4 results for Brulinski,+Patryk

4 results for Brulinski,+Patryk

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    Author / Creator:Brown, Janet E, Prof ; Royle, Kara-Louise, MSc ; Gregory, Walter, Prof ; Ralph, Christy, PhD ; Maraveyas, Anthony, Prof ; Din, Omar, MD ; Eisen, Timothy, Prof ; Nathan, Paul, Prof ; Powles, Tom, Prof ; Griffiths, Richard, FRCP ; Jones, Robert, Prof ; Vasudev, Naveen, PhD MBChB ; Wheater, Matthew, FRCP PhD ; Hamid, Abdel, FRCR MSc ; Waddell, Tom, MD ; McMenemin, Rhona, MSc FRCR ; Patel, Poulam, Prof ; Larkin, James, Prof ; Faust, Guy, MD ; Martin, Adam, PhD ; Swain, Jayne, PhD ; Bestall, Janine, PhD ; McCabe, Christopher, Prof ; Meads, David, PhD ; Goh, Vicky, Prof ; Min Wah, Tze, Prof ; Brown, Julia, Prof ; Hewison, Jenny, Prof ; Selby, Peter, Prof ; Collinson, Fiona, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-03, Vol.24 (3), p.213-227
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    Author / Creator:Attard, Gerhardt, Prof ; Murphy, Laura, PhD ; Clarke, Noel W, Prof ; Sachdeva, Ashwin, PhD ; Jones, Craig, FRCS ; Hoyle, Alex, FRCS ; Cross, William, FRCS ; Jones, Robert J, Prof ; Parker, Christopher C, Prof ; Gillessen, Silke, Prof ; Cook, Adrian, MSc ; Brawley, Chris, MSc ; Gilson, Clare, MD ; Rush, Hannah, MRCP ; Abdel-Aty, Hoda, FRCR ; Amos, Claire L, PhD ; Murphy, Claire, BSc ; Chowdhury, Simon, PhD ; Malik, Zafar, FRCR ; Russell, J Martin, FRCR ; Parkar, Nazia, BSc ; Pugh, Cheryl, MSc ; Diaz-Montana, Carlos, MSc ; Pezaro, Carmel, DMedSc ; Grant, Warren, FRCR ; Saxby, Helen, FRCR ; Pedley, Ian, FRCR ; O'Sullivan, Joe M, Prof ; Birtle, Alison, Prof ; Gale, Joanna, FRCR ; Srihari, Narayanan, FRCR ; Thomas, Carys, FRCR ; Tanguay, Jacob, FRCR ; Wagstaff, John, ChB ; Das, Prantik, FRCR ; Gray, Emma, FRCR ; Alzouebi, Mymoona, FRCR ; Parikh, Omi, FRCR ; Robinson, Angus, FRCR ; Montazeri, Amir H, FRCR ; Wylie, James, FRCR ; Zarkar, Anjali, FRCR ; Cathomas, Richard, MD ; Brown, Michael D, PhD ; Jain, Yatin, FRCR ; Dearnaley, David P, Prof ; Mason, Malcolm D, FRCR ; Gilbert, Duncan, PhD ; Langley, Ruth E, Prof ; Millman, Robin ; Matheson, David, PhD ; Sydes, Matthew R, Prof ; Brown, Louise C, Prof ; Parmar, Mahesh K B, Prof ; James, Nicholas D, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2023-05, Vol.24 (5), p.443-456
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    Author / Creator:Gaya, Andrew ; Brulinski, Patryk ; Morris, Stephen L. ; Ball, Kim A. ; Greener, Anthony G. ; Corcoran, Sue ; Henrys, Anthony ; Landau, David B. ; Mikhaeel, George ; Leslie, Martin D. ; Winship, Anna Z.
    Publisher:Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
    Journal title:Journal of radiotherapy in practice, 2014-12, Vol.13 (4), p.403-409
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    Author / Creator:Attard, Gerhardt ; Murphy, Laura ; Clarke, Noel W ; Jones, Robert J ; Cook, Adrian ; Brawley, Chris ; Amos, Claire L ; Atako, Nafisah ; Chowdhury, Simon ; Russell, J Martin ; Gilson, Clare ; Rush, Hannah ; Bowen, Jo ; O'Sullivan, Joe M ; Birtle, Alison ; Gale, Joanna ; Srihari, Narayanan ; Tanguay, Jacob ; Gray, Emma ; Alzoueb, Mymoona ; Parikh, Omi ; Robinson, Angus ; Syndikus, Isabel ; Wylie, James ; Thalmann, George ; Dearnaley, David P ; Mason, Malcolm D ; Gilbert, Duncan ; Sydes, Matthew R ; Brown, Louise C ; Parmar, Mahesh K B ; Jones, Elin ; Hyde, Katherine ; Glen, Hilary ; Needleman, Sarah ; McGovern, Ursula ; Sheehan, Denise ; Paisey, Sangeeta ; Shaffer, Richard ; Beresford, Mark ; Malik, Zafar ; Zarkar, Anjali ; Porfiri, Emilio ; Brock, Sue ; Bahl, Amit ; Smith-Howell, Mike ; Woodward, Cathryn ; Phan, Mau-Don ; Mazhar, Danish ; Hamid, Abdel ; Ibrahim, Azman ; Muthukumar, Dakshinamoorthy ; Worlding, Jane ; Kagzi, Mohammed ; Pezaro, Carmel ; Keng-Koh, Pek ; McLaren, Duncan ; Gupta, Nishi ; Boussios, Stergios ; Taylor, Henry ; Perna, Carla ; Grant, Warren ; Sabharwal, Ami ; Hofmann, Uschi ; Dealey, Robert ; Brierly, Robert ; Capaldi, Lisa ; Vivekanandan, Sindu ; Tipples, Karen ; Afshar, Mehran ; Brulinski, Patryk ; Sangar, Vijay ; Peedell, Clive ; Mullassery, Viwod ; Protheroe, Andrew ; Tarver, Kathryn ; Gibbs, Stephanie ; Khan, Mohammad Muneeb ; Hingorani, Mohan ; Crabb, Simon ; Bhalla, Neeraj ; Logue, John ; Leaning, Darren ; Vengalil, Salil ; Ford, Daniel ; Walker, Georgina ; Shaheen, Ahmed ; Chan, Andrew ; Ahmed, Imtiaz ; Hilman, Serena ; Sayers, Ian ; Porter, Tim ; Joseph, Joji ; Rentsch, Cyrill ; Roggero, Enrico ; Beyer, Jörg ; Strebel, Raeto ; Engeler, Daniel ; John, Hubert ; Durr, Donat
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2022-01, Vol.399 (10323), p.447-460
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