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17 results for Antarctic+research+series+;+v.+9.

17 results for Antarctic+research+series+;+v.+9.

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    Publisher:Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1966.
    Call Numbers:TQ022254 , Q551.50999/1
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    Author / Creator:British, Australian, and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (1929-1931).
    Publisher:Adelaide : B.A.N.Z.A.R. Expedition Committee, 1937-1967.
    Call Numbers:Q508.998/B , Q508.998/B SET
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    Author / Creator:Swaine, D. J. (Dalway John) author.
    Publisher:Melbourne : Antarctic Division, Department of External Affairs, August 1957.
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    Freely accesible: National edeposit.
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    Structure of the Transantarctic Mountains determined fr...

    Author / Creator:Robinson, Edwin S.,
    Publisher:Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union, c1984.
    Call Numbers:TQ066709
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    Publisher:Sydney : Gov't Printing Office, 1916-1938.
    Call Numbers:HQ 2014/1536 , HQ 2014/1526 , HQ 2014/1537 , TQ075977 , HQ 2014/1576 , HQ 2014/1523 , HQ 2014/1570 , HQ 2014/1575 , TQ075976 , HQ 2014/1527 , HQ 2014/1543 , HQ 2014/1542 , HQ 2014/1574 , Q91/110 , HQ 2014/1539 , HQ 2014/1538 , Q91/112 , Q91/111 , HQ 2014/1532 , HQ 2014/1531 , Q91/109 , HQ 2014/1530 , HQ 2014/1555 , HQ 2014/1563 , HQ 2014/1554 , HQ 2014/1556 , HQ 2014/1541 , HQ 2014/1549 , HQ 2014/1571 , HQ 2014/1558 , HQ 2014/1524 , HQ 2014/1548 , HQ 2014/1557 , HQ 2014/1534 , HQ 2014/1528 , TQ075973 , HQ 2014/1525 , HQ 2014/1540 , HQ 2014/1573 , HQ 2014/1572 , Q508.998/A , HQ 2014/1529 , HQ 2014/1535 , HQ 2014/1533 , HQ 2014/1559 , HQ 2014/1550 , HQ 2014/1552 , Q508.998/A , HQ 2014/1546 , HQ 2014/1566 , HQ 2014/1553 , HQ 2014/1545 , HQ 2014/1551 , TQ075974 , HQ 2014/1568 , HQ 2014/1544 , HQ 2014/1565 , TQ075972 , Q91/108 , TQ075975 , HQ 2014/1569 , HQ 2014/1547 , HQ 2014/1567 , Q508.998/5 , HQ 2014/1561 , HQ 2014/1564 , HQ 2014/1560 , HQ 2014/1562
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    Publisher:Washington, D.C. : American Geophysical Union.
    Call Numbers:NQ574.9206/2
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