21 results for Bucagu,+Maurice

21 results for Bucagu,+Maurice

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    Author / Creator:Noguchi, Lisa ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Tunçalp, Özge
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:BMJ global health, 2023-05, Vol.8 (5), p.e011170
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    Author / Creator:Barreix, Maria ; Lawrie, Theresa A ; Kidula, Nancy ; Tall, Fatim ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Chahar, Ram ; Tunçalp, Özge
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Health research policy and systems, 2020-06, Vol.18 (1), p.70-70, Article 70
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    Author / Creator:Vogel, Joshua P ; Dowswell, Therese ; Lewin, Simon ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Hampson, Lynn ; Kellie, Frances ; Portela, Anayda ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Norris, Susan L ; Neilson, James ; Gülmezoglu, Ahmet Metin ; Oladapo, Olufemi T
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:BMJ global health, 2019-08, Vol.4 (4), p.e001683
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    Author / Creator:Tuncalp, Özge ; Rogers, Lisa M ; Lawrie, Theresa Anne ; Barreix, María ; Peña-Rosas, Juan Pablo ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Neilson, James ; Oladapo, Olufemi T
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
    Journal title:BMJ global health, 2020-07, Vol.5 (7), p.e003375
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    Author / Creator:Tamburlini, Giorgio ; Bacci, Alberta ; Daniele, Marina ; Hodorogea, Stelian ; Jeckaite, Dalia ; Siupsinskas, Gelmius ; Valente, Emanuelle Pessa ; Stillo, Paola ; Vezzini, Francesca ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Lincetto, Ornella
    Publisher:Scotland: Edinburgh University Global Health Society
    Journal title:Journal of global health, 2020-12, Vol.10 (2), p.020432-020432
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    Author / Creator:Tamburlini, Giorgio ; Bacci, Alberta ; Daniele, Marina ; Hodorogea, Stelian ; Jeckaite, Dalia ; Maciulevicius, Audrius ; Valente, Emanuelle Pessa ; Siupsinskas, Gelmius ; Uxa, Fabio ; Vezzini, Francesca ; Lincetto, Ornella ; Bucagu, Maurice
    Publisher:Scotland: Edinburgh University Global Health Society
    Journal title:Journal of global health, 2020-12, Vol.10 (2), p.020433-020433
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    Author / Creator:Bucagu, Maurice ; Muganda, John
    Publisher:Uganda: The African Field Epidemiology Network
    Journal title:The Pan African medical journal, 2014, Vol.18 (59), p.59-59
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    Author / Creator:Opiyo, Newton ; Kingdon, Carol ; Oladapo, Olufemi T ; Souza, João Paulo ; Vogel, Joshua P ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Portela, Anayda ; McConville, Frances ; Downe, Soo ; Gülmezoglu, Ahmet Metin ; Betrán, Ana Pilar
    Publisher:Switzerland: World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2020-01, Vol.98 (1), p.66-68
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    Author / Creator:Lattof, Samantha R ; Tunçalp, Özge ; Moran, Allisyn C ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Chou, Doris ; Diaz, Theresa ; Gülmezoglu, Ahmet Metin
    Publisher:England: BMJ Publishing Group
    Journal title:BMJ open, 2019-04, Vol.9 (4), p.e024130-e024130
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    Author / Creator:Betrán, Ana Pilar ; Torloni, Maria Regina ; Althabe, Fernando ; Altieri, Elena ; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam ; Ashraf, Fatema ; Bailey, Patricia ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Clark, Emma ; Changizi, Nasrin ; Churchill, Robyn ; Dominico, Sunday ; Downe, Soo ; Draycott, Tim ; Faye, Arfang ; Feeley, Claire ; Geelhoed, Diederike ; Gherissi, Atf ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Grupta, Gagan ; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie ; Hanson, Claudia ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Hassan, Lubna ; Hofmeyr, George Justus ; Jayathilaka, Anoma Chandani ; Kabore, Charles ; Kidula, Nancy ; Kingdon, Carol ; Kuzmenko, Oleg ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Mola, Glen Dl ; Moran, Allisyn ; de Muncio, Bremen ; Nolens, Barbara ; Opiyo, Newton ; Pattinson, Robert C ; Romero, Mariana ; van Roosmalen, Jos ; Siaulys, Monica M ; Camelo, Jose Simon ; Smith, Jeffrey ; Sobel, Howard L ; Sobhy, Soha ; Sosa, Claudio ; Souza, Joao Paulo ; Ten Hoope-Bender, Petra ; Thangaratinam, Shakila ; Varallo, John ; Wright, Alison ; Yates, Ann ; Oladapo, Olufemi O
