1 results for Chuang,+Ting-Wu,+PhD

1 results for Chuang,+Ting-Wu,+PhD

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    ArticlesPeer ReviewedFull Text

    Author / Creator:Stanaway, Jeffrey D, Dr ; Shepard, Donald S, Prof ; Undurraga, Eduardo A, PhD ; Halasa, Yara A, DDS ; Coffeng, Luc E, PhD ; Brady, Oliver J, DPhil ; Hay, Simon I, Prof ; Bedi, Neeraj, Prof ; Bensenor, Isabela M, PhD ; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A, MD ; Chuang, Ting-Wu, PhD ; Gibney, Katherine B, FRACP ; Memish, Ziad A, Prof ; Rafay, Anwar, MS ; Ukwaja, Kingsley N, MD ; Yonemoto, Naohiro, MPH ; Murray, Christopher J L, Prof
    Publisher:United States: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The Lancet infectious diseases, 2016-06, Vol.16 (6), p.712-723
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