2 results for Cheung,+Kwok-Leung,+MD

2 results for Cheung,+Kwok-Leung,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Robertson, John F R, Prof ; Bondarenko, Igor M, Prof ; Trishkina, Ekaterina, PhD ; Dvorkin, Mikhail, MD ; Panasci, Lawrence, Prof ; Manikhas, Alexey, MD ; Shparyk, Yaroslav, PhD ; Cardona-Huerta, Servando, PhD ; Cheung, Kwok-Leung, MD ; Philco-Salas, Manuel Jesus, MD ; Ruiz-Borrego, Manuel, MD ; Shao, Zhimin, Prof ; Noguchi, Shinzaburo, Prof ; Rowbottom, Jacqui, MSc ; Stuart, Mary, MD ; Grinsted, Lynda M, MSc ; Fazal, Mehdi, MD ; Ellis, Matthew J, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet (British edition), 2016-12, Vol.388 (10063), p.2997-3005
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    Author / Creator:Johnston, Stephen RD, Prof ; Kilburn, Lucy S, MSc ; Ellis, Paul, Prof ; Dodwell, David, Prof ; Cameron, David, Prof ; Hayward, Larry, MD ; Im, Young-Hyuck, MD ; Braybrooke, Jeremy P, MD ; Brunt, A Murray, MD ; Cheung, Kwok-Leung, MD ; Jyothirmayi, Rema, MD ; Robinson, Anne, MD ; Wardley, Andrew M, MD ; Wheatley, Duncan, MD ; Howell, Anthony, Prof ; Coombes, Gill, RGN ; Sergenson, Nicole, BSc ; Sin, Hui-Jung, BSc ; Folkerd, Elizabeth, PhD ; Dowsett, Mitch, Prof ; Bliss, Judith M, Prof
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2013-09, Vol.14 (10), p.989-998
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