    Publisher:Switzerland: World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2023-11, Vol.101 (11), p.723-729
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    Author / Creator:Betran, Ana Pilar ; Torloni, Maria Regina ; Althabe, Fernando ; Altieri, Elena ; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam ; Ashraf, Fatema ; Bailey, Patricia ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Clark, Emma ; Changizi, Nasrin ; Churchill, Robyn ; Dominico, Sunday ; Downe, Soo ; Draycott, Downe Tim ; Faye, Arfang ; Feeley, Claire ; Geelhoed, Diederike ; Gherissi, Atf ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Grupta, Gagan ; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie ; Hanson, Claudia ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Hassan, Lubna ; Hofmeyr, George Justus ; Jayathilaka, Anoma Chandani ; Kabore, Charles ; Kidula, Nancy ; Kingdon, Carol ; Kuzmenko, Oleg ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Mola, Glen D.L ; Moran, Allisyn ; de Muncio, Bremen ; Nolens, Barbara ; Opiyo, Newton ; Pattinson, Robert C ; Romero, Mariana ; van Roosmalen, Jos ; Siaulys, Monica M ; Camelo, Jose Simon ; Smith, Jeffrey ; Sobel, Howard L ; Sobhy, Soha ; Sosa, Claudio ; Souza, Joao Paulo ; Hoope-Bender, Petra ten ; Thangaratinam, Shakila ; Varallo, John ; Wright, Alison ; Yates, Ann ; Oladapo, Olufemi O
    Publisher:World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2023-11, Vol.101 (11), p.723
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    Author / Creator:Thorson, Anna E ; Foeller, Megan E ; Caluwaerts, Severine ; Ribeiro do Valle, Carolina ; Crozier, Ian ; Deen, Gibrilla ; Dixit, Devika ; Godwin, Chrissy ; Okong, Pius ; Esteves Soeiro, Rachel ; Sousa, João Paulo ; van Herp, Michel ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Costa, Alejandro ; Foeller, Megan ; Formenty, Pierre ; Gill, Roopan ; Kim, Caron ; Kini, Brigitte ; Legand, Anais ; Oladapo, Olufemi ; Ouedraogo, Leopold ; Perkins, Mark ; Thorson, Anne ; Titulaer, Patricia
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2020-07, Vol.20 (7), p.766-767
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    Author / Creator:Abalos, Edgardo ; Adanu, Richard ; Bernitz, Stine ; Binfa, Lorena ; Dao, Blami ; Downe, Soo ; Hofmeyr, Justus G. ; Homer, Caroline S. E. ; Hundley, Vanora ; GaladanciGogoi, Hadiza Aparajita ; Lavender, Tina ; Lissauer, David ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Pattinson, Robert ; Qureshi, Zahida ; Stringer, Jeffrey S. A. ; Pujar, Yeshita V. ; Vogel, Joshua P. ; Yunis, Khalid ; Nkurunziza, Triphonie ; De Mucio, Bremen ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Jayathilaka, Anoma ; Aderoba, Adeniyi Kolade ; Pingray, Veronica ; Althabe, Fernando ; Betran, Ana Pilar ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Oladapo, Olufemi ; Souza, João Paulo
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Reproductive health, 2023-04, Vol.20 (1), p.57-57, Article 57
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    Author / Creator:Bucagu, Maurice ; Kagubare, Jean M ; Basinga, Paulin ; Ngabo, Fidèle ; Timmons, Barbara K ; Lee, Angela C
    Publisher:Netherlands: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:Reproductive health matters, 2012-06, Vol.20 (39), p.50-61
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    Author / Creator:Kouanda, Seni ; Ouedraogo, Adja M ; Sogo, Armel E ; Bagaya, Ouahabou ; Sorgho, Tilado E. V ; Hien, Yelmali C ; Gbenou, Dina V ; Sawadogo Windsouri, S. Ramatou ; Zoungrana, Wilfried ; Dadjoari, Moussa ; Zombré Sanou, Valerie M ; Usmanova, Gulnoza ; Jain, Yashpal ; Chahar, Ram ; Kumar, Somesh ; Kumar, S. V. Vinod ; Srivastava, Ashish ; Nair, Tapas Sadasivan ; Sarkar, Abu H ; Bajpai, Nitin ; Patwardhan, Vaibhav ; Joshi, Chandra Shekhar ; Chotiya, Manish ; Baswal, Dinesh ; Musange, Sabine ; Sayinzoga, Felix ; Mutabazi, Vincent ; Murindahabi, Nathalie K ; Nzeyimana, David ; Rwabufigiri, Bernard Ngabo ; Kabuteni, Theopista J ; Mugabo, Maria ; Mbizvo, Michael ; Chizuni, Caren ; Chelwa, Nachela ; Muliokela, Rosemary ; Phiri, Chifundo ; Kasonda, Kondwani ; Okpara, Natasha ; Nyirenda, Muyereka ; Malumo, Sarai B ; Mwiche, Angel ; Simushi, Virginia ; Nsubuga Bakyaita, Nathan ; Barreix, María ; Tunçalp, üzge ; Thwin, Soe Soe ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Tamrat, Tigest ; Habib, Ndema ; Lefevre, Amnesty E ; Lorencatto, Fabiana
