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38 results for Abdulwahab,+Firdous

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    Author / Creator:Alazami, Anas M ; Awad, Salma M ; Coskun, Serdar ; Al-Hassan, Saad ; Hijazi, Hadia ; Abdulwahab, Firdous M ; Poizat, Coralie ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Genome Biology, 2015-11, Vol.16 (1), p.240-240, Article 240
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    Author / Creator:Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Awartani, Khalid ; Coskun, Serdar ; AlNaim, Latifa F. ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Alhassan, Saad ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2020-05, Vol.139 (5), p.605-613
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    Author / Creator:Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Alhebbi, Hamoud ; Alqahtani, Awad ; Algoufi, Talal ; Alsaif, Hessa S. ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Barr, Mohammed ; Alzaidan, Hamad ; Almehaideb, Ali ; AlSasi, Omai ; Alhashem, Amal ; Hussaini, Hussa Al ; Wali, Sami ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2019-05, Vol.21 (5), p.1164-1172
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    Author / Creator:Alsaif, Hessa S. ; Khan, Arif O. ; Patel, Nisha ; Alkuraya, Hisham ; Hashem, Mais ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Aldahmesh, Mohammed A. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2019-09, Vol.138 (8-9), p.1043-1049
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    Author / Creator:Alhathal, Naif ; Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Coskun, Serdar ; Alali, Hamed ; Assoum, Mirna ; Morris, Thomas ; Deek, Hesham A. ; Hamed, Soha A. ; Alsuhaibani, Shaheed ; Mirdawi, Abdulmalik ; Ewida, Nour ; Al-Qahtani, Mashael ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Altaweel, Waleed ; Dasouki, Majed J. ; Assiri, Abdullah ; Qabbaj, Wafa ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2020-12, Vol.22 (12), p.1967-1975
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    Author / Creator:Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Kuwahara, Hiroyuki ; Ewida, Nour ; Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Patel, Nisha ; Alzahrani, Fatema ; AlSheddi, Tarfa ; AlObeid, Eman ; Alenazi, Mona ; Alsaif, Hessa S. ; Alqahtani, Maha ; AlAli, Maha ; Al Ali, Hatoon ; Helaby, Rana ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Hanna, Nadine ; Monies, Dorota ; Derar, Nada ; Alsagheir, Afaf ; Alhashem, Amal ; Alsaleem, Badr ; Alhebbi, Hamoud ; Wali, Sami ; Umarov, Ramzan ; Gao, Xin ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:London: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Genome Biology, 2020-06, Vol.21 (1), p.145-145, Article 145
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E ; Kurdi, Wesam ; Almusafri, Fatima ; Alnemer, Maha ; Alkaff, Alya ; Babay, Zeneb ; Alhashem, Amal ; Tulbah, Maha ; Alsahan, Nada ; Khan, Rubina ; Sallout, Bahauddin ; Al Mardawi, Elham ; Seidahmed, Mohamed Zain ; Meriki, Niema ; Alsaber, Yasser ; Qari, Alya ; Khalifa, Ola ; Eyaid, Wafaa ; Rahbeeni, Zuhair ; Kurdi, Ahmed ; Hashem, Mais ; Alshidi, Tarfa ; Al-Obeid, Eman ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Ewida, Nour ; El-Akouri, Karen ; Al Mulla, Mariam ; Ben-Omran, Tawfeg ; Pergande, Matthias ; Cirak, Sebahattin ; Al Tala, Saeed ; Shaheen, Ranad ; Faqeih, Eissa ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2018-04, Vol.20 (4), p.420-427
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Shaheen, Ranad ; Ewida, Nour ; Bubshait, Dalal K. ; Alkuraya, Hisham ; Almardawi, Elham ; Howaidi, Ali ; Sabr, Yasser ; Abdalla, Ebtesam M. ; Alfaifi, Abdullah Y. ; Alghamdi, Jameel Mohammed ; Alsagheir, Afaf ; Alfares, Ahmed ; Morsy, Heba ; Hussein, Maged H. ; Al–Muhaizea, Mohammad A. ; Shagrani, Mohammad ; Al Sabban, Essam ; Salih, Mustafa A. ; Meriki, Neama ; Khan, Rubina ; Almugbel, Maisoon ; Qari, Alya ; Tulba, Maha ; Mahnashi, Mohammed ; Alhazmi, Khalid ; Alsalamah, Abrar K. ; Nowilaty, Sawsan R. ; Alhashem, Amal ; Hashem, Mais ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Alshidi, Tarfa ; AlObeid, Eman ; Alenazi, Mona M. ; Alzaidan, Hamad ; Rahbeeni, Zuhair ; Al–Owain, Mohammed ; Sogaty, Sameera ; Seidahmed, Mohammed Zain ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2020-06, Vol.22 (6), p.1051-1060
