749 results for Antitubercular+Agents+-+adverse+effects

749 results for Antitubercular+Agents+-+adverse+effects

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    Author / Creator:Conradie, Francesca ; Diacon, Andreas H ; Ngubane, Nosipho ; Howell, Pauline ; Everitt, Daniel ; Crook, Angela M ; Mendel, Carl M ; Egizi, Erica ; Moreira, Joanna ; Timm, Juliano ; McHugh, Timothy D ; Wills, Genevieve H ; Bateson, Anna ; Hunt, Robert ; Van Niekerk, Christo ; Li, Mengchun ; Olugbosi, Morounfolu ; Spigelman, Melvin
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2020-03, Vol.382 (10), p.893-902
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    Author / Creator:Conradie, Francesca ; Bagdasaryan, Tatevik R. ; Borisov, Sergey ; Howell, Pauline ; Mikiashvili, Lali ; Ngubane, Nosipho ; Samoilova, Anastasia ; Skornykova, Sergey ; Tudor, Elena ; Variava, Ebrahim ; Yablonskiy, Petr ; Everitt, Daniel ; Wills, Genevieve H. ; Sun, Eugene ; Olugbosi, Morounfolu ; Egizi, Erica ; Li, Mengchun ; Holsta, Alda ; Timm, Juliano ; Bateson, Anna ; Crook, Angela M. ; Fabiane, Stella M. ; Hunt, Robert ; McHugh, Timothy D. ; Tweed, Conor D. ; Foraida, Salah ; Mendel, Carl M. ; Spigelman, Melvin
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2022-09, Vol.387 (9), p.810-823
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    Author / Creator:Dorman, Susan E ; Nahid, Payam ; Kurbatova, Ekaterina V ; Phillips, Patrick P.J ; Bryant, Kia ; Dooley, Kelly E ; Engle, Melissa ; Goldberg, Stefan V ; Phan, Ha T.T ; Hakim, James ; Johnson, John L ; Lourens, Madeleine ; Martinson, Neil A ; Muzanyi, Grace ; Narunsky, Kim ; Nerette, Sandy ; Nguyen, Nhung V ; Pham, Thuong H ; Pierre, Samuel ; Purfield, Anne E ; Samaneka, Wadzanai ; Savic, Radojka M ; Sanne, Ian ; Scott, Nigel A ; Shenje, Justin ; Sizemore, Erin ; Vernon, Andrew ; Waja, Ziyaad ; Weiner, Marc ; Swindells, Susan ; Chaisson, Richard E
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2021-05, Vol.384 (18), p.1705-1718
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    Author / Creator:Nyang’wa, Bern-Thomas ; Berry, Catherine ; Kazounis, Emil ; Motta, Ilaria ; Parpieva, Nargiza ; Tigay, Zinaida ; Solodovnikova, Varvara ; Liverko, Irina ; Moodliar, Ronelle ; Dodd, Matthew ; Ngubane, Nosipho ; Rassool, Mohammed ; McHugh, Timothy D. ; Spigelman, Melvin ; Moore, David A.J. ; Ritmeijer, Koert ; du Cros, Philipp ; Fielding, Katherine
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2022-12, Vol.387 (25), p.2331-2343
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    Author / Creator:Nunn, Andrew J ; Phillips, Patrick P.J ; Meredith, Sarah K ; Chiang, Chen-Yuan ; Conradie, Francesca ; Dalai, Doljinsuren ; van Deun, Armand ; Dat, Phan-Thuong ; Lan, Ngoc ; Master, Iqbal ; Mebrahtu, Tesfamarium ; Meressa, Daniel ; Moodliar, Ronelle ; Ngubane, Nosipho ; Sanders, Karen ; Squire, Stephen Bertel ; Torrea, Gabriela ; Tsogt, Bazarragchaa ; Rusen, I.D
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2019-03, Vol.380 (13), p.1201-1213
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    Author / Creator:Getahun, Haileyesus ; Matteelli, Alberto ; Chaisson, Richard E ; Raviglione, Mario
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2015-05, Vol.372 (22), p.2127-2135
