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Author / Creator:Sladitschek-Martens, Hanna Lucie ; Guarnieri, Alberto ; Brumana, Giulia ; Zanconato, Francesca ; Battilana, Giusy ; Xiccato, Romy Lucon ; Panciera, Tito ; Forcato, Mattia ; Bicciato, Silvio ; Guzzardo, Vincenza ; Fassan, Matteo ; Ulliana, Lorenzo ; Gandin, Alessandro ; Tripodo, Claudio ; Foiani, Marco ; Brusatin, Giovanna ; Cordenonsi, Michelangelo ; Piccolo, Stefano
Publisher:London: Nature Publishing Group UK
Journal title:Nature (London), 2022-07, Vol.607 (7920), p.790-798
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