6 results for Cortes,+Jorge,+MD

6 results for Cortes,+Jorge,+MD

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    Author / Creator:Perl, Alexander E, MD ; Altman, Jessica K, MD ; Cortes, Jorge, MD ; Smith, Catherine, MD ; Litzow, Mark, MD ; Baer, Maria R, MD ; Claxton, David, Prof ; Erba, Harry P, Prof ; Gill, Stan, PhD ; Goldberg, Stuart, MD ; Jurcic, Joseph G, Prof ; Larson, Richard A, Prof ; Liu, Chaofeng, PhD ; Ritchie, Ellen, MD ; Schiller, Gary, MD ; Spira, Alexander I, MD ; Strickland, Stephen A, MD ; Tibes, Raoul, MD ; Ustun, Celalettin, MD ; Wang, Eunice S, Prof ; Stuart, Robert, Prof ; Röllig, Christoph, MD ; Neubauer, Andreas, Prof ; Martinelli, Giovanni, Prof ; Bahceci, Erkut, MD ; Levis, Mark, Dr
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2017-08, Vol.18 (8), p.1061-1075
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    Author / Creator:Kantarjian, Hagop, Prof ; Thomas, Deborah, MD ; Jorgensen, Jeffrey, MD ; Jabbour, Elias, MD ; Kebriaei, Partow, MD ; Rytting, Michael, MD ; York, Sergernne, RN ; Ravandi, Farhad, MD ; Kwari, Monica, RN ; Faderl, Stefan, MD ; Rios, Mary Beth, RN ; Cortes, Jorge, MD ; Fayad, Luis, MD ; Tarnai, Robert, PhD ; Wang, Sa A, MD ; Champlin, Richard, MD ; Advani, Anjali, MD ; O'Brien, Susan, MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Ltd
    Journal title:The lancet oncology, 2012-04, Vol.13 (4), p.403-411
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    Author / Creator:Tefferi, Ayalew, MD ; Kantarjian, Hagop, MD ; Rajkumar, S. Vincent, MD ; Baker, Lawrence H., DO ; Adamson, John W., MD ; Advani, Ranjana Hira, MD ; Allison, James, MD ; Antman, Karen H., MD ; Bast, Robert C., MD ; Bennett, John M., MD ; Benz, Edward J., MD ; Berliner, Nancy, MD ; Bhatia, Ravi, MD ; Bhatia, Smita, MD ; Bhojwani, Deepa, MD ; Blanke, Charles D., MD ; Bloomfield, Clara D., MD ; Bosserman, Linda, MD ; Byrd, John C., MD ; Cabanillas, Fernando, MD ; Canellos, George Peter, MD ; Chabner, Bruce A., MD ; Chanan-Khan, Asher, MD ; Cheson, Bruce, MD ; Cohn, Susan L., MD ; Colon-Otero, Gerardo, MD ; Cortes, Jorge, MD ; Coutre, Steven, MD ; Cristofanilli, Massimo, MD ; Curran, Walter J., MD ; Daley, George Q., MD, PhD ; DeAngelo, Daniel J., MD, PhD ; Deeg, H. Joachim, MD ; Einhorn, Lawrence H., MD ; Erba, Harry P., MD, PhD ; Esteva, Francisco J., MD, PhD ; Estey, Elihu, MD ; Fidler, Isaiah J., DVM, PhD ; Foran, James, MD ; Forman, Stephen, MD ; Freireich, Emil, MD ; Fuchs, Charles, MD, MPH ; George, James N., MD ; Gertz, Morie A., MD ; Golomb, Harvey, MD ; Greenberg, Peter, MD ; Gutterman, Jordan, MD ; Handin, Robert I., MD ; Hoff, Paulo Marcelo, MD ; Hoffman, Ronald, MD ; Horowitz, Mary, MD, MS ; Hortobagyi, Gabriel N., MD ; Hudis, Clifford, MD ; Issa, Jean Pierre, MD ; Kantoff, Philip W., MD ; Kaushansky, Kenneth, MD ; Khayat, David, MD, PhD ; Kipps, Thomas J., MD, PhD ; Kripke, Margaret, PhD ; Kyle, Robert A., MD ; Larson, Richard A., MD ; Lawrence, Theodore S., MD, PhD ; Link, Michael P., MD ; Lippman, Scott M., MD ; Lonial, Sagar, MD ; Lyman, Gary H., MD, MPH ; Markman, Maurie, MD ; Messinger, Yoav, MD ; Mulvey, Therese M., MD ; Perez-Soler, Roman, MD ; Pollock, Raphael, MD, PhD ; Prchal, Josef, MD ; Press, Oliver, MD, PhD ; Radich, Jerald, MD ; Rai, Kanti, MD ; Rosenberg, Saul A., MD ; Rugo, Hope, MD ; Runowicz, Carolyn D., MD ; Sandmaier, Brenda M., MD ; Saven, Alan, MD ; Schafer, Andrew I., MD ; Schiffer, Charles, MD ; Sekeres, Mikkael A., MD, MS ; Silver, Richard T., MD ; Siu, Lillian L., MD ; Steensma, David P., MD ; Stewart, F. Marc, MD ; Stock, Wendy, MD, MA ; Stone, Richard, MD ; Storb, Rainer, MD ; Strong, Louise C., MD ; Tallman, Martin S., MD ; Thompson, Michael, MD, PhD ; Ueno, Naoto T., MD, PhD ; Van Etten, Richard A., MD, PhD ; Vose, Julie M., MD, MBA ; Wiernik, Peter H., MD ; Younes, Anas, MD ; Zelenetz, Andrew D., MD, PhD ; LeMaistre, Charles A., MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Mayo Clinic proceedings, 2015-08, Vol.90 (8), p.996-1000
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    Author / Creator:Cortes, Jorge, MD
    Publisher:Canada: CMA Joule Inc
    Journal title:Canadian Medical Association journal (CMAJ), 2012-05, Vol.184 (8), p.857-858
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    Author / Creator:Thompson, Philip A., MBBS ; Kantarjian, Hagop M., MD ; Cortes, Jorge E., MD
    Publisher:England: Elsevier Inc
    Journal title:Mayo Clinic proceedings, 2015-10, Vol.90 (10), p.1440-1454
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    Author / Creator:Jabbour, Elias, MD ; Cortes, Jorge E., MD ; Kantarjian, Hagop M., MD
    Publisher:Rochester, MN: Mayo Foundation
    Journal title:Mayo Clinic proceedings, 2009-02, Vol.84 (2), p.161-169
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