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    Author / Creator:Danel, Christine ; Moh, Raoul ; Gabillard, Delphine ; Badje, Anani ; Le Carrou, Jérôme ; Ouassa, Timothée ; Ouattara, Eric ; Anzian, Amani ; Ntakpé, Jean-Baptiste ; Minga, Albert ; Kouame, Gérard M ; Bouhoussou, Franck ; Emieme, Arlette ; Kouamé, Antoine ; Inwoley, André ; Toni, Thomas-d'Aquin ; Ahiboh, Hugues ; Kabran, Mathieu ; Rabe, Cyprien ; Sidibé, Baba ; Nzunetu, Gustave ; Konan, Romuald ; Gnokoro, Joachim ; Gouesse, Patrice ; Messou, Eugène ; Dohoun, Lambert ; Kamagate, Synali ; Yao, Abo ; Amon, Solange ; Kouame, Amadou-Barenson ; Koua, Aboli ; Kouamé, Emmanuel ; Ndri, Yao ; Ba-Gomis, Olivier ; Daligou, Marcelle ; Ackoundzé, Simplice ; Hawerlander, Denise ; Ani, Alex ; Dembélé, Fassery ; Koné, Fatoumata ; Guéhi, Calixte ; Kanga, Constance ; Koule, Serge ; Séri, Jonas ; Oyebi, Mykayila ; Mbakop, Nathalie ; Makaila, Olewole ; Babatunde, Carole ; Babatounde, Nathanael ; Bleoué, Gisèle ; Tchoutedjem, Mireille ; Kouadio, Alain-Claude ; Sena, Ghislaine ; Yededji, Sahinou-Yediga ; Assi, Rodrigue ; Bakayoko, Alima ; Mahassadi, Alassane ; Attia, Alain ; Oussou, Armel ; Mobio, Max ; Bamba, Doféré ; Koman, Mesmin ; Horo, Apollinaire ; Deschamps, Nina ; Chenal, Henri ; Sassan-Morokro, Madeleine ; Konate, Seidou ; Aka, Kakou ; Aoussi, Eba ; Journot, Valérie ; Nchot, Célestin ; Karcher, Sophie ; Chaix, Marie-Laure ; Rouzioux, Christine ; Sow, Papa-Salif ; Perronne, Christian ; Girard, Pierre-Marie ; Menan, Hervé ; Bissagnene, Emmanuel ; Kadio, Auguste ; Ettiegne-Traore, Virginie ; Moh-Semdé, Corinne ; Kouame, Abo ; Massumbuko, Jean-Marie ; Chêne, Geneviève ; Dosso, Mireille ; Domoua, Serge K ; N'Dri-Yoman, Thérèse ; Salamon, Roger ; Eholié, Serge P ; Anglaret, Xavier
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2015-08, Vol.373 (9), p.808-822
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    Author / Creator:Swindells, Susan ; Ramchandani, Ritesh ; Gupta, Amita ; Benson, Constance A ; Leon-Cruz, Jorge ; Mwelase, Noluthando ; Jean Juste, Marc A ; Lama, Javier R ; Valencia, Javier ; Omoz-Oarhe, Ayotunde ; Supparatpinyo, Khuanchai ; Masheto, Gaerolwe ; Mohapi, Lerato ; da Silva Escada, Rodrigo O ; Mawlana, Sajeeda ; Banda, Peter ; Severe, Patrice ; Hakim, James ; Kanyama, Cecilia ; Langat, Deborah ; Moran, Laura ; Andersen, Janet ; Fletcher, Courtney V ; Nuermberger, Eric ; Chaisson, Richard E
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2019-03, Vol.380 (11), p.1001-1011
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    Author / Creator:Alipanah, Narges ; Jarlsberg, Leah ; Miller, Cecily ; Linh, Nguyen Nhat ; Falzon, Dennis ; Jaramillo, Ernesto ; Nahid, Payam
    Publisher:United States: Public Library of Science
    Journal title:PLoS medicine, 2018-07, Vol.15 (7), p.e1002595
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    Author / Creator:Paton, Nicholas I. ; Cousins, Christopher ; Suresh, Celina ; Burhan, Erlina ; Chew, Ka Lip ; Dalay, Victoria B. ; Lu, Qingshu ; Kusmiati, Tutik ; Balanag, Vincent M. ; Lee, Shu Ling ; Ruslami, Rovina ; Pokharkar, Yogesh ; Djaharuddin, Irawaty ; Sugiri, Jani J.R. ; Veto, Rholine S. ; Sekaggya-Wiltshire, Christine ; Avihingsanon, Anchalee ; Sarin, Rohit ; Papineni, Padmasayee ; Nunn, Andrew J. ; Crook, Angela M.
