105 results for Asada,+Hideki

105 results for Asada,+Hideki

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    Author / Creator:Ono, Toshiaki ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Universe (Basel), 2019-11, Vol.5 (11), p.218
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    Author / Creator:Abe, Homare ; Akutsu, Tomotada ; Ando, Masaki ; Araya, Akito ; Aritomi, Naoki ; Asada, Hideki ; Aso, Yoichi ; Bae, Sangwook ; Bajpai, Rishabh ; Cannon, Kipp ; Cao, Zhoujian ; Capocasa, Eleonora ; Chan, Man ; Chen, Dan ; Chen, Yi-Ru ; Eisenmann, Marc ; Flaminio, Raffaele ; Fong, Heather ; Fujikawa, Yuta ; Fujimoto, Yuya ; Hadiputrawan, I. ; Haino, Sadakazu ; Han, Wenbiao ; Hayama, Kazuhiro ; Himemoto, Yoshiaki ; Hirata, Naoatsu ; Hirose, Chiaki ; Ho, Tsung-Chieh ; Hsieh, Bin-Hua ; Hsieh, He-Feng ; Hsiung, Chia-Hsuan ; Huang, Hsiang-Yu ; Huang, Panwei ; Huang, Yao-Chin ; Huang, Yun-Jing ; Hui, David ; Inayoshi, Kohei ; Inoue, Yuki ; Itoh, Yousuke ; Jung, Pil-Jong ; Kajita, Takaaki ; Kamiizumi, Masahiro ; Kanda, Nobuyuki ; Kato, Takashi ; Kim, Chunglee ; Kim, Jaewan ; Kim, Young-Min ; Kobayashi, Yuichiro ; Kohri, Kazunori ; Kokeyama, Keiko ; Kong, Albert ; Koyama, Naoki ; Kozakai, Chihiro ; Kume, Jun’ya ; Kuroyanagi, Sachiko ; Kwak, Kyujin ; Lee, Eunsub ; Lee, Hyung ; Lee, Ray-Kuang ; Leonardi, Matteo ; Li, Kwan-Lok ; Li, Pengbo ; Lin, Lupin ; Lin, Chun-Yu ; Lin, En-Tzu ; Lin, Hong-Lin ; Liu, Guo-Chin ; Luo, Ling-Wei ; Ma’arif, Miftahul ; Michimura, Yuta ; Mio, Norikatsu ; Miyakawa, Osamu ; Miyo, Kouseki ; Miyoki, Shinji ; Morisue, Nozomi ; Nakamura, Kouji ; Nakano, Hiroyuki ; Nakano, Masayuki ; Narikawa, Tatsuya ; Quynh, Lan ; Nishimoto, Takumi ; Nishizawa, Atsushi ; Obayashi, Yoshihisa ; Oh, Kwangmin ; Ohashi, Masatake ; Ohashi, Tomoya ; Ohkawa, Masashi ; Okutani, Yoshihiro ; Oohara, Ken-ichi ; Oshino, Shoichi ; Pan, Kuo-Chuan ; Parisi, Alessandro ; Park, June ; Arellano, Fabián ; Saha, Surojit ; Sakai, Kazuki ; Sawada, Takahiro ; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro ; Shao, Lijing ; Shikano, Yutaka
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Galaxies, 2022-06, Vol.10 (3), p.63
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    Author / Creator:Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Dordrecht: Springer Nature B.V
    Journal title:Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy, 2007-03, Vol.97 (3), p.151-164
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    Author / Creator:Sato, Shuichi ; Nakamura, Takashi ; Tsubono, Kimio ; Araya, Akito ; Funaki, Ikkoh ; Ioka, Kunihito ; Kanda, Nobuyuki ; Moriwaki, Shigenori ; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro ; Numata, Kenji ; Sakai, Shin-ichiro ; Seto, Naoki ; Takashima, Takeshi ; Agatsuma, Kazuhiro ; Aoyanagi, Koh-suke ; Asada, Hideki ; Aso, Yoichi ; Chiba, Takeshi ; Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu ; Ejiri, Yumiko ; Eriguchi, Yoshiharu ; Fujimoto, Masa-Katsu ; Fujita, Ryuichi ; Fukushima, Mitsuhiro ; Futamase, Toshifumi ; Ganzu, Katsuhiko ; Harada, Tomohiro ; Hashimoto, Tatsuaki ; Hikida, Wataru ; Hiramatsu, Takashi ; Hong, Feng-Lei ; Hosokawa, Mizuhiko ; Ichiki, Kiyotomo ; Inoue, Kaiki T ; Ishidoshiro, Koji ; Ishihara, Hideki ; Ishizaki, Hideharu ; Itoh, Yousuke ; Kawashima, Nobuki ; Kishimoto, Naoko ; Kiuchi, Kenta ; Kohri, Kazunori ; Kojima, Yasufumi ; Kokuyama, Wataru ; Kotake, Kei ; Kozai, Yoshihide ; Kudoh, Hideaki ; Kunimori, Hiroo ; Kuninaka, Hitoshi ; Kuroda, Kazuaki ; Maeda, Kei-ichi ; Matsuhara, Hideo ; Mino, Yasushi ; Miyakawa, Osamu ; Miyoki, Shinji ; Morisawa, Toshiyuki ; Mukohyama, Shinji ; Naito, Isao ; Nakasuka, Shinichi ; Nishida, Erina ; Nishiyama, Kazutaka ; Noumi, Taiga ; Obuchi, Yoshiyuki ; Ohashi, Masatake ; Ohkawa, Masashi ; Okada, Norio ; Onozato, Kouji ; Oohara, Kenichi ; Saijo, Motoyuki ; Sakagami, Masaaki ; Sakata, Shihori ; Sasaki, Misao ; Sato, Takashi ; Shibata, Masaru ; Shinkai, Hisaaki ; Somiya, Kentaro ; Sotani, Hajime ; Sugiyama, Naoshi ; Suwa, Yudai ; Tagoshi, Hideyuki ; Takahashi, Fuminobu ; Takahashi, Kakeru ; Takahashi, Keitaro ; Takahashi, Ryuichi ; Takahashi, Tadayuki ; Takahashi, Hirotaka ; Akiteru, Takamori ; Taniguchi, Keisuke ; Taruya, Atsushi ; Torii, Yasuo ; Toyoshima, Morio ; Tsujikawa, Shinji ; Tsunesada, Yoshiki ; Ueda, Akitoshi ; Ueda, Ken-ichi ; Yamakawa, Hiroshi ; Yamazaki, Toshitaka ; Yokoyama, Jun'ichi ; Yoshida, Shijun ; Yoshino, Taizoh
    Publisher:Bristol: IOP Publishing
    Journal title:Journal of physics. Conference series, 2009-03, Vol.154 (1), p.012040
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    Author / Creator:Nakamura, Yuya ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2024-02
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    Author / Creator:Nakamura, Yuya ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2023-02
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    Author / Creator:Arimoto, Makoto ; Asada, Hideki ; Cherry, Michael L ; Fujii, Michiko S ; Fukazawa, Yasushi ; Harada, Akira ; Hayama, Kazuhiro ; Hosokawa, Takashi ; Ioka, Kunihito ; Itoh, Yoichi ; Kanda, Nobuyuki ; Kawabata, Koji S ; Kawaguchi, Kyohei ; Kawai, Nobuyuki ; Kobayashi, Tsutomu ; Kohri, Kazunori ; Koshio, Yusuke ; Kotake, Kei ; Kumamoto, Jun ; Machida, Masahiro N ; Matsufuru, Hideo ; Mihara, Tatehiro ; Mori, Masaki ; Morokuma, Tomoki ; Mukohyama, Shinji ; Nakano, Hiroyuki ; Narikawa, Tatsuya ; Negoro, Hitoshi ; Nishizawa, Atsushi ; Ohgami, Takayuki ; Omukai, Kazuyuki ; Sakamoto, Takanori ; Sako, Shigeyuki ; Sasada, Mahito ; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro ; Serino, Motoko ; Soda, Jiro ; Sugita, Satoshi ; Sumiyoshi, Kohsuke ; Susa, Hajime ; Suyama, Teruaki ; Takahashi, Hirotaka ; Takahashi, Kazuya ; Takiwaki, Tomoya ; Tanaka, Takahiro ; Tanaka, Masaomi ; Tanikawa, Ataru ; Tominaga, Nozomu ; Uchikata, Nami ; Utsumi, Yousuke ; Vagins, Mark R ; Yamada, Kei ; Yoshida, Michitoshi
    Publisher:Oxford: Oxford University Press
    Journal title:Progress of theoretical and experimental physics, 2023-10, Vol.2023 (10)
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    Author / Creator:Kuwahara, Naoto ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2022-07
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    Author / Creator:Kudo, Ryuya ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2022-03
