2 results for Armandula,+Helena

2 results for Armandula,+Helena

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    Author / Creator:Harry, Gregory M ; Abernathy, Matthew R ; Becerra-Toledo, Andres E ; Armandula, Helena ; Black, Eric ; Dooley, Kate ; Eichenfield, Matt ; Nwabugwu, Chinyere ; Villar, Akira ; Crooks, D R M ; Cagnoli, Gianpietro ; Hough, Jim ; How, Colin R ; MacLaren, Ian ; Murray, Peter ; Reid, Stuart ; Rowan, Sheila ; Sneddon, Peter H ; Fejer, Martin M ; Route, Roger ; Penn, Steven D ; Ganau, Patrick ; Mackowski, Jean-Marie ; Michel, Christophe ; Pinard, Laurent ; Remillieux, Alban
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2006-10
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    Author / Creator:Penn, Steven D ; Sneddon, Peter H ; Armandula, Helena ; Betzwieser, Joseph C ; Cagnoli, Gianpietro ; Camp, Jordan ; Crooks, D R M ; Fejer, Martin M ; Gretarsson, Andri M ; Harry, Gregory M ; Hough, Jim ; Kittelberger, Scott E ; Mortonson, Michael J ; Route, Roger ; Rowan, Sheila ; Vassiliou, Christophoros C
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2003-02
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