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Health research policy and systems, 2023-08, Vol.21 (1), p.82-14, Article 82
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    Author / Creator:Betrán, Ana Pilar ; Torloni, Maria Regina ; Althabe, Fernando ; Altieri, Elena ; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam ; Ashraf, Fatema ; Bailey, Patricia ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Clark, Emma ; Changizi, Nasrin ; Churchill, Robyn ; Dominico, Sunday ; Downe, Soo ; Draycott, Tim ; Faye, Arfang ; Feeley, Claire ; Geelhoed, Diederike ; Gherissi, Atf ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Grupta, Gagan ; Hailegebriel, Tedbabe Degefie ; Hanson, Claudia ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Hassan, Lubna ; Hofmeyr, George Justus ; Jayathilaka, Anoma Chandani ; Kabore, Charles ; Kidula, Nancy ; Kingdon, Carol ; Kuzmenko, Oleg ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Mola, Glen DL ; Moran, Allisyn ; De mundo, Bremen ; Nolens, Barbara ; Opiyo, Newton ; Pattinson, Robert C ; Romero, Mariana ; Van roosmalen, Jos ; Siaulys, Monica M ; Camelo, Jose Simon ; Smith, Jeffrey ; Sobel, Howard L ; Sobhy, Soha ; Sosa, Claudio ; Souza, Joao Paulo ; Hoope-Bender, Petra Ten ; Thangaratinam, Shakila ; Varallo, John ; Wright, Alison ; Yates, Ann ; Oladapo, Olufemi O
    Publisher:Geneva: World Health Organization
    Journal title:Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2023-11, Vol.101 (11), p.723-729
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    Author / Creator:Bucagu, Maurice ; Bizimana, Jean de Dieu ; Muganda, John ; Humblet, Claire Perrine
    Publisher:England: BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Archives of public health = Archives belges de santé publique, 2013-02, Vol.71 (1), p.4-4, Article 4
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    Author / Creator:Bucagu, Maurice ; Kagubare, Jean ; Basinga, Paulin ; Ngabo, FidA"le ; Timmons, Barbara ; Lee, Angela
    Journal title:Reproductive health matters, 2012-06, Vol.20 (39), p.50-61
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    Author / Creator:Abalos, Edgardo ; Adanu, Richard ; Bernitz, Stine ; Binfa, Lorena ; Dao, Blami ; Downe, Soo ; Hofmeyr, Justus G ; Homer, Caroline S. E ; Hundley, Vanora ; GaladanciGogoi, Hadiza Aparajita ; Lavender, Tina ; Lissauer, David ; Lumbiganon, Pisake ; Pattinson, Robert ; Qureshi, Zahida ; Stringer, Jeffrey S. A ; Pujar, Yeshita V ; Vogel, Joshua P ; Yunis, Khalid ; Nkurunziza, Triphonie ; De Mucio, Bremen ; Gholbzouri, Karima ; Jayathilaka, Anoma ; Aderoba, Adeniyi Kolade ; Pingray, Veronica ; Althabe, Fernando ; Betran, Ana Pilar ; Bonet, Mercedes ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Oladapo, Olufemi ; Souza, João Paulo
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Reproductive Health, 2023, Vol.20 (1)
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    Author / Creator:Kouanda, Seni ; Ouedraogo, Adja M ; Sogo, Armel E ; Bagaya, Ouahabou ; Sorgho, Tilado E. V ; Hien, Yelmali C ; Gbenou, Dina V ; Sawadogo Windsouri, S. Ramatou ; Zoungrana, Wilfried ; Dadjoari, Moussa ; Zombré Sanou, Valerie M ; Usmanova, Gulnoza ; Jain, Yashpal ; Chahar, Ram ; Kumar, Somesh ; Kumar, S. V. Vinod ; Srivastava, Ashish ; Nair, Tapas Sadasivan ; Sarkar, Abu H ; Bajpai, Nitin ; Patwardhan, Vaibhav ; Joshi, Chandra Shekhar ; Chotiya, Manish ; Baswal, Dinesh ; Musange, Sabine ; Sayinzoga, Felix ; Mutabazi, Vincent ; Murindahabi, Nathalie K ; Nzeyimana, David ; Rwabufigiri, Bernard Ngabo ; Kabuteni, Theopista J ; Mugabo, Maria ; Mbizvo, Michael ; Chizuni, Caren ; Chelwa, Nachela ; Muliokela, Rosemary ; Phiri, Chifundo ; Kasonda, Kondwani ; Okpara, Natasha ; Nyirenda, Muyereka ; Malumo, Sarai B ; Mwiche, Angel ; Simushi, Virginia ; Nsubuga Bakyaita, Nathan ; Barreix, María ; Tunçalp, üzge ; Thwin, Soe Soe ; Bucagu, Maurice ; Tamrat, Tigest ; Habib, Ndema ; Lefevre, Amnesty E ; Lorencatto, Fabiana
    Publisher:BioMed Central Ltd
    Journal title:Health Research Policy and Systems, 2023, Vol.21 (1)
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