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2023-03, Vol.388 (10), p.873-887
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    Author / Creator:Imperial, Marjorie Z. ; Nahid, Payam ; Phillips, Patrick P. J. ; Davies, Geraint R. ; Fielding, Katherine ; Hanna, Debra ; Hermann, David ; Wallis, Robert S. ; Johnson, John L. ; Lienhardt, Christian ; Savic, Rada M.
    Publisher:New York: Nature Publishing Group US
    Journal title:Nature medicine, 2018-11, Vol.24 (11), p.1708-1715
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    Author / Creator:Gillespie, Stephen H ; Crook, Angela M ; McHugh, Timothy D ; Mendel, Carl M ; Meredith, Sarah K ; Murray, Stephen R ; Pappas, Frances ; Phillips, Patrick P.J ; Nunn, Andrew J
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2014-10, Vol.371 (17), p.1577-1587
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    Author / Creator:Merle, Corinne S ; Fielding, Katherine ; Sow, Omou Bah ; Gninafon, Martin ; Lo, Mame B ; Mthiyane, Thuli ; Odhiambo, Joseph ; Amukoye, Evans ; Bah, Boubacar ; Kassa, Ferdinand ; N'Diaye, Alimatou ; Rustomjee, Roxana ; de Jong, Bouke C ; Horton, John ; Perronne, Christian ; Sismanidis, Charalambos ; Lapujade, Olivier ; Olliaro, Piero L ; Lienhardt, Christian
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2014-10, Vol.371 (17), p.1588-1598
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    Author / Creator:Heemskerk, A. Dorothee ; Bang, Nguyen D ; Mai, Nguyen T.H ; Chau, Tran T.H ; Phu, Nguyen H ; Loc, Pham P ; Chau, Nguyen V.V ; Hien, Tran T ; Dung, Nguyen H ; Lan, Nguyen T.N ; Lan, Nguyen H ; Lan, Nguyen N ; Phong, Le T ; Vien, Nguyen N ; Hien, Nguyen Q ; Yen, Nguyen T.B ; Ha, Dang T.M ; Day, Jeremy N ; Caws, Maxine ; Merson, Laura ; Thinh, Tran T.V ; Wolbers, Marcel ; Thwaites, Guy E ; Farrar, Jeremy J
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2016-01, Vol.374 (2), p.124-134
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    Author / Creator:Gler, Maria Tarcela ; Skripconoka, Vija ; Sanchez-Garavito, Epifanio ; Xiao, Heping ; Cabrera-Rivero, Jose L ; Vargas-Vasquez, Dante E ; Gao, Mengqiu ; Awad, Mohamed ; Park, Seung-Kyu ; Shim, Tae Sun ; Suh, Gee Young ; Danilovits, Manfred ; Ogata, Hideo ; Kurve, Anu ; Chang, Joon ; Suzuki, Katsuhiro ; Tupasi, Thelma ; Koh, Won-Jung ; Seaworth, Barbara ; Geiter, Lawrence J ; Wells, Charles D
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2012-06, Vol.366 (23), p.2151-2160