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    Author / Creator:Shaheen, Ranad ; Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Ewida, Nour ; Alsahli, Saud ; Abdel-Salam, Ghada M. H. ; Zaki, Maha S. ; Tala, Saeed Al ; Alhashem, Amal ; Softah, Ameen ; Al-Owain, Mohammed ; Alazami, Anas M. ; Abadel, Basma ; Patel, Nisha ; Al-Sheddi, Tarfa ; Alomar, Rana ; Alobeid, Eman ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Hashem, Mais ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hamad, Muddathir ; Tabarki, Brahim ; Alwadei, Ali H. ; Alhazzani, Fahad ; Bashiri, Fahad A. ; Kentab, Amal ; Şahintürk, Serdar ; Sherr, Elliott ; Fregeau, Brieana ; Sogati, Samira ; Alshahwan, Saad Ali M. ; Alkhalifi, Salwa ; Alhumaidi, Zainab ; Temtamy, Samia ; Aglan, Mona ; Otaify, Ghada ; Girisha, Katta M. ; Tulbah, Maha ; Seidahmed, Mohammed Zain ; Salih, Mustafa A. ; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ; Momin, Afaque A. ; Saffar, Muna Al ; Partlow, Jennifer N. ; Arold, Stefan T. ; Faqeih, Eissa ; Walsh, Christopher ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2019-03, Vol.21 (3), p.545-552
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E ; Tulbah, Maha ; Kurdi, Wesam ; Nemer, Maha ; Alsahan, Nada ; Al Mardawi, Elham ; Khalifa, Ola ; Hashem, Amal ; Kurdi, Ahmed ; Babay, Zainab ; Bubshait, Dalal K ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Rahbeeni, Zuhair ; Hashem, Mais ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Genome Biology, 2015-06, Vol.16, p.116-116
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    Author / Creator:Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Alzahrani, Fatema ; Al-Owain, Mohammed ; Al Muhaizea, Mohammad A. ; Kayyali, Husam R. ; AlHashem, Amal ; Rahbeeni, Zuhair ; Al-Otaibi, Maha ; Alzaidan, Hamad I. ; Balobaid, Ameera ; El Khashab, Heba Y. ; Bubshait, Dalal K. ; Faden, Maha ; Yamani, Suad Al ; Dabbagh, Omar ; Al-Mureikhi, Mariam ; Jasser, Abdulla Al ; Alsaif, Hessa S. ; Alluhaydan, Iram ; Seidahmed, Mohammed Zain ; Alabbasi, Bashair Hamza ; Almogarri, Ibrahim ; Kurdi, Wesam ; Akleh, Hana ; Qari, Alya ; Al Tala, Saeed M. ; Alhomaidi, Suzan ; Kentab, Amal Y. ; Salih, Mustafa A. ; Chedrawi, Aziza ; Alameer, Seham ; Tabarki, Brahim ; Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Patel, Nisha ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Samira, Menasria ; Goljan, Ewa ; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ; Meyer, Brian F. ; Hashem, Mais ; Shaheen, Ranad ; AlShahwan, Saad ; Alfadhel, Majid ; Ben-Omran, Tawfeg ; Al-Qattan, Mohammad M. ; Monies, Dorota ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2019-03, Vol.21 (3), p.736-742
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Makhseed, Nawal ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Al-Sheddi, Tarfa ; Alobeid, Eman ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2019-03, Vol.138 (3), p.221-229
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    Author / Creator:Broeks, Melissa H. ; Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Alhashem, Amal ; Hashem, Mais ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Alshedi, Tarfa ; Alobaid, Iman ; Zwartkruis, Fried ; Westland, Denise ; Fuchs, Sabine ; Verhoeven-Duif, Nanda M. ; Jans, Judith J. M. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2019-12, Vol.138 (11-12), p.1247-1257
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    Author / Creator:Mahajan, Sonal ; Ng, Bobby George ; AlAbdi, Lama ; Earnest, Paul Daniel James ; Sosicka, Paulina ; Patel, Nisha ; Helaby, Rana ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; He, Miao ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S ; Freeze, Hudson H
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:Journal of medical genetics, 2023-07, Vol.60 (7), p.627-635
