11 results for Acharekar,+Maitri

11 results for Acharekar,+Maitri

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    Author / Creator:Sullivan, Rebecca ; Farley, Scott ; Hullur, Himaad ; Lynd, Tyler ; Acharekar, Maitri ; Mitchell, Rachel ; Harrison, Devin ; Barlass, Usman ; Ahmed, Ali M. ; Peter, Shajan ; Mulki, Ramzi ; Sánchez-Luna, Sergio A. ; Kyanam Kabir Baig, Kondal R.
    Publisher:New York: Wolters Kluwer Health Medical Research, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    Journal title:The American journal of gastroenterology, 2022-10, Vol.117 (10S), p.e828-e828
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    Author / Creator:Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha N ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana Paula C ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Hamid, Pousette
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2023-04, Vol.15 (4), p.e37266-e37266
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    Author / Creator:Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Mohammed, Lubna
    Publisher:Palo Alto: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-07, Vol.14 (7), p.e27475-e27475
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    Author / Creator:Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Balani, Prachi
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-08, Vol.14 (8), p.e28545
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    Author / Creator:Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara E ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan A ; Mohammed, Lubna
    Publisher:Palo Alto: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-09, Vol.14 (9), p.e29118-e29118
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    Author / Creator:Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Balani, Prachi
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2023-02, Vol.15 (2), p.e34735
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    Author / Creator:Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Mohammed, Lubna
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-08, Vol.14 (8), p.e27683
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    Author / Creator:Jalkh, Ana Paula C ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha N ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Hamid, Pousette
    Publisher:Palo Alto: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-08, Vol.14 (8), p.e28079-e28079
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    Author / Creator:Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara E ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan A ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Balani, Prachi
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-08, Vol.14 (8), p.e27691
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    Author / Creator:Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara E ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan A ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Balani, Prachi
    Publisher:United States: Cureus Inc
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-07, Vol.14 (7), p.e27441
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    Author / Creator:Akindele, Adebisi O ; Jalkh, Ana P ; Eastmond, Aziza K ; Shetty, Chaitra ; Rizvi, Syed Muhammad Hannan Ali ; Sharaf, Joudi ; Williams, Kerry-Ann D ; Tariq, Maha ; Acharekar, Maitri V ; Guerrero Saldivia, Sara Elena ; Unnikrishnan, Sumedha N ; Chavarria, Yeny Y ; Balani, Prachi
    Publisher:United States: Cureus
    Journal title:Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), 2022-08, Vol.14 (8), p.e28337
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