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    Author / Creator:Jindani, Amina ; Harrison, Thomas S ; Nunn, Andrew J ; Phillips, Patrick P.J ; Churchyard, Gavin J ; Charalambous, Salome ; Hatherill, Mark ; Geldenhuys, Hennie ; McIlleron, Helen M ; Zvada, Simbarashe P ; Mungofa, Stanley ; Shah, Nasir A ; Zizhou, Simukai ; Magweta, Lloyd ; Shepherd, James ; Nyirenda, Sambayawo ; van Dijk, Janneke H ; Clouting, Heather E ; Coleman, David ; Bateson, Anna L.E ; McHugh, Timothy D ; Butcher, Philip D ; Mitchison, Denny A
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2014-10, Vol.371 (17), p.1599-1608
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    Author / Creator:Zumla, Alimuddin I, Prof ; Gillespie, Stephen H, Prof ; Hoelscher, Michael, Prof ; Philips, Patrick P J, PhD ; Cole, Stewart T, Prof ; Abubakar, Ibrahim, Prof ; McHugh, Timothy D, Prof ; Schito, Marco, PhD ; Maeurer, Markus, Prof ; Nunn, Andrew J, Prof
    Publisher:London: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2014-04, Vol.14 (4), p.327-340
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    Author / Creator:Lee, Myungsun ; Lee, Jongseok ; Carroll, Matthew W ; Choi, Hongjo ; Min, Seonyeong ; Song, Taeksun ; Via, Laura E ; Goldfeder, Lisa C ; Kang, Eunhwa ; Jin, Boyoung ; Park, Hyeeun ; Kwak, Hyunkyung ; Kim, Hyunchul ; Jeon, Han-Seung ; Jeong, Ina ; Joh, Joon Sung ; Chen, Ray Y ; Olivier, Kenneth N ; Shaw, Pamela A ; Follmann, Dean ; Song, Sun Dae ; Lee, Jong-Koo ; Lee, Dukhyoung ; Kim, Cheon Tae ; Dartois, Veronique ; Park, Seung-Kyu ; Cho, Sang-Nae ; Barry, Clifton E
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2012-10, Vol.367 (16), p.1508-1518
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    Author / Creator:Sterling, Timothy R ; Villarino, M. Elsa ; Borisov, Andrey S ; Shang, Nong ; Gordin, Fred ; Bliven-Sizemore, Erin ; Hackman, Judith ; Hamilton, Carol Dukes ; Menzies, Dick ; Kerrigan, Amy ; Weis, Stephen E ; Weiner, Marc ; Wing, Diane ; Conde, Marcus B ; Bozeman, Lorna ; Horsburgh, C. Robert ; Chaisson, Richard E
    Publisher:Waltham, MA: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2011-12, Vol.365 (23), p.2155-2166
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    Author / Creator:Gupta, Amita ; Montepiedra, Grace ; Aaron, Lisa ; Theron, Gerhard ; McCarthy, Katie ; Bradford, Sarah ; Chipato, Tsungai ; Vhembo, Tichaona ; Stranix-Chibanda, Lynda ; Onyango-Makumbi, Carolyne ; Masheto, Gaerolwe R ; Violari, Avy ; Mmbaga, Blandina T ; Aurpibul, Linda ; Bhosale, Ramesh ; Mave, Vidya ; Rouzier, Vanessa ; Hesseling, Anneke ; Shin, Katherine ; Zimmer, Bonnie ; Costello, Diane ; Sterling, Timothy R ; Chakhtoura, Nahida ; Jean-Philippe, Patrick ; Weinberg, Adriana
    Publisher:United States: Massachusetts Medical Society
    Journal title:The New England journal of medicine, 2019-10, Vol.381 (14), p.1333-1346
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