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    Author / Creator:Chelban, Viorica ; Aksnes, Henriette ; Maroofian, Reza ; LaMonica, Lauren C. ; Seabra, Luis ; Siggervåg, Anette ; Devic, Perrine ; Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Vandrovcova, Jana ; Murphy, David ; Richard, Anne-Claire ; Quenez, Olivier ; Bonnevalle, Antoine ; Zanetti, M. Natalia ; Kaiyrzhanov, Rauan ; Salpietro, Vincenzo ; Efthymiou, Stephanie ; Schottlaender, Lucia V. ; Morsy, Heba ; Scardamaglia, Annarita ; Tariq, Ambreen ; Pagnamenta, Alistair T. ; Pennavaria, Ajia ; Krogstad, Liv S. ; Bekkelund, Åse K. ; Caiella, Alessia ; Glomnes, Nina ; Brønstad, Kirsten M. ; Tury, Sandrine ; Moreno De Luca, Andrés ; Boland-Auge, Anne ; Olaso, Robert ; Deleuze, Jean-François ; Anheim, Mathieu ; Cretin, Benjamin ; Vona, Barbara ; Alajlan, Fahad ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Battini, Jean-Luc ; İpek, Rojan ; Bauer, Peter ; Zifarelli, Giovanni ; Gungor, Serdal ; Kurul, Semra Hiz ; Lochmuller, Hanns ; Da’as, Sahar I. ; Fakhro, Khalid A. ; Gómez-Pascual, Alicia ; Botía, Juan A. ; Wood, Nicholas W. ; Horvath, Rita ; Ernst, Andreas M. ; Rothman, James E. ; McEntagart, Meriel ; Crow, Yanick J. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S. ; Nicolas, Gaël ; Arnesen, Thomas ; Houlden, Henry
    Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
    Journal title:Nature communications, 2024-03, Vol.15 (1), p.2269-20, Article 2269
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    Author / Creator:Monies, Dorota ; Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Kurdi, Wesam ; Alanazy, Mohammed H. ; Alkhalidi, Hisham ; Al-Owain, Mohammed ; Sulaiman, Raashda A. ; Faqeih, Eissa ; Goljan, Ewa ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ; Shaheen, Ranad ; Arold, Stefan T. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2017-10, Vol.19 (10), p.1144-1150
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Alhashem, Amal ; Tabarki, Brahim ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Sougrat, Rachid ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2022-01, Vol.141 (1), p.55-64
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    Author / Creator:Patel, Nisha ; Aldahmesh, Mohammed A. ; Alkuraya, Hisham ; Anazi, Shamsa ; Alsharif, Hadeel ; Khan, Arif O. ; Sunker, Asma ; Al-mohsen, Saleh ; Abboud, Emad B. ; Nowilaty, Sawsan R. ; Alowain, Mohammed ; Al-Zaidan, Hamad ; Al-Saud, Bandar ; Alasmari, Ali ; Abdel-Salam, Ghada M.H. ; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ; Abdulwahab, Firdous M. ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Naim, Ewa ; Al-Younes, Banan ; E. AlMostafa, Abeer ; AlIssa, Abdulelah ; Hashem, Mais ; Buzovetsky, Olga ; Xiong, Yong ; Monies, Dorota ; Altassan, Nada ; Shaheen, Ranad ; Al-Hazzaa, Selwa A.F. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2016-06, Vol.18 (6), p.554-562
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    Author / Creator:Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Al Mogarri, Ibrahim ; Alqwaiee, Mansour M. ; Alharbi, Adel S. ; Baqais, Khaled ; AlSaadi, Muslim ; AlAnzi, Talal ; Alhashem, Amal ; Saghier, Afaf ; Ameen, Waleed ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Yang, Jason ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Chivukula, Raghu R. ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Journal title:Human genetics, 2020-10, Vol.139 (10), p.1273-1283
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    Author / Creator:Maddirevula, Sateesh ; Alsahli, Saud ; Alhabeeb, Lamees ; Patel, Nisha ; Alzahrani, Fatema ; Shamseldin, Hanan E. ; Anazi, Shams ; Ewida, Nour ; Alsaif, Hessa S. ; Mohamed, Jawahir Y. ; Alazami, Anas M. ; Ibrahim, Niema ; Abdulwahab, Firdous ; Hashem, Mais ; Abouelhoda, Mohamed ; Monies, Dorota ; Al Tassan, Nada ; Alshammari, Muneera ; Alsagheir, Afaf ; Seidahmed, Mohammed Zain ; Sogati, Samira ; Aglan, Mona S ; Hamad, Muddathir H. ; Salih, Mustafa A. ; Hamed, Ahlam A. ; Alhashmi, Nadia ; Nabil, Amira ; Alfadli, Fatima ; Abdel-Salam, Ghada M.H. ; Alkuraya, Hisham ; Peitee, Winnie Ong ; Keng, W.T. ; Qasem, Abdullah ; Mushiba, Aziza M. ; Zaki, Maha S ; Fassad, Mahmoud R. ; Alfadhel, Majid ; Alexander, Saji ; Sabr, Yasser ; Temtamy, Samia ; Ekbote, Alka V ; Ismail, Samira ; Hosny, Gamal Ahmed ; Otaify, Ghada A. ; Amr, Khalda ; Al Tala, Saeed ; Khan, Arif O. ; Rizk, Tamer ; Alaqeel, Aida ; Alsiddiky, Abdulmonem ; Singh, Ankur ; Kapoor, Seema ; Alhashem, Amal ; Faqeih, Eissa ; Shaheen, Ranad ; Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
    Publisher:New York: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Genetics in medicine, 2018-12, Vol.20 (12), p.1609-1616
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