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    Author / Creator:Takizawa, Keita ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2022-03
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    Author / Creator:Takizawa, Keita ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2021-05
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    Author / Creator:Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2017-11
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    Author / Creator:Kudo, Ryuya ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2024-09
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    Author / Creator:Kubo, Ryousuke ; Yamahira, Kakeru ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2023-02
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    Author / Creator:Takizawa, Keita ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2023-10
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    Author / Creator:Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Yamauchi, Kohei ; Yamamoto, Shun ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2023-12
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    Author / Creator:Yamada, Kei ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2018-01
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    Author / Creator:Kawamura, S ; Ando, M ; Tsubono, K ; Tanaka, T ; Seto, N ; Ioka, K ; Kanda, N ; Takashima, T ; Agatsuma, K ; Aoyanagi, Koh-Suke ; Arai, K ; Arase, Y ; Araya, A ; Asada, H ; Aso, Y ; Chiba, T ; Ebisuzaki, T ; Enoki, M ; Fujimoto, M-K ; Fujita, R ; Fukushima, M ; Ganzu, K ; Harada, T ; Hashimoto, T ; Hayama, K ; Hikida, W ; Himemoto, Y ; Hong, F-L ; Horisawa, H ; Hosokawa, M ; Ichiki, K ; Ikegami, T ; Ishidoshiro, K ; Ishihara, H ; Ishikawa, T ; Ishizaki, H ; Ito, H ; Itoh, Y ; Kamagasako, S ; Kawashima, N ; Kawazoe, F ; Kobayashi, S ; Koizumi, H ; Kojima, Y ; Kokeyama, K ; Kokuyama, W ; Kozai, Y ; Kudoh, H ; Kunimori, H ; Maeda, K-i ; Matsuhara, H ; Mino, Y ; Miyoki, S ; Morimoto, M Y ; Morioka, T ; Morisawa, T ; Moriwaki, S ; Mukohyama, S ; Musha, M ; Nagano, S ; Naito, I ; Nakagawa, N ; Nakamura, K ; Nakao, K ; Nakasuka, S ; Nakayama, Y ; Nishida, E ; Nishiyama, K ; Nishizawa, A ; Niwa, Y ; Ohashi, M ; Ohishi, N ; Ohkawa, M ; Okutomi, A ; Sago, N ; Saijo, M ; Sakata, S ; Sato, T ; Shibata, M ; Shinkai, H ; Somiya, K ; Sotani, H ; Sugiyama, N ; Suwa, Y ; Tagoshi, H ; Takahashi, H ; Takamori, A ; Takano, T ; Taniguchi, K ; Taruya, A ; Tashiro, H ; Tokuda, M ; Tsujikawa, S ; Ueda, K-i ; Utashima, M ; Yamakawa, H ; Yamamoto, K ; Yokoyama, J ; Yoo, C-M ; Yoshino, T
    Publisher:Bristol: IOP Publishing
    Journal title:Journal of physics. Conference series, 2008-07, Vol.122 (1), p.012006
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    Author / Creator:Takizawa, Keita ; Ono, Toshiaki ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2020-09
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    Author / Creator:Takizawa, Keita ; Ono, Toshiaki ; Asada, Hideki
    Publisher:Ithaca: Cornell University Library, arXiv.org
    Journal title:arXiv.org, 2020-05
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