11 results for Custodio+de+Souza,+Gisele

11 results for Custodio+de+Souza,+Gisele

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    Author / Creator:Sales, Priscila Faimann ; Nascimento, Aline Lopes do ; Pinheiro, Fernanda Cavalcante ; Alberto, Andressa Ketelem Meireles ; Teixeira Dos Santos, Abrahão Victor Tavares de Lima ; Carvalho, Helison de Oliveira ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2023-09, Vol.28 (18), p.6689
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    Author / Creator:de Souza, Agerdânio Andrade ; Ortíz, Brenda Lorena Sánchez ; de Carvalho Rocha Koga, Rosemary ; Sales, Priscila Faimann ; da Cunha, Divino Bruno ; Guerra, Ana Luiza Mantovaneli ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2021-12, Vol.26 (24), p.7661
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    Author / Creator:dos Santos, Cleydson Breno Rodrigues ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares ; Ferreira, Irlon Maciel ; Barbosa, Wagner Luiz Ramos ; de Oliveira, Monaliza Maia Rebelo ; da Silva, Ianna Dias Ribeiro ; Ferreira, Adriana Maciel ; Viana, Muller Duarte ; Matias Pereira, Arlindo César ; de Souza, Gisele Custodio ; Silva, Luciane Barros
    Publisher:Cairo, Egypt: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
    Journal title:Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, 2019-01, Vol.2019 (2019), p.1-19
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    Author / Creator:Custodio de Souza, Gisele ; Dias Ribeiro da Silva, Ianna ; Duarte Viana, Muller ; Costa de Melo, Nayara ; Sánchez-Ortiz, Brenda Lorena ; Maia Rebelo de Oliveira, Monaliza ; Ramos Barbosa, Wagner ; Maciel Ferreira, Irlon ; Tavares Carvalho, José Carlos
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), 2019-11, Vol.12 (4), p.173
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    Author / Creator:de Carvalho Rocha Koga, Rosemary ; Custodio de Souza, Gisele ; Tavares de Lima Teixeira, Abrahão Victor ; Ferreira, Adriana Maciel ; Sánchez-Ortiz, Brenda Lorena ; Silva Abreu, Lucas ; Fechine Tavares, Josean ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:England: Taylor & Francis Ltd
    Journal title:Pharmaceutical biology, 2024-12, Vol.62 (1), p.577-591
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    Author / Creator:de Souza, Agerdânio Andrade ; Ortíz, Brenda Lorena Sánchez ; Borges, Swanny Ferreira ; Pinto, Andria Vanessa Pena ; Ramos, Ryan da Silva ; Pena, Igor Colares ; Rocha Koga, Rosemary de Carvalho ; Batista, Carla Estefani ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; Ferreira, Adriana Maciel ; Duvoisin Junior, Sergio ; Tavares Carvalho, José Carlos
    Publisher:Switzerland: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-11, Vol.27 (22), p.7741
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    Author / Creator:da Rocha, Clarice Flexa ; Flexa, Camila de Nazaré Nunes ; de Souza, Gisele Custodio ; Pereira, Arlindo César Matias ; Carvalho, Helison de Oliveira ; do Nascimento, Aline Lopes ; de Jesus Vasconcelos, Natasha Juliana Perdigão ; da Silva, Heitor Ribeiro ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-11, Vol.15 (11), p.1434
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    Author / Creator:Tomazi, Rosana ; Figueira, Ângela Costa ; Ferreira, Adriana Maciel ; Ferreira, Diego Quaresma ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; de Souza Pinheiro, Wandson Braamcamp ; Pinheiro Neto, José Rodrigues ; da Silva, Geilson Alcantara ; de Lima, Henrique Barros ; da Silva Hage-Melim, Lorane Izabel ; Pereira, Arlindo César Matias ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares ; da Silva de Almeida, Sheylla Susan Moreira
    Publisher:Basel: MDPI AG
    Journal title:Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland), 2021-08, Vol.14 (9), p.856
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    Author / Creator:Sales, Priscila Faimann ; Nascimento, Aline Lopes do ; Pinheiro, Fernanda Cavalcante ; Alberto, Andressa Ketelem Meireles ; Teixeira dos Santos, Abrahão Victor Tavares de Lima ; Carvalho, Helison de Oliveira ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:MDPI AG
    Journal title:Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2023-09, Vol.28 (18)
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    Author / Creator:de Souza, Agerdânio Andrade ; Ortíz, Brenda Lorena Sánchez ; Borges, Swanny Ferreira ; Pinto, Andria Vanessa Pena ; Ramos, Ryan da Silva ; Pena, Igor Colares ; Rocha Koga, Rosemary de Carvalho ; Batista, Carla Estefani ; de Souza, Gisele Custódio ; Ferreira, Adriana Maciel ; Duvoisin Junior, Sergio ; Tavares Carvalho, José Carlos
    Publisher:MDPI AG
    Journal title:Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-11, Vol.27 (22)
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    ReportsFull Text

    Author / Creator:da Rocha, Clarice Flexa ; Flexa, Camila de Nazaré Nunes ; de Souza, Gisele Custodio ; Pereira, Arlindo César Matias ; Carvalho, Helison de Oliveira ; do Nascimento, Aline Lopes ; de Jesus Vasconcelos, Natasha Juliana Perdigão ; da Silva, Heitor Ribeiro ; Carvalho, José Carlos Tavares
    Publisher:MDPI AG
    Journal title:Pharmaceuticals, 2022, Vol.15 (11)
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