectious diseases, 2012-11, Vol.55 (10), p.1312-1319
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